WWT - Oles European flights! [Concluded]

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WWT - Oles European flights! [Concluded] Expand / Collapse
Posted Friday, September 19, 2008 7:45:46 AM

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Leg 12: CYVM (Qikiqtarjuaq, Newfoundland) to BGGH (Nuuk - Greenland)

Well from one NON-ILS runway to another. And Greenland in September is just fog and fog and fog it seems. Mega fog and no guides to lead the way in equals disaster. Luckily not a crash, but just the usual pathetic landingscore.

Well Newfoundland showed it´s greates face. Fine conditions.                                                                            A walk in the park.

Atlantic Ocean almost ahead, just need to cross the rocks in NFLand.                                                                                                                                        Year right. The weather soon got ugly

Nothing at all to see over the Ocean, and practically nothing when I hit Greenland.                                              Does anyone know where we are?

THERE. where? There! Oh boy - OK - Nuuk tower, clear all traffic, we´re comming IN!

You can juust read the 172 KIAS on the screen above. Not good. Mr.Smith was not happy, and who can blame him? I wasen´t happy.

     Deadzone piloting Learjet 45 ended 19. september 2008 at 12:07
FSFlyingSchool Using: FSX
Visibility: 9,94 Miles     Wind: 8 Knots

Aircraft: BOMBARDIER ID: JA-068X Airline: Flight:
Flight plan: CYVM TO BGGH NAV1:
Failure(s): None at landing
Failure Event(s) (Zulu Time): None

Landing Score:35,00 (How do you sleep at night Mr.Smith?)

Landing was successful in the following areas:

  • Good glideslope on visual approach.
  • Good alignment with runway on visual approach.
  • Wings were level.
  • Good pitch control after touchdown.
  • Good pitch at landing.
  • With flaps - good job.
  • With spoilers armed.
  • Heading aligned with runway.
  • Good controlled final descent to touchdown.

Landing included the following problems:

  • Too hard - may have damaged your landing gear.
  • Too fast - you had to force the plane to stay down.
  • No glideslope - could not compare flare to glideslope.
  • Throttle(s) forward - should be idle.
  • Poor steering after landing - stay on the centre line.

Definite room for improvement...

Seems like my NON-ILS runwayfile did not do it´s job after all. No glideslope, hm....

Flight Score:108,47

Flight commended in the following areas:

  • Smooth turns.
  • Nice banking.
  • Gear deployment at safe speed.
  • Comfortable G forces.
  • Smooth pitch control.
  • Flown within aircraft's maximum speed limit.
  • Gentle taxi turns.
  • Good take off steering.
  • Rotation was not late.
  • Appropriate position of flaps during taxi.
  • Safe taxi speed.
  • Smooth braking during taxi.
  • Smooth climb during takeoff.
  • Wings level near ground.
  • Well coordinated turns.
  • No stalls.
  • No flying dangerously close to stall speed.
  • Pitch not too high.
  • Pitch not too low.
  • Flaps down on time.
  • Approach speed not too fast.

Flight included the following problems:

  • Exceeding flap speeds - your flaps may be damaged: have them checked.
  • Rapid descent - dangerous and uncomfortable.
  • Excessive speed at low altitude - several complaints have been filed.
  • Narrowly missed obstacles - plan your safety altitudes.

Definite room for improvement...

Well good, would be pretty boring if I was perfect already

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2280
Posted Friday, September 19, 2008 8:10:54 AM

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Leg 13: BGGH (Nuuk, Greenland) to BIRK (Reykjavik, Iceland)

Why do things badly, when you, with just a little bit of practise, can do them completly ridiculous?

Sometimes I wonder if it is my sanity, or the system that does not seem to be worth a penny! Greenland was bad, but Iceland should be a great place to land. ILS runway (Civilazation) and all, so I set the plane, and my self, up for a great one. OK mr. Andreasen, let´s do some flying, Mr.Smith said, and I was eager to comply!

Goodbye Greenland, and hey some of it really is green. Just look at the grass.                                          But not much. Wonder if Iceland is icey.

Hey look there. Greenland really can be beautyful.                                                                                  And pretty icey! 3 km thick ice, I don´t think Iceland can compete with that.

And then it clouded over. Nothing to see from there to -                                                                           Iceland, Reykjavik runway 13 ILS. Little low there, but else fine.

Should have called it Rainland. Still right on the marks. Brake!                                                                 So now, where do we park this thing?

There is another small wingmachine. I´ll park beside him.                                                                                 Yep, that´s my space!

I know that one. That´s Elin Ragnarsdottir´s Piper.                                                                            OK. Nav1, 109.1, OBS, 135. That´s the ILS setting for rwy 13 in Reykjavik, then what the heck is THIS?

Deadzone piloting Learjet 45 ended 19. september 2008 at 15:21
FSFlyingSchool Using: FSX
Visibility: 4,97 Miles     Wind: 22 Knots

Aircraft: BOMBARDIER ID: JA-068X Airline: Flight:
Flight plan: BGGH TO BIRK NAV1: IRE
Failure(s): None at landing
Failure Event(s) (Zulu Time): None

Landing Score:0,00 (WHAT? Have you lost your marbles Smitty? ZERO? I did fine, really, Honestly!)

Landing was successful in the following areas:

  • Gentle touchdown.
  • Good landing speed - not too fast.
  • Wings were level.
  • Distance from runway numbers (visual approach): 3786 feet
  • Glideslope held until flare.
  • Good pitch control after touchdown.
  • Good pitch at landing.
  • With flaps - good job.
  • With spoilers armed.
  • Heading aligned with runway.
  • Throttle(s) idle.
  • Good controlled final descent to touchdown.
  • Good steering after landing.

Landing included the following problems:

  • Poor glideslope on visual approach - you can do better.
  • Poor alignment with runway on visual approach - line up and stay there.

Definite room for improvement... (Visual approach? Whaaaaaaat? - and I skipped a little on the wet runway, true but still ZERO?)

Flight Score:112,46

Flight commended in the following areas:

  • Smooth turns.
  • Nice banking.
  • Correct matching of flaps to speeds.
  • Gear deployment at safe speed.
  • Smooth pitch control.
  • Flown within aircraft's maximum speed limit.
  • Gentle taxi turns.
  • Good take off steering.
  • Rotation was not late.
  • Appropriate position of flaps during taxi.
  • Safe taxi speed.
  • Smooth braking during taxi.
  • Smooth climb during takeoff.
  • Wings level near ground.
  • Well coordinated turns.
  • No stalls.
  • Flaps down on time.
  • Approach speed not too fast.
  • Low altitude speeds not too fast.
  • Good clearance of obstacles.

Flight included the following problems:

  • Sickening G forces - your passengers feel rather unwell.
  • Airspeed too low - you are risking stalls.
  • Rapid descent - dangerous and uncomfortable.
  • Nose held too high - spilt drinks and worried expressions.
  • Nose held too low - we're not in combat.

Definite room for improvement... Crash Joe, crash all you like, it won´t make any difference - I suck!


Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2281
Posted Friday, September 19, 2008 8:43:02 AM

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This was because FSFS rates your landing as 'visual' unless you have an ILS signal with LOC and GS.

The signal from IRE has LOC but no GS.

We are looking at adding more logic in this area in a future version so that you can perform a landing based on just LOC, but with GS information coming from nonILS data - but as you can imagine this basically constitutes a hybrid between visual (for the GS) and non-visual (with the LOC) approach and so is a new concept.

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

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Post #2283
Posted Friday, September 19, 2008 9:48:42 AM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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So it is not enough that I can see that an airport has ILS signal. I have to look for more than that. Well as long as there is an explanation. Once again I have learned something, and what is a little Zero, compared to that?

Thank you SL, for the explanation!

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2285
Posted Saturday, September 20, 2008 2:35:53 AM

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This could benefit from a more detailed explanation in the FSFS manual.

In general, the runway does not have ILS unless it has LOC and GS. If it just has LOC then it just has LOC. ILS requires LOC and GS. The manual needs to explain this - it will... thanks to Ole! 

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

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Post #2288
Posted Tuesday, September 23, 2008 2:27:21 AM

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Leg 14: BIRK (Reykjavik - Iceland) to EKVG (Torshavn - Faroe Islands)

Ahh. Flying into Danish territory. Those small, deserted Island far up there in the Atlantic Ocean. Good to visit.

Some planes besides me have changed during the night.                                                                                  But once again, off I go.

Ah Vatnajókull, Icelands greatest and largest glezier.                                                                                      And then water, and then Denmark - or the Faroe Islands. Torshavn ahead.

Vager airport ahead. Just get above those cliffs.                                                                                       Incoming!

In the pipe.                                                                                                                                            And down we go. Touchdown.

Your turn Mr.Smith

Flight plan: BIRK TO EKVG NAV1:
Failure(s): None at landing
Failure Event(s) (Zulu Time): None

Landing Score:97,09 (Wanna have triple digit scores man)

Landing was successful in the following areas:

  • Good alignment with runway on visual approach.
  • Good landing speed - not too fast.
  • Wings were level.
  • Distance from runway numbers (visual approach): 74 feet
  • Glideslope held until flare.
  • Good pitch control after touchdown.
  • Good pitch at landing.
  • With flaps - good job.
  • With spoilers armed.
  • Heading aligned with runway.
  • Throttle(s) idle.
  • Good controlled final descent to touchdown.
  • Good steering after landing.

Landing included the following problems:

  • Poor glideslope on visual approach - you can do better.
  • Too hard - may have damaged your landing gear.

Definite room for improvement...

Flight Score:109,03 (Okay!)

Flight commended in the following areas:

  • Smooth turns.
  • Gear deployment at safe speed.
  • Comfortable G forces.
  • Smooth pitch control.
  • Flown within aircraft's maximum speed limit.
  • Gentle taxi turns.
  • Good take off steering.
  • Rotation was not late.
  • Appropriate position of flaps during taxi.
  • Safe taxi speed.
  • Smooth braking during taxi.
  • Smooth climb during takeoff.
  • Wings level near ground.
  • Well coordinated turns.
  • No stalls.
  • Smooth comfortable descent rate.
  • Pitch not too low.
  • Flaps down on time.
  • Approach speed not too fast.
  • Low altitude speeds not too fast.
  • Good clearance of obstacles.

Flight included the following problems:

  • Steep banking - save your aerobatic flying for some other time.
  • Exceeding flap speeds - your flaps may be damaged: have them checked.
  • Airspeed too low - you are risking stalls.
  • Nose held too high - spilt drinks and worried expressions.

Definite room for improvement... (Amen!)

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2314
Posted Tuesday, September 23, 2008 2:47:45 AM

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Leg 15:

EKVG: (Torshavn - Faroe Islands) to EIDW (Dublin - Ireland)

Closing in on the actual European continent. But first Ireland.

Ready to go. Checklists complete. Plane programmed. Lets rock.                                                                        Heej heej, up in the sky!

Flying south to Ireland, while the dusk crept in. beautyful scenery to fly in.                                             Darker and darker purple sky.

Look at that sunset. I could fly here forever I think.                                                                             -- just look. I´ll say no more!

On the eastside - Darkness                                                                                                         And to the west, still the sun.

Darker and darker. I begin to fear a landing in complete darkness                                                              Thank God for lit runways. Looking good!

Routine landing. You can take your hands off your eyes Mr.Smith!                                                                 Lets taxi to the gate, and get a good nights rest. Thank you for flying ZeroviZ Airlines Mr.Smith.

Your verdict Mr.Smith.

Aircraft: BOMBARDIER ID: JA-068X Airline: Flight:
Flight plan: EKVG TO EIDW NAV1: IAC
Failure(s): None at landing
Failure Event(s) (Zulu Time): None

Landing Score:114,09 (Well Thank you - and with your eyes closed. Good call!)

Landing was successful in the following areas:

  • Good glideslope on ILS approach.
  • Good alignment with runway on ILS approach.
  • Good landing speed - not too fast.
  • Wings were level.
  • Glideslope held until flare.
  • Good pitch control after touchdown.
  • Good pitch at landing.
  • With flaps - good job.
  • With spoilers armed.
  • Heading aligned with runway.
  • Throttle(s) idle.
  • Good controlled final descent to touchdown.
  • Good steering after landing.
  • Nicely handled crosswind.

Landing included the following problems:

  • Too hard - may have damaged your landing gear.

Definite room for improvement...

Flight Score:115,16 (Double triple digits, good. Now I can sleep)

Flight commended in the following areas:

  • Smooth turns.
  • Correct matching of flaps to speeds.
  • Gear deployment at safe speed.
  • Comfortable G forces.
  • Smooth pitch control.
  • Flown within aircraft's maximum speed limit.
  • Gentle taxi turns.
  • Good take off steering.
  • Rotation was not late.
  • Appropriate position of flaps during taxi.
  • Safe taxi speed.
  • Smooth braking during taxi.
  • Smooth climb during takeoff.
  • Wings level near ground.
  • Well coordinated turns.
  • No stalls.
  • No flying dangerously close to stall speed.
  • Pitch not too high.
  • Flaps down on time.
  • Approach speed not too fast.
  • Low altitude speeds not too fast.
  • Good clearance of obstacles.

Flight included the following problems:

  • Steep banking - save your aerobatic flying for some other time.
  • Rapid descent - dangerous and uncomfortable.
  • Nose held too low - we're not in combat.

Definite room for improvement...

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2315
Posted Tuesday, September 23, 2008 2:59:59 AM

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Leg 16:

EIDW (Dublin -Ireland) to EGPH (Edinburg - Skotland)

After last nights sunset flying, I look forward to a daylight flight to Skotland. Off we gol

Great, we got clearence before that big OrbitAirlines buffalo!                                                                      Taxiing to the runway.

Turning around the airport. Looks so small from up here.                                                                    And water again. The world is full of it.

But this is only a small hop. Soon I can see the airport.                                                                             And runway in sight. 6% fuel left. Great!

Fill her up please. Got a long flight to Norway next.                                                                                      After some lunch, that is.

What have you to say Smitty?

Deadzone piloting Learjet 45 ended 23. september 2008 at 10:57
FSFlyingSchool Using: FSX
Visibility: 62,14 Miles     Wind: 4 Knots

Aircraft: BOMBARDIER ID: JA-068X Airline: Flight:
Flight plan: EIDW TO EGPH NAV1: IVG
Failure(s): None at landing
Failure Event(s) (Zulu Time): None

Landing Score:82,89 (Sigh - had a feeling that you would not be generous here)

Landing was successful in the following areas:

  • Good alignment with runway on ILS approach.
  • Gentle touchdown.
  • Good landing speed - not too fast.
  • Wings were level.
  • Glideslope held until flare.
  • Good pitch control after touchdown.
  • Good pitch at landing.
  • With flaps - good job.
  • With spoilers armed.
  • Heading aligned with runway.
  • Throttle(s) idle.
  • Good controlled final descent to touchdown.
  • Good steering after landing.

Landing included the following problems:

  • Poor glideslope on ILS approach - you can do better.

Definite room for improvement...

Flight Score:118,65 (Better, not good but better)

Flight commended in the following areas:

  • Smooth turns.
  • Nice banking.
  • Correct matching of flaps to speeds.
  • Gear deployment at safe speed.
  • Comfortable G forces.
  • Smooth pitch control.
  • Flown within aircraft's maximum speed limit.
  • Gentle taxi turns.
  • Good take off steering.
  • Rotation was not late.
  • Appropriate position of flaps during taxi.
  • Safe taxi speed.
  • Smooth braking during taxi.
  • Smooth climb during takeoff.
  • Wings level near ground.
  • Well coordinated turns.
  • No stalls.
  • No flying dangerously close to stall speed.
  • Smooth comfortable descent rate.
  • Pitch not too low.
  • Flaps down on time.
  • Approach speed not too fast.
  • Low altitude speeds not too fast.
  • Good clearance of obstacles.

Flight included the following problems:

  • Nose held too high - spilt drinks and worried expressions. (Shouldn´t drink when we fly Mr.Smith)

Definite room for improvement...

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2316
Posted Tuesday, September 23, 2008 3:17:43 AM

FSFlyingSchool Developer

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Great stories, great pictures and great scores Ole! Keep it up!

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

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Post #2317
Posted Tuesday, September 23, 2008 7:39:45 AM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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SquadronLeader (9/23/2008)
Great stories, great pictures and great scores Ole! Keep it up!

Same here Ole!  I've got a bunch of pictures and stories to go as well.  I take so many dang pictures that I don't wanna hog up the forum...

Excellent stories - It's tough coming up with new material....Guess I need a few more crashes to spice things up!

Joe Mini

President/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. 
"If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"  

Post #2321
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