WWT - Oles European flights! [Concluded]

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WWT - Oles European flights! [Concluded] Expand / Collapse
Posted Monday, October 06, 2008 1:58:26 PM

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Leg 27:

LSZB (Bern - Switzerland) to Frankfurt - Germany)

We were so early that we decided to just move on and make it to Frankfurt today. Save us a room in Bern tonight, and in Frankfurt I know Ursula, who will lodge us for the night.

Hey with a view like that, who needs a room. Wanna sleep here tonight Smith?          No? okay so we let ourselves guide back to the runway.                            Bern ground. We are ready to get the heck out.

Beautyful scenery here. Boy. - what? Landinglights off? Oh sorry.                  Ok landinglights off. See the snowy mountains to the left.                         See the white clouds to the right, and the airport down below.

The sky above -                                                                                 The earth below - ever parachuted Smith? No - well me either.                                             They would have to break my fingers to get me off the plane.

I mean - to actually jump out from this hight? Never!                                        And now I cannot see Jack*beep* GPS please.                     What do you mean it´s out? Fix it - NOW!

Never mind Smith, I´ve got the runway.                                                         What do you mean - a joke? Think that´s funny?                                  Your´e twisted Mr.Smith, I always knew that.  Show me the GPS - thanks.

OK rain. It must be Germany. But safely down - no thanks to you Smith!              Did you have those tires changed in Rome? NO? Jeez man... Hope they last to the gate.              Don´t bother Mr.Smith. I´ll have them replaced myself.

You just concentrate on MY performance.

Landing Score:134,09 (Aaaalrighty then, full recovery Mr.Smith)

Landing included the following problems:

  • Too hard - may have damaged your landing gear.

Definite room for improvement...

Flight Score:114,83 (Gotta do something about my flying)

Flight included the following problems:

  • Airspeed too low - you are risking stalls.

Definite room for improvement...

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2537
Posted Monday, October 06, 2008 2:26:28 PM

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Leg 28:

EDDF (Frankfurt - Germany) to EKCH (Copenhagen - Denmark)

Ladies and Gentlemen. This is what we´ve all been waiting for - the big one. The flight to MY homecountry. Denmark! Greatest country on the face of the earth - is you ask me that is.

Frankfurt was still wet as an ocean, when we headed north.                      I called my family and expect a heroes welcome in Kastrup airport.          And a case of Tuborg, so lets get on with it Smith. I´ll even share the beer.

Can´t this rustbucket go any faster?                                                   Hefty smog those Germans have - what? not smog, then what - our exhaust?                           LOOK Smith, the very first glipse of Denmark ahead.

You´ve really never been to Bornholm Smith?                                             I have programmed the GPS to overfly Bornholm, so bring your camera.             See Smith. Looks like a duck smiling. Now where is my medication?

If you lean over me you can take a good picture now Smith.                           OK that´s enough - sit back in your seat please!                             And now we are closing in on Moen. Lots of chalk there.

Whitin the next 30 miles you can see where I was born, and where I grew up.             I feel like crying.                                               OK Kastrup runway 4L right ahead.


I´ve landed here a million times. Gotta make it alright.                              Now look left. Right down there, red roof. That´s my birthplace.                         Little high? OK - ease back on the throttle.

OK we are about to land. Heading Smith? 40? good, that´s what I have too.          Inbound to land. wave to my family Smith - there to the left.                                  Smoke if you got´em. It´s a long taxiway.

Thank God for the follow me truck. Look at that taxiway spaghetti lines.               Well Smith. My turf. Wanna come home for some Rugbrød and Leverpostej?

Sorry if I was a little excited Smith. How did I do?

 Landing Score:120,00 (Bend over Smith - I wanna kiss you!)

A splendid landing!

Flight Score:115,40 (I land better than I fly every time now. Please hand me the "Flying for dummies" book there Mr. Smith? Thanks.)

Flight included the following problems:

  • Airspeed too low - you are risking stalls.
  • Rapid descent - dangerous and uncomfortable.

Definite room for improvement...

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2538
Posted Monday, October 06, 2008 3:08:02 PM

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Leg 29:

EKCH (Copenhagen - Denmark) to EHAM (Amsterdam - Holland)

Well the reunion in Denmark was not as long as I had hoped, but pressed for time Mr.Smith urged me to move on, even though he liked my Turborg beer quite a lot. He only had one, and put the others in his bag,  - for later - as he said. He´s really a nice guy, once you get past his - whoo take it easy - attitude.

But it was not as easy getting to Amsterdam as I thought. Had some engine problems, but I got it fixed, so we could eventually get going.

Now what spaghetti line leads to runway 22R Smith?                                          Oh thank you. I´ll take it from here.                                    Up up up  - and away. See you Denmark - in 6 months!

Yes I know - westbound. But had to take off into the wind there.              Now look ahead. That´s Skaelskoer. Where I live Smith.                    A small town of 5000 heads. We are right above it now.   
And see - Great Baelt Bridge - second longest suspention bridge in the world.         Denmark has 7000 km of coastline, see why?                             OK - leaving Danish Terratory, into Germany again.

Holland. Quite a few records there. First stop after Denmark, Lowest runway in the WWT -10 feet, and comes just before the shortest leg in the WWT.   And all those waterways. Lets play "I spy 10.000 bridges)

Ok runway in sight.                                                                                Closing in there. Two reds, two whites, satisfied Smith?                                      And here we go. Get ready for succes Smith.

Amsterdam Airport has the longest taxiway also                                    We drove at least 10 miles, and I swear we passed the same point twice.                                        Ok, will you lock her up Smith? I need a bathroom break.

Ratings? Ok hit me!

Landing Score:114,09 (I´m used to better now, but okay - I´ll take it )

Landing included the following problems:

  • Too hard - may have damaged your landing gear.

Definite room for improvement...

Flight Score:126,45 (Okay better - absolutely better )

Flight included the following problems:

  • Exceeding flap speeds - your flaps may be damaged: have them checked.
  • Airspeed too low - you are risking stalls

Definite room for improvement...

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2539
Posted Tuesday, October 07, 2008 12:15:37 AM

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Phew - that was a lot of flying! Great stuff as usual - very atmospheric (if you'll forgive the pun).

Yeah - that Smitty's OK once you get to know him. And he's giving out some pretty nice scores to you lately. I guess all those gifts of bubbly and lager are paying off!

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

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Post #2542
Posted Tuesday, October 07, 2008 4:44:08 AM

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Leg 30:

EHAM (Amsterdam - Holland) to EBBR (Brussels - Belgium)

On to the last stop before London, and as stated above, the shortest flight in the WWT. That is okay for both me and Mr.Smith. We are getting a little tired, and look forward to a little vacation in London.

My everlasting Follow Me car, escorting us to the runway.                             A nice day to go flying, but whats that smell?                      Smith? Did you shower this morning?

Yes? Well then I don´t like your cologne, what´s it called?                        No friends - for men? Makes my eyes water.                  So you keep an eye on the GPS Smith. You are my eyes now!

Looks like peanut farms down there, reminds me of Jimmy Carter                       Remember him Smith? The old President in the States?                            Well never mind. We are almost there.

See, Brussels in sight. Now get that pizzaslice of my lap Smith.                    Whoooo... Damn got tomatosauce in the eye. And I am trying to land this thing.                    If you want to mess with the food Smith, take an airliner like that one please.

Tell my what you need to tell me, while I wipe tomato off my face.

Landing Score:116,09 (A pizzastained landing - You are partially to blame Smith, you know that?)

Landing included the following problems:

  • Too hard - may have damaged your landing gear.

Definite room for improvement...

Flight Score:115,80 (Well at least I seem to be consistent with these flightscores. Gotta op them by 30 points)

Flight included the following problems:

  • Braking during takeoff - watch those feet.

Definite room for improvement...

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2543
Posted Tuesday, October 07, 2008 5:20:22 AM

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Leg 31: (The last leg in the first quarter on the WWT! We are 25% there)

EBBR (Brussels - Belgium) to EGLL (Heathrow airport, London - England)

I made it! Back at leg three, I was convinced that I was never going to make it here, never going to get through the WWT, and now here I am in London. Boy it is good, and boy I need a week off from flying WWT. I really think that Mr.Smith feels the same. Gotta get out of each others hair for a while.

Originally it was Mrs.Aviatrix I was supposed to fly with, and it was a KingAir 350 twin engine prop, that we should fly in, but the planechange was done before I even started, and Mrs.Aviatrix left me during the month I was grounded by the VFAA. But who knows - Now it´s London, and I kind of proved that it wasent just talk, so maybe Mrs.Aviatrix can be pursuaded to come back for a while. I´ll ask her I think.

Brussels airport - a big place but actually it felt very comfy still.                  Oh yes, I will follow you whereever you go. Lead the way!                 And off we go - to London!

As always it feels to liberating to be in the air again. Birds must be happy creatures.      A small watery hop, deviding England and the Continent.                       And at this point exactly, we leave Continental soil

And wupsi we enter England. You didn´t take any waterpics Smith?               Oh yes, but I didn´t mean river pictures there...                       But I believe that this one will lead us to London, so lets follow it.

See the GPS Smith. London dead ahead.                                            Arh man, beautyful scenery down there, and the sun is setting.                   Darkening, but amazingly enough, it´s not raining.

Well - guess I shouldn´t have said that. Pouring down now.                             But rain or shine - it´s London. Did you know that Mrs.Aviatrix will be here Smitty?                       Hey, don´t jump me. Wait for Mrs.A! Let me open the door for you.

And the last rating for first quarter?

Landing Score:110,50 (No extra points for getting Mrs.A here? Guess you make up the points before I promise you anything.)

Landing included the following problems:

  • Poor glideslope on ILS approach - you can do better.

Definite room for improvement...

Flight Score:112,05 (And nothing changed here)

Flight included the following problems:

  • Late rotation - when Vr is reached - take off.
  • Airspeed too low - you are risking stalls.

Definite room for improvement...

Well that was that! Now you won´t here from me for a week. Gotta visit Bond Street, and a pub recommended by a friend. See you all!

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2544
Posted Tuesday, October 07, 2008 5:48:39 AM

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Hey - the BBC just reported 2 pilots were cautioned by police in the Arrivals Lounge at Heathrow(?). 

BBC: "They were shouting at each other about some person called MsAviatrix" said a witness, who wished to withhold his identity.
The pilots are thought to have arrived on a private aircraft from Brussels.

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

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Post #2545
Posted Tuesday, October 07, 2008 6:42:47 AM

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SquadronLeader (10/7/2008)
Hey - the BBC just reported 2 pilots were cautioned by police in the Arrivals Lounge at Heathrow(?). 

BBC: "They were shouting at each other about some person called MsAviatrix" said a witness, who wished to withhold his identity.
The pilots are thought to have arrived on a private aircraft from Brussels.


Personal announcement from Ole Andreasen, regarding the above mentioned incident in Heathrow airport.

I hereby state my personal and deepest apologies to the people in the Arrival Lounge, and to the entire simflight community, as a whole. It was a misunderstanding between Mr.Smith and myself. I have no excuse, but the fact that I was under strain, from many many flights in a very short time. Luckily it all blew over, when Ms.Aviatrix entered the scene. Mr.Smith calmed considerably when she hugged him. Shortly after the arrival of the police, we came to an agreement, and Mr.Smith and Ms.Aviatrix borrowed my Learjet and flew to Paris, where I heard that they are going to spend the week.

Hopefully this concludes the incident altogether.


Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2546
Posted Tuesday, October 07, 2008 7:54:16 AM

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Congratulations for making to London!  Well done, and your stories are great.

I'm currently stuck in your home country of Denmark, waiting landing gear parts.  It seems my last landing did my plane in.  Parts are on back order, but I understand FedEx is delivering this morning and I should be back flying this afternoon.

I plan on meeting up with you at a local pub and hoist a beer in recognition of our feat.

I'm with you, I never thought I'd make it through part 1, but we still have 3 more to go, and I think the best is yet to come...

See you at the pub!


Joe Mini

President/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. 
"If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"  

Post #2547
Posted Wednesday, October 08, 2008 12:04:05 AM

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>> See you at the pub!

Always a good plan!

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

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Post #2556
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