X-Plane 11 support?

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X-Plane 11 support? Expand / Collapse
Posted Sunday, May 07, 2017 8:09:22 AM
FSFlyingSchool Pilot

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Last Login: Monday, May 08, 2017 3:36:43 AM
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i have XP11.1rc2 and it's great that an instructor can rate my landings again with fsflyingschool upgraded for xp11
slight disappointments after buying the new version are that the user interface doesn't seem to have evolved.
>instructor talks over the ATIS com2. that wouldn't happen in RW?
>instructor didn't notice that i started up the engine thru to taxiing but hadn't turned on the alternator, amps were negative.
>i still need a degree in astrophysics and/or a better memory to to save my prefs for stuff like 'monitor lights', 'instructor volume quiet' etc. apparently we have to use an exact XP & fsfs exit sequence or those settings get dumped.
>the same 3 distorted voices which i have to turn down to minimum each time. and for me at least, the only one i can bear without wanting to top myself, is Mr Smith.
>so far i don't see any indication that the 'pro-pack' has been engaged for the aircraft i'm in. xp11 default C172 currently but have changed the ATC tail number/atc code.

other that these minor issues i like the sw, so great job thank you :-)

X-Plane 11.x, P3D , EVGA GeForce GTX 750 Ti over-clocked. Add veggie burgers and beer.
Post #12957
Posted Monday, May 08, 2017 3:13:22 AM

FSFlyingSchool Developer

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Hi again:

Thanks for your kind words. Good to read that you are up and flying with X-Plane 11 and FSFlyingSchool 2017 for X-Plane 11 and 10.

Glad to help!

>> i have XP11.1rc2 and it's great that an instructor can rate my landings again with fsflyingschool upgraded for xp11 slight disappointments after buying the new version are that the user interface doesn't seem to have evolved.
>>instructor talks over the ATIS com2. that wouldn't happen in RW?

No it would not. As you can imagine, there are technical limits to what we can attempt and there are certainly limits to what we claim the product does.

>>instructor didn't notice that i started up the engine thru to taxiing but hadn't turned on the alternator, amps were negative.

You've not reported which plane you were in when this occurred. The product is programmed to detect this in a c172 as explained in the manual.

>>i still need a degree in astrophysics and/or a better memory to to save my prefs for stuff like 'monitor lights', 'instructor volume quiet' etc. apparently we have to use an exact XP & fsfs exit sequence or those settings get dumped.

Rest assured that they all work - you just need to follow the instructions I wrote to you previously on this forum. Perhaps you could print them out to have them easily accessible?

>>the same 3 distorted voices which i have to turn down to minimum each time. and for me at least, the only one i can bear without wanting to top myself, is Mr Smith.

I fully understand that everyone will have different personal preferences.

>>so far i don't see any indication that the 'pro-pack' has been engaged for the aircraft i'm in. xp11 default C172 currently but have changed the ATC tail number/atc code.

'Instant Help', 'Aviation Tips', 'Monitor NAV1 VOR' and more - these are for all planes. The manual describes them in detail.

>>other that these minor issues i like the sw, so great job thank you :-)

Thanks again!

Have a great week of flights!

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

FSFlyingSchool 2023 for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FSFlyingSchool 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11
FS Instant Approach 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11 (Windows)
FSFlyingSchool PRO 2020 Prepar3D v 5
FSFlyingSchool PRO 2019 FSX, FSX-SE, FS2004
FSFlyingSchool USA for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FS Instant Approach 2019 for X-Plane 11 (Mac)
FS Instant Approach for Microsoft Flight Simulator
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Post #12958
Posted Monday, May 08, 2017 3:44:53 AM
FSFlyingSchool Pilot

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Last Login: Monday, May 08, 2017 3:36:43 AM
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ok thanks for the info.

>>instructor didn't notice that i started up the engine thru to taxiing but hadn't turned on the alternator, amps were negative.
You've not reported which plane you were in when this occurred. The product is programmed to detect this in a c172 as explained in the manual.

i rekon in that case my main problem is that my x-plane 11 (11.01rc2) default C172 is not being recognised as the pro pack is not kicking in. perhaps it's my finger trouble, i'll look at the log files and re-read instructions when i get back from work.

X-Plane 11.x, P3D , EVGA GeForce GTX 750 Ti over-clocked. Add veggie burgers and beer.
Post #12959
Posted Monday, May 08, 2017 5:27:02 AM

FSFlyingSchool Developer

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Hi DV:

>> the pro pack is not kicking in.

The features formerly known as the PRO Pack do not depend on the plane. They include 'Instant Help', 'Aviation Tips', 'Monitor NAV1 VOR' and more - these are for all planes. The manual describes them in detail.

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

FSFlyingSchool 2023 for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FSFlyingSchool 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11
FS Instant Approach 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11 (Windows)
FSFlyingSchool PRO 2020 Prepar3D v 5
FSFlyingSchool PRO 2019 FSX, FSX-SE, FS2004
FSFlyingSchool USA for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FS Instant Approach 2019 for X-Plane 11 (Mac)
FS Instant Approach for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FS Instant Help for FSX, FS2004

Winner of 5 consecutive PC Pilot Magazine 'Classic Product' Awards

Fly like the Pros with X-Plane, Flight Simulator and Prepar3D!

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