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mph64 (10/27/2009)
Big Moose and Foxhat hit the numbers at last!! Sorry for bragging but its been a long wait. 
Time for a beer! I see Foxhat has taken over the Captains seat and quite right too! Well done on your 7 ft spot, or was it Foxhat again. I hope you gave him a Bonio. 7 b#####dy ft, that beats me Nice one Biggles
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Biggles, Foxhat insisted being PIC. Followed it up with a beauty into Casino. Next leg solo for her!
Big Moose
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Smithy confused us coming into Ballina - kept saying we were too low but stilll ended up landing long!! FSFS did not report a landing spot either - logbook says Landing included the following problems: "* No glideslope - could not compare flare to glideslope."Foxhat ain't happy as she was on a roll!
Big Moose
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,,Hi Moose Now look old chap, we should have mentioned this before but didn't want to make an issue of it. Ever since a poodle stole his last spam sandwich whilst he was sitting sunning himself on the sea break at Brighton one chilly November morning two years ago Smithy has hated dogs. To this very day he has been a bit twitchy in the presence of a dog & forgets he has to measure landing distances. I found a swift elbow in the solar plexus followed by a smile usually did the trick. By the way how is Foxhat managing in this heat? Biggles
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Foxhat and the Moose are both partial to a gargle of the amber nectar! "You can't be a real country unless you have a BEER and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a BEER." --Frank Zappa Gday,
Big Moose
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Hi BM I see your next leap of faith is over the oggin, what! Just a little tip If you miss Hamilton Is your next landfall could be Papua New Guinea  Biggles PS: Pretty consistant flight scores & most landing spot in the 70's. A creature of habit I think
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Big Moose and Foxhat grease it in at Bowen and hit the magic 100 club for the landing. 
Exit stage right for a gargle and a bonio. Gday,
Big Moose
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Congratulations, lousy taste in beer, but welcome to the Century Club  Biggles
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Thanks for suggesting Ingham Biggles. I presume you planted that tree on a previous visit. 
Big Moose
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mph64 (11/16/2009)
Thanks for suggesting Ingham Biggles. I presume you planted that tree on a previous visit. 
Dang! I TOLD them it had to be a 100ft Norwegian spruce Bangles