WWT - Oles European flights! [Concluded]

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WWT - Oles European flights! [Concluded] Expand / Collapse
Posted Thursday, October 02, 2008 7:51:28 AM

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SquadronLeader (10/2/2008)
Sounds like a great set up Joe! My lair is the double garage, which I've never soiled with cars...

Don't have a home cinema, but I've got some pretty cool flight sim hardware...

You guys really know how to bring a fellow down huh? I have a corner in the livingroom, where I put all my flightstuff...

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2487
Posted Friday, October 03, 2008 2:56:19 AM

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Ah but when you put on your headphones, rest your feet on the pedals (soon to arrive), take the yoke (soon to arrive) in your hands and gaze out into the wild blue yonder - you're the captain of your very own multi-million dollar machine, flying higher and faster than any bird and, erm, because it's a simulator... you get to have a beer too if you like!

Not bad!

With FSFS you also get the option to be flying a rusty bucket of bolts held together with chewing gum whilst being shouted at by 5 different people!

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

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Post #2491
Posted Sunday, October 05, 2008 12:19:41 AM

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Leg 22:

LHBP (Budapest - Hungary) to LGAV (Athens - Greece)

OK. couple days of celebrating my landingscore, and then it was back up on the horse. Have an appointment in London on the 10. of October, so gotta go to Athens now. Cannot wait to use the big pool, the ocean that is. and the warm sand. Lets head out Smith.

Well leaving Hungary was sad. Such a great place, and cheap beer.                 And cheap houses. Perhaps I should live here.                                               But today is for flying, so goodbye!

Lots of mountains in eastern Europe, and heading towards the Mediterranean.           Well later perhaps.                                                   The Alps? Snowey things those...

And the everongoing clouds are building. Smith, can you guide me?                     Instrument flying, great I love that.                                 Or we could go below. No mountains here.

Ahh - the Mediterranean sea. Maybe I should just find a Greek Island                                    And live there!                                            Skiathos, or Hydra or Kos or....

But this is not a waterplane, so lets hit dry land.                           And possibly an airport - ok there is one.                               It´s even Athens, so lets get down on it!

Look Smith, the Colloseum, (gotta take his eyes off my landing)       What? we are not in Rome? oh sorry, my bad. But look we landed.          Great taxiing, don´t you think so Smith?

So what do you think?

Landing Score:102,89 (Hm. back to normal, guess Mr.Smith saw my landing anyway - maybe a blindfold...?)

A splendid landing (well then pony up the points Smith!)

Flight Score:115,09 (Not good enough buddy)

Flight included the following problems:

  • Poor steering during takeoff - stay in the centre of the runway.
  • Rapid descent - dangerous and uncomfortable.
  • Nose held too low - we're not in combat.

Definite room for improvement...

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2494
Posted Sunday, October 05, 2008 8:19:48 AM

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Leg 23 - 24:

LGAV (Athens - Greece) -omitting Palermo - to LIRA (Rome - Italy)

Due to extremely bad weather locally in Palermo, I was forced to go directly to Rome. I would have liked to visit a sicilian taverne, but maybe next year in WWT 2009!

Mr.Smith was in a bad mood because of it, and didn´t say much on the way to Rome, but that I considered a good sign. I think that Ms.Aviatrix was in Sicily, and Mr.Smith just missed an opportunaty to meet with her. For that I´m truly sorry, but the airport was closed, so what can you do?

Off to Rome. This time it really is Colloseum time Mr.Smith.                       No sign of bad weather here, I know.                                    Last view of Greece for quite some time.

But Greece really is a beautyful place.                                                    And the watertemperature is awesom, even now.                      would you please hand me that banana Smith? over there on the visor.

Lakes in Greece? Didn´t know that. Did you Smith?                                  - and mountains? Is that in the travel guidebook there?                   A small water hop, and behold, the Italien southcoast!

Southern Italy is really mountain-rich too. Glad we didn´t have to walk.            - aren´t you Smith?                                             Should we listen if the weather has improved in Sicily?

Sorry Mr.Smith! Still closed. Rome here we come.                                     Ok - I see the runway. Have you the ILS Frequency, and precise heading Smith?                 Bingo! touchdown.

Safely down. Once again. Would you like to land next time Smith?                  Then I could rate you! Promise I´ll be gently on your first.             Can you get us in to taxfree, for a bottle of Rom(e)? Great!

But first your rating.

Landing Score:97,39 (only double digit - was it the Sicily thing there?)

A splendid landing!

Flight Score:121,12 (+120 That I can live with)

Flight included the following problems:

  • Rapid descent - dangerous and uncomfortable.

Definite room for improvement...


Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2497
Posted Monday, October 06, 2008 2:06:20 AM

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Our intrepid aviator continues his trek - keep it comin' Ole - love the story, the pictures and the achievements.

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

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Post #2499
Posted Monday, October 06, 2008 5:09:37 AM

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Great stuff Ole! Pictures look great as well.

Joe Mini

President/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. 
"If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"  

Post #2503
Posted Monday, October 06, 2008 9:35:35 AM
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Hey Ole, Great stuff!

Now, what do you use for scenery enhancement?

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Post #2531
Posted Monday, October 06, 2008 10:53:18 AM

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Nsidious9 (10/6/2008)
Hey Ole, Great stuff!

Now, what do you use for scenery enhancement?

Hey thank you!

I have a ageing system (singlecore P4 3.4 gh, 2 gb ram, and radeon x800 512 mb) and play on low to medium settings, and very low on traffic and autogen.

But I am about to buy new system in January. Look very forward to it. Maybe you can give serious tips on that one

But recently I bought Ultimate Terrain X Europe, and that seems to have some positive impact on my scenery, so it´s fine.

Also I use Zinertecs Ultimate night environment X. And a few funny things. Follow me (a car taking you to and from runways and gates, and the brilliant Redux 3D light for great landinglights on the planes.

Think that´s it just now.

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2533
Posted Monday, October 06, 2008 12:40:48 PM

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Leg 25:

LIRA (Rome - Italy) to LOWW (Vienna - Austria)

One dong of a hangover had me stay in bed for a few hours more that I should, and well 8 hours from bottle to throttle, someone told me that just lately, so I slept. We drank because Smith really was down about not seeing Ms.Aviatrix, so we tried to drown his sorrow. I think we succeded.

But in the end, we had to move on. Still have that meeting with JoeMini in London soon, so....

Smith was kind of pale, and didn´t say much - I am kinda getting used to him not saying a lot. I even suggested making balloon animals in the cockpit to pass the time, or listining to Stephen Kings newest book on audio, but Smith woulden´t hear of it. Smith don´t know it but I have a surprise for him very soon... I think he will like it...

Paris in the springtime - and Rome in the fall. One down....                    And off we go to Vienna. Little early for skiing?                      Misty as usual. Prepare for instrument flying Mr.Smith!

Look Smith, that´s my swimmingpool, that I was telling you about               I really really like Nothern Italy. Great Asti spumante.              And the Italien Icecream, God I wish we could stay longer.

But Austria is not so bad either. Fancy a Wienerschintzel Smith?            See if my cellphone has a signal, and call Bergers Palace in Vienna.                                                  Got a table? Great! Dinner on me Smith.

Speed up to avoid starvation!                                                                 Had to go around as the runway was a little busy. Typical.               But now I´t´s us Smitty, Eagle Five - coming in!

OK. Down safe again. Think we need to change the tires soon.                     And the follow me truck gets us home. Thank you!                  Safely stored away. Lets eat Smith.

Ahem... but first the serious part. Smith? Remember dinner was on me -right?

Landing Score:131,19 (Smitty my man - you can have champagne with your Wienerschnitzel)

Landing included the following problems:

  • Poor glideslope on ILS approach - you can do better.

Definite room for improvement...

Flight Score:112,20 (Speed, seems to be a problem here, both too fast and too slow, how about the average, that´s perfect)

Flight included the following problems:

  • Exceeding flap speeds - your flaps may be damaged: have them checked.
  • Airspeed too low - you are risking stalls.

Definite room for improvement...


Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2535
Posted Monday, October 06, 2008 1:39:45 PM

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Leg 26:

LOWW (Vienna - Austria) to LSZB (Bern - Switzerland)

Champagne was good, and not even too expensive. Gotta get off the booze though. But hey I only had one glass! We decided to make an early run for it, and take a sunrise tour to Switzerland.

You awake Smith? Hand me the instructionbook on lighting there.                         I think that little dude there is going to the runway, lets follow him.         Hold short! Why? Oh that´s why, That Airbus almost took our nose Smith.

What did the book say about landinglights Smith? Off?                                 OK, they´re off. What does the GPS say?                           Look down there. Not everybody is up yet. Take the controls Smith, I need to powernap.

Where would we land in an emergency Smith? Any idea?                               I swear I feel like a the ghost and the darkness both right now.                                But look in the rearview mirror. Daylight!

Don´t know why, but I get an urge to sing Purple Rain.                                   You know Prince, Mr.Smith?                                      Still needs a lot of electricity in a city huh?

Ok - lets turn on to final, or at least find the airport.                                             Hey lucky us. It´s right ahead. Blind luck man. Holes in the blindfold?                                    Lets get up to glideslope - we´re too low.

Three reds all the way down. Darn!                                                        I know Smith it supposed to be two reds and two whites.                    But I got you down, didn´t I? So quit griping.

- and just tell me what you think.

Landing Score:90,59

A splendid landing! (A splendid landing, rated at 90. Last time I wake you up so early Smith!)

Flight Score:121,85 (Well thank you! A compensation?)

Flight included the following problems:

  • Rapid descent - dangerous and uncomfortable.
  • Nose held too high - spilt drinks and worried expressions.

Definite room for improvement...

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2536
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