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Even after the refreshing of XP11 RW data I'm not sure that everything is OK. I don't understand why the landing score and the comments are again so bad (almost the same as for the first video). Please have a look on this short video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXBLAchAwEU ). Excuse me for insisting on the X-Plane version of FSFS because I fully agree with scores and comments I got when using FSFS with FSX and P3D.
Thank you again.
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FSFlyingSchool Captain
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Again I can't get acceptable landing scores with X-Plane. In the case of the landing shown on this short video one comment is 'Not near the centre line - you can do better'. I agree with other comments but it is difficult for this one. What do you think about ?
Thank you very much.
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The landing looks very close to the center-line and so this is puzzling - can you do another flight but record the actual landing with the instructor, with the instructor talking, so we can listen to what he/she is saying in the last 3 or 4 minutes of the flight? This would give us a lot more information to work with.
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
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FSFlyingSchool Captain
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Thank you for answering. I made two short videos of the same flight the first one inside the cockpit and the second one outside in replay mode. What do you think about the score ?
I know this landing is not a good one but I am sure that under FSX/P3D the score would have been much better (most landings under FSX/P3D are greater than 40).
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Thanks for the video - can you copy and paste, into a reply to this post, the 'full pilot log book' section from FSFlyingSchool for this flight so I can see the score and the details?
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
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Below are the comments concerning the videos:
LightSpeed piloting JF_PA28_Arrow_v1.3 ended Thursday, March 8, 2018 at 19:19
FSFlyingSchool 2018 for X-Plane 11 and 10 (December 18 2017)
Using: X-Plane
Visibility: 25.00 Miles Wind: 0 Knots
Flight plan: LFLP TO LFLB :Aix-Les-Bains NAV1: CY
Flight Duration:00 Hours 13 Mins 43 Secs
Landing Score:23.10
Landing was successful in the following areas:
Gentle touchdown. [289 FPM]
Good landing speed - not too fast. [52 KIAS]
Wings were level.
Landed on runway surface.
Glideslope held until flare.
Good pitch control after touchdown.
Good pitch at landing.
Heading aligned with runway.
Throttle(s) idle.
Good controlled final descent to touchdown.
Landing included the following problems:
Poor glideslope on ILS approach - you can do better. [20%]
Poor alignment with runway on ILS approach - line up and stay there. [40%]
Not near the centre line - you can do better.
Poor steering after landing - stay on the centre line.
Definite room for improvement...
Flight Score:94.82
Flight commended in the following areas:
Smooth turns.
Nice banking.
Gear deployment at safe speed.
Comfortable G forces.
Smooth pitch control.
Flown within aircraft's maximum speed limit.
Good take off steering.
Rotation was not late.
Safe taxi speed.
Smooth braking during taxi.
Smooth climb during takeoff.
Wings level near ground.
Well coordinated turns.
No stalls.
No flying dangerously close to stall speed.
Smooth comfortable descent rate.
Pitch not too high.
Pitch not too low.
Approach speed not too fast.
Low altitude speeds not too fast.
Good clearance of obstacles.
Flight included the following problems:
Dangerous taxiing turns - these cause discomfort and stress.
Definite room for improvement...
Values of 20 % and 40 % seem low. I was expecting greater values.
Most of times I don't agree with the comment "Dangerous taxiing turns. Something is too sensitive with regard to this item. The same with "Watch your steering".
Thank you very much for your comments.
Best regards
FSFlyingSchool Developer
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As the approach was with ILS we can at least see from the instruments in the cockpit that it is considerably below the GS and not aligned with the center line; this will considerably reduce the score. At first I thought the score was low considering the landing was not massively off center, but when this is added to being considerably below the GS and not aligned with the center line I can see why the score is low.
I believe we have discussed the taxi turns in a difference post?
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
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Thank you for analysing. I can't totally agree as during the last part of the descent needles were at positions not very far from the correct ones. Anyway does it mean that better scores may be obtained without ILS (in fact it's what I have observed) ? I continue thinking (and experiencing) that better scores in the same conditions are obtained with FSX/P3D.
Thank you again.
Best regards
FSFlyingSchool Developer
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Glad to help - the GS and LOC are tracked for scoring for the last 500 feet of the descent and during that time they were considerably below and off center, and this is what caused the score to suffer.
Many folks find that the best scores come with ILS as the pilot has an instrument which tells him/her exactly what to do.
Of course the score can also be increased with crosswind, low visibility and larger, heavier, faster aircraft.
It's all part of the fun. 
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
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FSFlyingSchool Captain
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Thank you again. For mutual understanding perhaps it will help that I send some videos with FSX/P3D if you agree (if not I give up with this topic). Within the same conditions scores are often 3 times those I get with XP. It is frustating, when using another simulator, to get such differences.
Best regards