WWT Joe Mini Log and Pictures Part II:

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WWT Joe Mini Log and Pictures Part II: Expand / Collapse
Posted Wednesday, October 22, 2008 3:21:35 PM

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LXGB to DAAG (October 21th, 2008) Algiers, Algeria to Tunis, Tunisia

Plan on hitting every country in Africa come hell or high water, so here we go!  Today we'll fly east along the shore line until we hit Tunis.

Nice looking countryside...

Another landing coming in over water.

Everything looking good....yea baby...nutted another landing!

Autopilot used.
Landing Score:88.63  (Gosh dang it...didn't realize I hit it!)

A splendid landing!

Flight Score:96.81

A smooth flight!

Son of a biscuit!  I finally get a splendid landing and smooth flight and I screw something up yet again....sheez!

Joe Mini

President/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. 
"If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"  

Post #2659
Posted Thursday, October 23, 2008 3:28:20 AM

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Well done Joe - great flying even if it was docked some points for the AP.

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

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Post #2666
Posted Friday, November 07, 2008 2:40:02 PM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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DTTA to HLLT (October 22th, 2008) Tunis, Tunisia to Tripoli, Libya

It has been so long from the last time I posted, I can't remember a lot about these flights, so the pictures will have to do for awhile and hopefully it will come back to me.

Caught a Qatar A330 just about to land...cool!

Flying over the northern coast of Africa.


Landing Score:129.44

Landing included the following problems:

  • Ballooning during landing - needs practice.

Flight Score:138.11

Flight included the following problems:

  • Steep banking - save your aerobatic flying for some other time.
  • Rapid descent - dangerous and uncomfortable.

Joe Mini

President/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. 
"If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"  

Post #2689
Posted Friday, November 07, 2008 2:49:21 PM

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HLLT to HLGT (October 24th, 2008) Tripoli, Libya to Ghat, Libya

Another one of those flights with absolutely no scenery....and a non-ILS that was botched up.

Cool looking Adria plane.  Tried to capture a few pictures from the Tower.

And this is what the desert looks like at 25,000 feet....and another hour later....and with some rocks....sheez.

Landing Score:0.00

Distance from runway numbers (visual approach): 2476 feet

A splendid landing!

Flight Score:138.98

Flight included the following problems:

  • Narrowly missed tail strike - watch your pitch: this could have been bad.
  • Poorly trimmed aircraft - trimmers are there to help: use them.

Joe Mini

President/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. 
"If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"  

Post #2690
Posted Friday, November 07, 2008 2:56:07 PM

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HLGT to DRZA (October 26th, 2008) Ghat, Libya to Agadez, Niger

Another one of those flights with absolutely no scenery....and yet another botched up non-ILS landing.  I also flew this flight 2 times because my computer froze up.  Thanks Vista!

Early morning flight...more desert...and another piece of work landing by yours truly.

Landing Score:0.00

Landing was successful in the following areas:

  • Distance from runway numbers (visual approach): 667 feet

Landing included the following problems:

  • Poor glideslope on visual approach - you can do better.

Flight Score:133.60

Flight included the following problems:

  • Airspeed too low - you are risking stalls.
  • Rapid descent - dangerous and uncomfortable.
  • Poorly trimmed aircraft - trimmers are there to help: use them.

Joe Mini

President/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. 
"If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"  

Post #2691
Posted Friday, November 07, 2008 3:03:06 PM

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DRZA to DRRN (October 26th, 2008)  Agadez, Niger to Niamey, Niger

Can't remember much about this one, but at least a city with some scenery...

Niamey looks like it's city was built upon a river.

Approaching over river, a little city life, and a larger airport for a change.

Landing Score:108.35

Landing included the following problems:

  • Not near the centre line - you can do better.

Flight Score:134.15

Flight included the following problems:

  • Steep banking - save your aerobatic flying for some other time.
  • Exceeding flap speeds - your flaps may be damaged: have them checked.
  • Poorly trimmed aircraft - trimmers are there to help: use them.

Joe Mini

President/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. 
"If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"  

Post #2692
Posted Friday, November 07, 2008 3:16:53 PM

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DRRN to DFFD (October 28th, 2008)  Niamey, Niger to Ouagadougou, Burkina (Say that one?)

Ole, you are going to have to trust me on this.  I accidently exited out of FSFS before entering numbers.  I did get a landing score.




Landing Score: 42.35   Flying Score: 0.00


Joe Mini

President/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. 
"If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"  

Post #2693
Posted Friday, November 07, 2008 3:25:40 PM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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DFFD to GABS (October 29th, 2008)  Ouagadougou, Burkina to Bamako, Mali

Wish I could remember anything about this flight...looks like it was a good one with the scores though!



A little off centerline...but thanks Smitty!

Landing Score:122.65

Landing included the following problems:

  • Too hard - may have damaged your landing gear.

Flight Score:148.20  (Yea Baby!)

A smooth flight!

Joe Mini

President/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. 
"If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"  

Post #2694
Posted Friday, November 07, 2008 3:37:15 PM

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GABS to GOOY (October 30th, 2008)  Bamako, Mali to Dakar, Senegal

Another mandatory WWT landing.  Oh, what do you know, let's go ahead and add crappy weather.  I'm going to get a rash of zero's with my landing on this side of Africa.  It has nothing to do with my landings but problems with FSX and the ILS airport runways.  Ole can vouch for me.


Oh yea!  Just about the time I'm gonna land, let's go ahead and and some ground fog.  Thanks FSX!

Oh crap, there's a city underneath those clouds.  And then after battling all that, let's go ahead and give me a zero!

Landing Score:0.00

Landing included the following problems:

  • Poor glideslope on ILS approach - you can do better.
  • Poor alignment with runway on ILS approach - line up and stay there.
  • Wings not level - danger of clipping the ground or damaging your gear.
  • Nowhere near the centre line - get lined up and keep it that way.
  • Throttle(s) forward - should be idle.
  • Poor steering after landing - stay on the centre line.

Flight Score:135.89

Flight included the following problems:

  • Wings not level near ground - danger of clipping a wing.
  • Rapid descent - dangerous and uncomfortable.
  • Narrowly missed tail strike - watch your pitch: this could have been bad.


Joe Mini

President/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. 
"If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"  

Post #2695
Posted Friday, November 07, 2008 6:56:58 PM

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GOOY to GBYD (October 30th, 2008)  Dakar, Senegal to Banjul, Gambia

JoeMini WWT president announced this week of another aircraft sponsor.  A sleek new Mooney Bravo had joined the fleet, and will begin service on this flight.  A short 97nm trip down the coastline.





I'm gonna chalk this up to I was still learning this plane on the fly....that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Landing Score:42.29

Landing included the following problems:

  • Poor glideslope on ILS approach - you can do better.
  • Poor alignment with runway on ILS approach - line up and stay there.

Flight Score:96.60

Flight included the following problems:

  • Poorly trimmed aircraft - trimmers are there to help: use them.

Definite room for improvement...

Joe Mini

President/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. 
"If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"  

Post #2696
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