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Does FSFlyingSchool 2016 support the X-Plane 11 beta?
FSFlyingSchool Developer
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Hi Dan:
Thanks for your question. It may be the case that some features of FSFlyingSchool 2016 for X-Plane 10 work with X-Plane 11 beta but it is in no way whatsoever supported in that use by us. Indeed the pilot has no license to use it with X-Plane 11.
We certainly plan to publish a version which supports X-Plane 11 very shortly, but at present, there is no such version.
X-Plane 11 is an exciting new product. If you try it out, I hope you enjoy beta testing with the X-Plane 11 folks!
We'd be very interested to hear what you make of XP11 if you have any time to share your thoughts with us.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
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FS Instant Approach 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11 (Windows)
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If we purchase today, do we get a free upgrade when it comes available? Or should I wait?
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Hi Naythan:
Thanks for your interest!
We are always working on new features for FSFlyingSchool for X-Plane, FSX and P3D - this means that we will be publishing a new version for X-Plane and we plan to include support for X-Plane 11 in it.
We are following the X-Plane 11 beta development, but as you can imagine, we cannot support X-Plane 11 until X-Plane 11 is officially published.
This new version of FSFlyingSchool will include a number of new features and so owners of FSFlyingSchool for X-Plane will be offered the opportunity to upgrade to it at a discount.
We have no date for this new version at present.
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
FSFlyingSchool 2023 for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FSFlyingSchool 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11
FS Instant Approach 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11 (Windows)
FSFlyingSchool PRO 2020 Prepar3D v 5
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FSFlyingSchool Pilot
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Just bought FSFlyingSchool yesterday and tried flying with XPlane 11, seemed to work on a circuit flight but camera key controls didn't work for the arrow keys and in a and out for comma and period. Got normal instruction concerning flaps and proper speeds etc. X-Camera worked OK while FSF was on and connected.
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Thanks for your interest in our products - and for your report! 
As you can imagine, FSFlyingSchool 2016 for X-Plane 10 is for X-Plane 10. It's use with X-Plane 11 is not supported, but the good news is that we have been working on a new product for X-Plane 11.
We obviously can't publish it until X-Plane 11 is published (finished). Our new product contains many new features and will be announced on our website on the day it is published; at present, we have no estimate of when that will be.
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
FSFlyingSchool 2023 for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FSFlyingSchool 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11
FS Instant Approach 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11 (Windows)
FSFlyingSchool PRO 2020 Prepar3D v 5
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FSFlyingSchool Pilot
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Last Login: Thursday, May 04, 2017 1:07:40 AM
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Hi Jeff,
Since a few day's I own X-plane 11 and today they released the release candidate, because there is no beta signature anymore when I start X-plane, it just say X-plane 11 now.
I have to say FSflyingschool is working quite ok, I have not tested it all the way but it looks promising.
Some of the samples from Mr. Smith sounds cranky but that should be on X-plane's side.
I believe a small update would serve your costumers (just change 10 to 10/11 )
I will be checking more details later and report it over here, OK?
B.T.W I like FSFlyingschool very much and tell people about it too.
FSflyingschool/XPWEATHER/XPPROPACK owner
A.K.A. Bonehead4life
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Hi Raymond:
It looks like you have an excellent simulator set up - very cool! 
Many thanks for your post and your kind words. 
As you can imagine, the license is for the product named in the title: 'FSFlyingSchool 2016 for X-Plane 10'; it is not licensed to be used with X-Plane 11 and use with X-Plane 11 is not supported.
Good news - our new FSFlyingSchool 2017 for X-Plane is not yet published as we have designed it to work with the new X-Plane 11, but we can't publish it until X-Plane 11 is published (finished).
FSFlyingSchool 2017 for X-Plane contains many new features and will be announced on our website on the day it is published. 
We understand XP11 will be on general release in early April 2017, so... if that takes place, FSFlyingSchool 2017 should be along shortly after that.
[EDIT: X-Plane 11 is on sale now.]
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Have a great weekend of flights!
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
FSFlyingSchool 2023 for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FSFlyingSchool 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11
FS Instant Approach 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11 (Windows)
FSFlyingSchool PRO 2020 Prepar3D v 5
FSFlyingSchool PRO 2019 FSX, FSX-SE, FS2004
FSFlyingSchool USA for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FS Instant Approach 2019 for X-Plane 11 (Mac)
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FSFlyingSchool Pilot
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Last Login: Thursday, May 04, 2017 1:07:40 AM
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Hi Again Jeff,
Thank YOU for your kind words 
I have to tell you it is quite immersive the way I play and with X-plane 11 it only getting bigger.
But please, I have to ask this because my native language is not English, but Dutch.
I have to buy a brand new licence for a product(s) I hardly own for 4 months and have not even landed a plane 10 times?
I own FSflyingschool since the 20th of December 2016 and, as you can see in the charts, have not used it a lot.
Please inform me about this by PM because there is no use to bring this to the forum.
FSflyingschool/XPWEATHER/XPPROPACK owner
A.K.A. Bonehead4life
RIG : PROC I7-6700K @ 4 GHz | MOBO ASUS Maximus VIII Hero | RAM Corsair Dominator Platinum 16GB 3200MHz | GPU ASUS GTX970-DCMOC-4GD5 | SCREENS LG W2453V and HMD Oculus Rift DK2 with Motion Leap on FlyInsideXP | OS Windows 10 64-bit |CH Products FlightSim Yoke | PEDALS ECCI Trackstar 6000 3 pedal unit on LeoBodnar BU0836-LC | NVIDIA GeForce 3xx.xx
FSFlyingSchool Developer
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Hi Raymond:
No problem - I'll reply by email - we try to avoid PMs when possible as email is far easier for us to track here at FSInventions.
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
FSFlyingSchool 2023 for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FSFlyingSchool 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11
FS Instant Approach 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11 (Windows)
FSFlyingSchool PRO 2020 Prepar3D v 5
FSFlyingSchool PRO 2019 FSX, FSX-SE, FS2004
FSFlyingSchool USA for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FS Instant Approach 2019 for X-Plane 11 (Mac)
FS Instant Approach for Microsoft Flight Simulator
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