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oleandreasen (7/16/2008)
SL. You are just about the sweetest  ....  Whoa - tough guy!  That is a great idea. Soon as we are done, routewise, we will tell what and where...
Excellent. I think it will add a nice bit of atmosphere. Now - I've just gotta find Mr Smith's cell phone number. I think he's on holiday at the moment with his old RAF friend Mr Mitchell.
Thanks a million times......
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
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Ole, At present I took your initial route, and just started looking at maps on google, etc, and started making up a possible route. At first, I was getting hung up on picking the right "muni" that would accept a smaller plane, or picking one such as KMIA for people who wanted to fly heavies. So then I backed up and just started picking cities that I thought would make flights around the 1-2-3 hour range, however, I'm a terrible judge of mileages just from map reading. So I'm almost about done with my 1st stab at just cities, but there are certain segments that might be long and boring from a siteseeing perspective. there's a couple routes I'm not looking forward to flying, but a pilot's got to do what a pilot's got to do... My initial thoughts on all of this was to pick places of interests, fun and challenging places to land (i.e. Mountains of Austria). I'm still finishing up this morning but will have something soon for you to preview and discuss. I was going at this as not so much a race, but more of a dare I say "long" flying project. Do you have a way I can e-mail you what I've got, because it might get a little large for a posting? Joe
Joe MiniPresident/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. "If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"
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oandreasen@gmail.com, that´s my email, and I check it several times a day, so hit me...
Did you see SL´s kind offer, not only to give away gifts!, but also to have Smitty sweettalk us round the world. I figure something like, when we are on leg, say 40 out of 80 he will say "Halfway there guys. great going, keep it up" I know that it would encourage me at times of despair.
I have less time these days than I like, or to much to do, to fly or plan much, so have patience with me, and I will do my part of this. 
But Please send me your route suggestions, and I will look at it.
I agree that this (first - If successful we could make it an annual competition - Keep bringing on those prices SL) round the world trip, will be more of an experience than a race. If we take the timeissue out, then we can enjoy ourselves, and just let be the final FSFS average score that is the competition. The primary goal is just to finish - within the given time.
As far as I remember, GoogleEarth has some kind of measuring tool, so you can measure distances, I will look it up. I never thought of this as a "scenografic" tour, but that only makes it even more fun. I second that motion.
Ole Andreasen, Denmark
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Ole,oleandreasen (7/16/2008)
Joe: oandreasen@gmail.com, that´s my email, and I check it several times a day, so hit me...  On it's way!!! I also sent my home e-mail with it. I live in Kansas so I think we're a few hours behind you across the pond. But I to check my e-mail pretty much all the time after I get home from work. Plus, as always I can check my e-mail from work as well. Did you see SL´s kind offer, not only to give away gifts!, but also to have Smitty sweettalk us round the world. I figure something like, when we are on leg, say 40 out of 80 he will say "Halfway there guys. great going, keep it up" I know that it would encourage me at times of despair.
Well that's kinda what I was thinking too! This will be a huge undertaking! 
I have less time these days than I like, or to much to do, to fly or plan much, so have patience with me, and I will do my part of this.  I'm in the same boat! I have a daughter who does competive gymnastics and music. I have a son who plays soccer (football) for high school, 3 school bands, and an honor band. There just isn't enough friggin' time in the day to do what I love to do....goof around and fly! 
But Please send me your route suggestions, and I will look at it.
I agree that this (first - If successful we could make it an annual competition - Keep bringing on those prices SL) round the world trip, will be more of an experience than a race. If we take the timeissue out, then we can enjoy ourselves, and just let be the final FSFS average score that is the competition. The primary goal is just to finish - within the given time. My butt could be sore from sitting? I'd like to think I'm gonna just do this all in one style airplane, but I know there's going to be times I think I'm going to switch over to a Learjet, B737, or something just to make it go faster.
As far as I remember, GoogleEarth has some kind of measuring tool, so you can measure distances, I will look it up. I never thought of this as a "scenografic" tour, but that only makes it even more fun. I second that motion.
Joe MiniPresident/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. "If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"
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Couple other things I've been pondering instead of working.... 1. Maybe instead of picking the airports, maybe we should just pick the states, countries, cities, capitals, etc, and let the pilot decide which airport they will fly out of, land, and take off from same place. Just as long as the fly the route and I guess prove it by the log book. Can our log book on FSFS be somehow imported to show we made the flights?  Maybe certain stops, for instance they have to land at Sydney Australia's airport, or fly over the Opera House for example. Or for me in my case, I'm probably going to hit every island along the way in the carribean, but it might not be for everyone. Flying through Alaska is really cool with water, mountains, etc. so I think there's some options to consider. I'm sure there's tons of places in Europe to fly. I've been to Paris airport, been to Israel for work, been to Athens for work. Other than that, what I see on FSX or TV is about as much as I know about the world. 2. I'm kinda looking at the big picture of just saying "I did it"....see if I can crack the top 10 in landings, poke fun and crack some jokes, and keep posting to this website our trials and tribulations of flying. I think we're better off with the landing scores versus the time aspect. I thinking on several stops I'm going to be flying around the great pyramids, grand canyon, city skylines, etc taking it all in. See the world with FSX! 
Joe MiniPresident/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. "If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"
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Dear Around-The-World-Pilots: We'll have a look at embedding encrypted data into the log book so that 'proof' of where the pilot landed can be produced and not faked.  This will be useful for all kinds of reasons, during the world trip and also in FSFS generally.  Not absolutely sure yet - but pretty sure that you will have this by the time you pack your bags and set off. 
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
FSFlyingSchool 2023 for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FSFlyingSchool 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11
FS Instant Approach 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11 (Windows)
FSFlyingSchool PRO 2020 Prepar3D v 5
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FSFlyingSchool USA for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FS Instant Approach 2019 for X-Plane 11 (Mac)
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FSFlyingSchool Training Captain
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Cool breeze!  Ole, I just notice I missed some pretty important countries, ie your Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway route....have to add another segment....LOL.  Joe
Joe MiniPresident/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. "If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"
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Hi there Joseph.
I kind of noticed that too. But I saw something else. Your segments consists of 6-8 airports, which brings us up to something like 200 airports, and that is simply too many, I think. 2 airports on Faero Islands for instance. I will go over it later today, and draw some 500 mile circles around some of it, and try to exclude some.
But one heck of a job you did in a single day. Family and all....
Get back to you with my alterations tomorrow.
Ole Andreasen, Denmark