WWT Joe Mini Log and Pictures Part 1:

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WWT Joe Mini Log and Pictures Part 1: Expand / Collapse
Posted Wednesday, August 06, 2008 7:32:32 PM

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KCHA - KATL  (August 3rd)   (8:15'ish am departure)  Chattanooga, TN to Atlanta, GA

Again, no pictures, but I would like to thank Ole for challenging me to "man up" and fly without an A/P for the Boeing 737.  So what better place to learn how to set trim, flaps, maintain flight levels, and combat AI traffic?  Why Atlanta of course....one of world's busiest airports.  Well, have had some good news and bads news.  So-So landing, but check out the flight score.  Triple Digit's for 1st time!  Yea baby! 

Flying notes:  Landing Score 45.39   Flying Score: 127.80
Landing included the following problems:

  • Poor glideslope on ILS approach - you can do better.
  • Not near the centre line - you can do better.

Flight included the following problems:

  • Exceeding flap speeds - your flaps may be damaged: have them checked.
  • Dangerous taxiing turns - these cause discomfort and stress.
  • Poor steering during takeoff - stay in the centre of the runway.
  • Poorly trimmed aircraft - trimmers are there to help: use them.

Attention Atlanta Maintenance....incoming again!  My poor 737....


Joe Mini
President/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC
"If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"

Mission Statement:

We ARE the youngest fleet of pilots in the world!  Our pilots average LESS than 10 hours of total flight experience.  No company in the world can offer this kind of flying security.  Fly with confidence knowing our pilots are there to make your flight one of the most memorable one ever!  Sit back and enjoy the ride.

“If we get you to your destination in one piece, it’s a miracle!” ™

Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC.



Post #1744
Posted Thursday, August 07, 2008 1:12:42 AM

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An excellent flight score - and very brave of you to fly that one without AP.

I am wondering about the flaps - I don't doubt MrSmith (that goes without question! ) buy I am wondering what it is that is causing the problem for the pilot.

As I see it - either the pilot is lowering flaps too soon, in which case the speed is too high at the time they are lowered, or, having lowered flaps at a reasonable speed, that speed is then exceeded, due to speed getting too high during a descent or even to the application of throttle, or perhaps the retraction of the speed brakes....

It could also be due to having to "Go around", but you've not mentioned that, so I doubt if that's it, erm, as far as I know...

In your experience - what is the trouble?

Again - I am not asking this in regard to the logic of FSFS, as I am sure that is working fine. 
I am just interested in finding which area of the training program at Joe Mini World Wide Tours needs to be beefed up.

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

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Post #1746
Posted Thursday, August 07, 2008 2:12:48 AM

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SquadronLeader (8/7/2008)

An excellent flight score - and very brave of you to fly that one without AP.

I am wondering about the flaps - I don't doubt MrSmith (that goes without question! ) buy I am wondering what it is that is causing the problem for the pilot.

As I see it - either the pilot is lowering flaps too soon, in which case the speed is too high at the time they are lowered, or, having lowered flaps at a reasonable speed, that speed is then exceeded, due to speed getting too high during a descent or even to the application of throttle, or perhaps the retraction of the speed brakes....

It could also be due to having to "Go around", but you've not mentioned that, so I doubt if that's it, erm, as far as I know...

In your experience - what is the trouble?

Again - I am not asking this in regard to the logic of FSFS, as I am sure that is working fine. 
I am just interested in finding which area of the training program at Joe Mini World Wide Tours needs to be beefed up.


Sorry to buzz in on this one SL, but I feel some recognition here too.

Whenever I have trouble with flapspeed, (and I agree with you, I never doubt MissAviatrix either) It comes from the the pitching up and speeddrop from the flaps, and having to speed up to avoid stalling, then in the midst of trying to do all the landing related things, I sometimes forget to keep an eye on the speed and suddenly I exeed speed for the flapsetting. Using planes with spoilers makes this problem bigger, as there is one more factor that determines the speed of the plane, and very much so. But I can always trace the problem back to, what we Danes call a "fault 40" Meaning the fault is caused by the one sitting approx. 40 cm. away from the monitor - in this case, ME!

That´s the reay beauty of FSFlyingSchool: It hammers me in the head for every single little tiny detail I don´t do right. And there is only one way to get the instructor to stop telling me of. GET BETTER. Practise, practise, practise. Before FSFS I just flew, and like Frank Sinatra said: "I did it myyyyy way" And MissAviatrix don´t like it my way! But I´m going to make her happy.

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #1749
Posted Thursday, August 07, 2008 4:48:04 AM

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SL and Ole,

oleandreasen (8/7/2008)
SquadronLeader (8/7/2008)

An excellent flight score - and very brave of you to fly that one without AP.

Well every once in awhile an squirrel finds an acorn.   Thanks SL.

I am wondering about the flaps - I don't doubt MrSmith (that goes without question! ) buy I am wondering what it is that is causing the problem for the pilot.

As I see it - either the pilot is lowering flaps too soon, in which case the speed is too high at the time they are lowered, or, having lowered flaps at a reasonable speed, that speed is then exceeded, due to speed getting too high during a descent or even to the application of throttle, or perhaps the retraction of the speed brakes....

Ok, here's my excuse....err reasoning.  As written earlier, it was my really my first stab at trying the whole entire flight without the use of A/P, especially for the use of trimming at flight levels.  I've tried to fly "heavies" without A/P without much luck prior to FSFlyingSchool.  That being said most of the errors this flight was: dang it mostly my fault.  I've been trying to do everything, instead of totally concentrating on flying.  I've been trying to capture those all "important" screen shots, and quite frankly I lose track sometimes where I'm at.

It could also be due to having to "Go around", but you've not mentioned that, so I doubt if that's it, erm, as far as I know...

In your experience - what is the trouble?

On this particular flight....honestly.  I'm sorta pizzed at myself.  The Dangerous taxiing error was my fault and it was the last turn on the taxiway heading to runway 2.  I was taxiing barely over threshold of "too fast", was taking a picture, and started turning a little too hard...and as usual....Mr. Smith got on me.

The exceeding flap speed was an accident....seriously.  I was pitching the airplane from 15-20 degrees pitch to 12 degrees for my 1st flight level, and I was close to flap limits, and I wasn't paying attention to my fat fingers, came up and hit the flaps switch on my yoke the wrong way....and of course I was a little heavy on the throttle, and once again got gigged by Mr. Smith..."Too fast for flaps"....crap strike 2. 

The poor steering on take off was one of the Ole things that I'm guilty of every once in a while.....advancing the flight to takeoff mode before I'm exactly "straight and lined up".  Again my bad, however, I would like to make this suggestion.  I personally like to fly with a lot of AI traffic, and there have been times not so much on my WWT, but when I was praticing, I would be waiting at holding line for my clearance.  There's been times I'd be waiting 5 minutes, now I'm getting anxious, and when ATC finally "fits" me in to there little schedule, I'll start rolling onto runway and advance to takeoff mode when I'm not totally lined up.  Any chance of easing up just a "little" for the heavy pilots?  Maybe allow a little play for a rolling start?    I just have to do a better job of it granted!

Again - I am not asking this in regard to the logic of FSFS, as I am sure that is working fine. 
I am just interested in finding which area of the training program at Joe Mini World Wide Tours needs to be beefed up.

And on the trimming errors, that was just me trying to really figure out how to trim out the 737 better and get a feel for it.  But as you can see from my flight score, it wasn't all that bad. 

Sorry to buzz in on this one SL, but I feel some recognition here too.

Whenever I have trouble with flapspeed, (and I agree with you, I never doubt MissAviatrix either) It comes from the the pitching up and speeddrop from the flaps, and having to speed up to avoid stalling, then in the midst of trying to do all the landing related things, I sometimes forget to keep an eye on the speed and suddenly I exeed speed for the flapsetting. Using planes with spoilers makes this problem bigger, as there is one more factor that determines the speed of the plane, and very much so. But I can always trace the problem back to, what we Danes call a "fault 40" Meaning the fault is caused by the one sitting approx. 40 cm. away from the monitor - in this case, ME!

That´s the reay beauty of FSFlyingSchool: It hammers me in the head for every single little tiny detail I don´t do right. And there is only one way to get the instructor to stop telling me of. GET BETTER. Practise, practise, practise. Before FSFS I just flew, and like Frank Sinatra said: "I did it myyyyy way" And MissAviatrix don´t like it my way! But I´m going to make her happy.

More to come in my next installment....better news yet!

Ace Pilot Joe Mini


Joe Mini
President/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC
"If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"

Mission Statement:

We ARE the youngest fleet of pilots in the world!  Our pilots average LESS than 10 hours of total flight experience.  No company in the world can offer this kind of flying security.  Fly with confidence knowing our pilots are there to make your flight one of the most memorable one ever!  Sit back and enjoy the ride.

“If we get you to your destination in one piece, it’s a miracle!” ™

Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC.



Post #1750
Posted Thursday, August 07, 2008 5:18:26 AM

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Well, I'm sorta feeling like Ole at the moment.  Spending a lot of time trying to capture pictures and such, and not sure if it's all worth it, but I still like to type about my heroeic efforts on my part....so even though I've got some great snapshots of my flight, I'm gonna back off quite a bit, and concentrate on flying and when I really get to some cities with fantastic scenery, then I'll post a few of them.  My Washington DC area shots are really good.  On we go!

KATL - KAVL (August 5th)  Atlanta, GA to Asheville, NC

Fly the Beech Baron in perhaps some of the most prettiest countryside in the US -The Great Smoky mountain area of the Applachian mountain range.  Amazing scenery to fly and drive over.  Good Flight Score and descent landing numbers.

Now then, You all know me....I don't wanna brag or nothing....

KAVL - KRDU  (August 5th)  Asheville, NC to Raleigh/Durham, NC 

I really concentrated hard on flying the B737 as best as I could.  Spent all day reading up on speeds, flaps, takeoff, cruising, descents.  I was ready and pumped.  After having a great lunch at a small little diner in the higher elevation country of the Smoky mountains, I felt refreshed.  Excellent day for flying.

No fast taxiing, perfect takeoff speeds, flaps, trimming.  What the hell is going on?  Am I a up and coming pilot.  Nice easy flight cruising.  Did a small bit of up-and-down porpoising during cruising with no A/P.  I just can't get the trimmer always exactly right, but I don't recall getting too many "your 300 above assigned or below" messages from ATC.

And now fans, the momemt of zen.  When the Pilot God's look down on the poor chap in the cockpit and say to themselves, should we help out the "sweating" pilot?  Well the must have.  Concentrating at a all time level for me, had plane coming in on all the recommended speeds, flaps, trimmed out pretty damn good for me.  What the hell?  Not a whole lot of chattering from my buddy Mr. Smith...when is my luck gonna run out? 

Approach speeds, flaps to 30, and I'm lined up the straightest and on glideslope I've ever been.  Touchdown....holy crap.  I know...I know....what's the big whoop?  Well here's why:

Flying notes:  Landing Score 134.05   Flying Score: 145.80
Landing included the following problems:

  • Splendid Landing!

Flight included the following problems:

  • No problems

I cracked the top 50 in overall flying scores..Yea Baby!  All the more reason to crack open a cold frosty Coors light!  Ahhh...life is good.

Thanks for all attending my autograph session at Raleigh/Durham airport.  The overwhelming support from my WWT fans will not go un-noticed. 


Joe Mini
President/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC
"If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"

Mission Statement:

We ARE the youngest fleet of pilots in the world!  Our pilots average LESS than 10 hours of total flight experience.  No company in the world can offer this kind of flying security.  Fly with confidence knowing our pilots are there to make your flight one of the most memorable one ever!  Sit back and enjoy the ride.

“If we get you to your destination in one piece, it’s a miracle!” ™

Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC.



Post #1751
Posted Thursday, August 07, 2008 5:45:52 AM

FSFlyingSchool Developer

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Many thanks for your excellent account - letting us all know just how it's done by the pros!

A very impressive set of scores!

I will toast your achievement tonight - we can get Coors Lite here, but I think it'll probably be Peroni Nastro Azzurro for me. (The Missus has Italian ancestry and so I got into it.)

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

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FS Instant Approach 2019 for X-Plane 11 (Mac)
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Post #1752
Posted Thursday, August 07, 2008 6:06:21 AM

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>> Again my bad, however, I would like to make this suggestion.  I personally like to fly with a lot of AI traffic, and there have been times not so much on my WWT, but when I was praticing, I would be waiting at holding line for my clearance.  There's been times I'd be waiting 5 minutes, now I'm getting anxious, and when ATC finally "fits" me in to there little schedule, I'll start rolling onto runway and advance to takeoff mode when I'm not totally lined up.  Any chance of easing up just a "little" for the heavy pilots?  Maybe allow a little play for a rolling start?    I just have to do a better job of it granted!

I see what you mean and there are a few different ways this could be handled, but the current method is probably the best way.

The current method says "When you tell me you are ready to take off - I will assume that you are lined up." Any other method would require extra work on the part of the pilot, such as requiring the pilot to set NAV1OBS to the takeoff runway heading (at present this is only required for circuits).

We would not want to do this as it's another step that pilots could forget.

It is tricky for any program to figure out which runway you are planning to take off on, and maybe you have not filed a flight plan, you could be taxiing across a runway, etc, etc, etc...

Big tip here - note that if you ever realise that you advanced the flight mode to takeoff before you should have and have not yet caught flak because of that, you can always back-up the flight mode to taxi without any issues.
Actually, you can always back up to taxi if you want to, but it would be more useful if you have not made any (takeoff mode related) mistakes yet!


Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

FSFlyingSchool 2023 for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FSFlyingSchool 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11
FS Instant Approach 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11 (Windows)
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FS Instant Approach 2019 for X-Plane 11 (Mac)
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Post #1753
Posted Thursday, August 07, 2008 6:25:01 AM

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SquadronLeader (8/7/2008)

>> Again my bad, however, I would like to make this suggestion.  I personally like to fly with a lot of AI traffic, and there have been times not so much on my WWT, but when I was praticing, I would be waiting at holding line for my clearance.  There's been times I'd be waiting 5 minutes, now I'm getting anxious, and when ATC finally "fits" me in to there little schedule, I'll start rolling onto runway and advance to takeoff mode when I'm not totally lined up.  Any chance of easing up just a "little" for the heavy pilots?  Maybe allow a little play for a rolling start?    I just have to do a better job of it granted!

I see what you mean and there are a few different ways this could be handled, but the current method is probably the best way.

The current method says "When you tell me you are ready to take off - I will assume that you are lined up." Any other method would require extra work on the part of the pilot, such as requiring the pilot to set NAV1OBS to the takeoff runway heading (at present this is only required for circuits).

We would not want to do this as it's another step that pilots could forget.

I figured you was gonna say that.    But I'm thinking about us "Jet Jockies" who have a itchy finger to rock and roll with the power lever.  I will say I almost "always" my NAV1OBS set at the gate, when I get my clearance for taxi to runwayXX.  But I would imagine it is a tough chore to figure out software wise everything on what's happening.

I shall do better, or the whippin's will continue from Mr. Smith.

It is tricky for any program to figure out which runway you are planning to take off on, and maybe you have not filed a flight plan, you could be taxiing across a runway, etc, etc, etc...

Big tip here - note that if you ever realise that you advanced the flight mode to takeoff before you should have and have not yet caught flak because of that, you can always back-up the flight mode to taxi without any issues.
Actually, you can always back up to taxi if you want to, but it would be more useful if you have not made any (takeoff mode related) mistakes yet!

Well shoot if I didn't make mistakes then I wouldn't have Mr. Smith to yell at me would I?   


Joe Mini
President/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC
"If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"

Mission Statement:

We ARE the youngest fleet of pilots in the world!  Our pilots average LESS than 10 hours of total flight experience.  No company in the world can offer this kind of flying security.  Fly with confidence knowing our pilots are there to make your flight one of the most memorable one ever!  Sit back and enjoy the ride.

“If we get you to your destination in one piece, it’s a miracle!” ™

Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC.



Post #1755
Posted Saturday, August 09, 2008 6:13:24 PM

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KRDU - KORF  (August 5th)  Ralleigh/Durham, NC to Norfolk, VA

Got a little "cocky".  Thought I'm the Pilot...unfortunately Mr. Smith questioned my manhood.

A firetruck moving out to runway?  Humm?  Why?                   Closing in on Airport and slight off already

Flying notes:  Landing Score 56.00   Flying Score: 144.53
Landing included the following problems:

  • Too hard - may have damaged your landing gear.
  • Not near the centre line - you can do better.

A smooth flight!


Joe Mini
President/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC
"If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"

Mission Statement:

We ARE the youngest fleet of pilots in the world!  Our pilots average LESS than 10 hours of total flight experience.  No company in the world can offer this kind of flying security.  Fly with confidence knowing our pilots are there to make your flight one of the most memorable one ever!  Sit back and enjoy the ride.

“If we get you to your destination in one piece, it’s a miracle!” ™

Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC.



Post #1779
Posted Sunday, August 10, 2008 2:02:56 AM

FSFlyingSchool Developer

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Excellent - keep 'em comin' Joe!

That fire truck - an interesting snap shot.

Once I had a ground vehicle in FSX drive itself into the back of my parked 747, thereby ending my flight.

Say - you could make that into a mission - take off without getting rammed by the insane bagage truck driver!

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

FSFlyingSchool 2023 for Microsoft Flight Simulator
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FS Instant Approach 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11 (Windows)
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FSFlyingSchool PRO 2019 FSX, FSX-SE, FS2004
FSFlyingSchool USA for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FS Instant Approach 2019 for X-Plane 11 (Mac)
FS Instant Approach for Microsoft Flight Simulator
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Post #1783
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