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Hi all you fellow Pilots! 
I have a something, I´ve been thinking about for some time now. 
Would anybody join me in a - well join is maybe not the right word, but you get the idea) competition?
I would like to do a round the world trip using FSFS. I hate then long flights are corrupted by using simulation rate multiplier, and FSFS dosen´t allow such, so that´s great.
I haven´t thought of many rules, maybe we could all set them together, but I was thinking something like:
We agree on a specific plane (points vary on different planes) or we set the plane choice free - what say you good people?
We use whatever difficulty we like - low visibility is harder but earns more points also.
Since failures does not count for points, I will fly this one without them, but pick your poison.
I say that we need at least 50 legs each. That will give a fair average to all. and it means something like 1000 km pr. leg. but more legs are fine with me.
I will make a pilotfile for just this trip.
We take off - fly - land, and save the flight - Posting pictures of the flight here would be good and fun.
when flying next leg, we load, refuel and fly on - after flight planning of course.
We must trust each other, if you cheat you cheat yourself. One try pr. leg. Resetting the flight only allowed if crashing.
Highest average score is king of FSFlyingschools round the world trip.
Please say if you have good ideas, rules, things to make it funnier, better and so on.
Ole Andreasen
Ole Andreasen, Denmark
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Sounds like a good, fun idea Ole! Come on pilots! Share your ideas with Ole!  I'm gonna have to leave this one to you and your fellow forum members as we press on here at our sinister 'Lab' with new features for FSFS... 
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
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Hi everybody I would be interested. Sounds like fun. I was going to do this myself, but why not throw in some competition and get my butt kicked.  I don't have much practice with FSFS with larger planes yet. Guess I'll have to get my butt in gear with larger planes now? I've only been using it for a month or so now. And still reporting that I love it! Much of my time has been tinkering with the Cessna 172, so I don't think I'd want to completely fly the world in a Cessna. I think I would rather have fun poking my eyes out with a fork. Flying Ideas, Comments from Peanut gallery, etc.: For your consideration, maybe you could do flights that would require a Cessna, Beech, etc for short island flights, and longer flights using an RJ, 737, etc for longer hauls. I'm not big on making flights bigger than 2-3 hours, guess I'll never become a long haul pilot. I'm sure more experienced pilots will want to fly heavier jets, but maybe certain legs have to be flown with small planes, average size, and a jumbo plane. I'll be more than likely having casualties with the 747, but you can all read about it in the Joe Mini Flying Gazette report. Perhaps the black boxes will report how bad the glideslope was captured? I realize we might have to have some long flights between countries or transatlantic flights. But I think if we all take a look at a world map, we could figure something out. I usually fly with the built in weather with FSX and get the latest Jeppesen weather every 15 minutes. Timeframe Ideas: Maybe each week, the participating pilots have to make so many legs of the world wide competition each week, say 3-4 legs per week? There's times when I could probably get them all done in one day or two, then other weeks I might struggle to finish. My work and kid's schedule override dad's fun too many times! Or perhaps you have a certain time frame to complete the whole journey and post your scores somehow to show your progress...ie 2-3 months to finish. Photo's / Humor: I'm not very good with posting pictures and stuff yet, but I'm thinking pick destinations that would be "photogenic" to the other pilots. In fact I don't think I've ever captured pictures yet, but it can't be that hard, for gosh sake's I figured out how to use FSFS I'm also all about humor, so I'd also have some write-ups about things along the way. Bragging, trash talking, etc. is always a must! Hopefully, more people will respond...I think this will be a cool idea to get it off the ground and flying!
Joe MiniPresident/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. "If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"
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Thank you JoeMini. I thought I was going to win without competition, and what fun it that? 
Great that you will join me in a round the world trip. It will be fun. I like your idea of "meeting" once a week all participants having flown 3-4 legs. Then we can compare and track each other. And we can compare our point status. We can even make it a double competition. We can make it a timerace also. The smallest amount of combined time used. That could count like 50% and the FSFS score could count the other 50%. Or is that lame?
Regarding screenshots. I downloaded a small program called "snapshot" at simviation.com. HERE, It´s free, and you don´t even have to register at the site. With that running you just presss PrintScreen and it takes all the screenies you want.
At RSC´s forums, HERE, Chris Bloom have posted about his world-trip - in a cessna 172. Took 11 months. Read his story. it´s worth every minute.
We don´t have to have terrible long hauls. We could fly USA, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Faroe islands, UK, France, east through Europe, (Have to visit Denmark) back into Spain, then down into Africa, back up and cross the Middle East, to India further east and down to Australia, backup into China, Japan and then into Russia, up and over the Bering strait to Alaska, down USA, further into South America and back up to the origin. Where ever we decide to begin and end. Holy crabfish - It sounds like one heck of a ride. Might take forever but then again it´s just for the fun of it.
A Cessna 172, is NOT the machine for such a trip - it will really take forever. (see Chris Bloom´s story on that one)
but I figured, something like a twin engine prop like the Beechcraft King Air 350, it does 315 knots (583 km/h) or the Learjet 45. It can fly 464 knots (859 km/h) Both should be able to land at fairly small airports, but I prefer the prop. The Learjet is so fast, that landings are difficult at short runways.
You wrote: My work and kid's schedule override dad's fun too many times!
Well join the club. Family is the biggest flight-killer of all. I get the most flights done, when the rest of the family (a wife and four (4) kids) sleep! 
I say we put it on hold for what? 2-3 weeks to see if anybody else joins in, and the last of those weeks, we talk here and plan routes, planes and all. And then we haul ***. We could say that for instance we fly leg one, on august 1.
Ole Andreasen, Denmark
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Guys: As I mentioned I am enjoying your discussion of this concept and am very interested to see how it works out.  We are pounding away here at our Sinister Lab on adding features to FSFS, some of which are big and amazing and terrifyingly secret.  As a result I cannot get directly involved in the organization of this splendid affair, but I did have an idea...  I will make sure that the winner of the competition, and let's say the 2nd and 3rd place pilots all get some fabulously marvelous prize from FSFlyingSchool.  I can hardly offer a copy of FSFlyingSchool (!!!!) as you'd have to have one to fly around the world.  Instead, I have visions of marvelous mousemats, miraculous mugs, a really goofy lookin' cap, a framed autographed picture of Miss Aviatrix... ...or maybe a voucher for software at some fabulous store. 
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
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Hey Ole, I spent a little time yesterday at lunch looking at a world map. Being's that I'm here in the states, I found myself trying to hit every major US city that would be a good stop to hit. Talk about fun trying to figure out should I fly east to west, north to south, pretty soon I had "lines" everywhere trying to figure good stops. Needless to say, we could have 50 stops in just one country. Perhaps, we could at least have a stop in every contestants home city. I think we are going to find our trip will probably be more than 50 cities, which is fine by me. Half the fun of sim flying is you can learn a little geography and see cities you might not ever see in real life. I was looking at your USA, Canada, Greenland, etc....why don't we think about a good starting point for it, and start thinking about a "massive" flight plan? What do you think about starting in a muni airport in Miami, FL and working around your potential flight plan? I think what we could do is plan this out in sections, that way we can modify stops as we progress. We could do segment legs (August 1 to 8 - KMIA, KMCO, KJAX, KATL etc) I realize will have to pick smaller muni airports for our Beech, but hopefully one that have ILS approaches for grading. We could then have an official permanent posting which shows nothing but the destinations for each week. Hopefully that will be ok with Mr. SL?  The KingAir350 would be a good plane to try. Sidenote: I used to test the harness in those a few years back before moving back to Boeing. Like I said, maybe certain flights can be the KingAir350 or Baron, and certain legs can be the learjet or 737 for instance for major airports which will only accept the heavy jets? Maybe we just want to fly one style airplane, which I'm all for that as well, in fact, I'm leaning that way the more I think about it. I fly for a couple VA's anyway, so flying a smaller plane and checking out the scenery will be cool! I like the idea of timing, however, I sometimes get a little pissed with the built-in ATC tower with FSX. I find myself a lot of times saying "where in the heck are you flying me too?" but I'm still up for it. The only thing I could possibly see, is there might be some who want to fly there personal favorite plane which might be slower, so the "shortest time" aspect, might be something to work out. I guess I should ask, will this be all VFR flying, IFR, or some combo in between?  The other thing I'm thinking about is for me that is, I'll be practicing my landings anyway, so my scores will be crappy at first with airplanes I'm not used to, but then hopefully, with a "contest" like this, I'll be improving each outing is my goal. With that in mind, I'm a huge carribean fan, (as one would say about me, I like parking my butt on a beach, drink some beverages, and watch the waves hit my _____."), I thought it would be cool to pick a bunch of small airfields in the carribean with ILS/Glideslope approaches. One other thing I was thinking about, is we're doing all this planning, and possibly not hear from a lot of people, then after we start, you know will get some that have just got the software, etc, that will want to join. We'll have to figure out how to incorporate them. So I'm thinking the segments will work out, where maybe you'll have to at least fly 25+ segments to be in the running? And thanks Squadran Leader for your interest in our event. Maybe you could shoot for a larger prize...oh I don't know...maybe a new plane Vanna White please show what our contestant has just won!  Hopefully, we'll get some more interest, if not it'll still be a fun journey. Whew, I think I'm done for now? Cheers, Joe Virtually located in Air Capital of World.
Joe MiniPresident/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. "If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"
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To add more to my previous e-mail, I just made an attempt at a possible flight plan courtesy of Joe Mini Travels.  At present, I have 47 segments, but some of those could easily be broken down even further, because I was just figuring "ok that's a good place, that's a good place, distances, and to be honest, obviously I don't know every city and country to know what good and what's not...." That being said, I can share with all what I have so far for critique. Again, I didn't mean to leave out cities, countries, etc, but I think I'm on the right track with what you was wanting Ole. Whew, this could take a while to complete...hopefully we have a good maintence crew on board?  Cheers, Joe
Joe MiniPresident/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. "If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"
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JoeMini (7/15/2008)
Hey Ole,
I spent a little time yesterday at lunch looking at a world map. Being's that I'm here in the states, I found myself trying to hit every major US city that would be a good stop to hit. Talk about fun trying to figure out should I fly east to west, north to south, pretty soon I had "lines" everywhere trying to figure good stops. Needless to say, we could have 50 stops in just one country.
Perhaps, we could at least have a stop in every contestants home city.I think we are going to find our trip will probably be more than 50 cities, which is fine by me. Half the fun of sim flying is you can learn a little geography and see cities you might not ever see in real life. I was looking at your USA, Canada, Greenland, etc....why don't we think about a good starting point for it, and start thinking about a "massive" flight plan? What do you think about starting in a muni airport in Miami, FL and working around your potential flight plan? I think what we could do is plan this out in sections, that way we can modify stops as we progress. We could do segment legs (August 1 to 8 - KMIA, KMCO, KJAX, KATL etc) I realize will have to pick smaller muni airports for our Beech,but hopefully one that have ILS approaches for grading. We could then have an official permanent posting which shows nothing but the destinations for each week. Hopefully that will be ok with Mr. SL?
The KingAir350 would be a good plane to try. Sidenote: I used to test the harness in those a few years back before moving back to Boeing. Like I said, maybe certain flights can be the KingAir350 or Baron, and certain legs can be the learjet or 737 for instance for major airports which will only accept the heavy jets? Maybe we just want to fly one style airplane, which I'm all for that as well, in fact, I'm leaning that way the more I think about it. I fly for a couple VA's anyway, so flying a smaller plane and checking out the scenery will be cool!
I like the idea of timing, however, I sometimes get a little pissed with the built-in ATC tower with FSX. I find myself a lot of times saying "where in the heck are you flying me too?" but I'm still up for it. The only thing I could possibly see, is there might be some who want to fly there personal favorite plane which might be slower, so the "shortest time" aspect, might be something to work out.
I guess I should ask, will this be all VFR flying, IFR, or some combo in between?
The other thing I'm thinking about is for me that is, I'll be practicing my landings anyway, so my scores will be crappy at first with airplanes I'm not used to, but then hopefully, with a "contest" like this, I'll be improving each outing is my goal. With that in mind, I'm a huge carribean fan, (as one would say about me, I like parking my butt on a beach, drink some beverages, and watch the waves hit my _____."), I thought it would be cool to pick a bunch of small airfields in the carribean with ILS/Glideslope approaches.
One other thing I was thinking about, is we're doing all this planning, and possibly not hear from a lot of people, then after we start, you know will get some that have just got the software, etc, that will want to join. We'll have to figure out how to incorporate them. So I'm thinking the segments will work out, where maybe you'll have to at least fly 25+ segments to be in the running?
And thanks Squadran Leader for your interest in our event. Maybe you could shoot for a larger prize...oh I don't know...maybe a new plane  Vanna White please show what our contestant has just won!
Hopefully, we'll get some more interest, if not it'll still be a fun journey.
Whew, I think I'm done for now?
Cheers, Joe
Virtually located in Air Capital of World.
+26.000 airports Joe. We cannot land in all of them!
I am a Caribbean sucker too, so I propose that we end this tour, coming up from South America, and then fly from Venezuela, up the Caribbean (have to land on Margarita) and end in Maimi. And thus starting in the very same Maimi airport (you choose the one). Then we know where to start and the final route to end it. Just need to figure the rest.
I have two possibilities regarding planes. I would like to do the entire thing in the KingAir350, and that means landing in airports that will accept it.
But we could also just give it free. Let everyone do the plane(s) they like, but then I vote for removing the time aspect.
If we think in terms of say 100 airports for the whole thing, or more like legs of 500 miles as an average. In the Caribbean it would be much less, and somewhere it would be more. Could we say max 1000 miles?
Maybe you could think out a route in America. Think of it as continent 1. Then I will think up routes for Europe (continent 2) We see if someone comes along so we can divide the route planning for, Africa (3), the Middle east and Asia (4), Australia, (5) and China, Japan, Russia (6), and back into, and south through North America (7), South America (8) and then the Caribbean into Maimi (9)
I don´t care how people plan their flights. VFR, IFR, that is all up to the contestant. I would only like to have rules for where we fly and what we fly (and maybe not even the latter) I vote for real life weather, (I have ActiveSky but I will settle for using FSX´s weather updated every 15 minutes.
Just saw your second post: Could I please see the plan you have created. I must admit that I think 47 legs are too few, as it will be at least 1000 miles pr. leg, so.. see above, but we can alter and fill in.
It will be a long competition, I reckon it will take 4-6 months, but that is OK. I´m not in a hurry!
Landing practice! We will have plenty of that, and flyingpractice too. Using FSFS to the max. I have given it some thought and I don´t think we should have the timeaspect in. Just FSFS scores - what do you think?
Ole Andreasen, Denmark
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Oh darn - I knew I'd get sucked into this project...  Say folks - how about if, once you've decided on all the airfields for the route, you look up some interesting data on them and I'll get "MrSmith" to record "landing" files for all of them. That way you'll hear MrSmith make some fascinating comment on each location when you land there!  If you like, I'll even get him to do "location" files too if you want them, but you'd have to determine which areas you want to trigger them.  This is all explained in the manual - I would need the exact LAT and LONG for all the airports (taken from FS - not from real world data) and any special areas you want to trigger location files (these are larger areas and could probably come from real world data).  Just a thought - something I can get Mr. S to contribute to this worthy cause. What do you think? 
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
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