Talking About Glideslope Even on Non-ILS Approach?

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Talking About Glideslope Even on Non-ILS... Expand / Collapse
Posted Saturday, February 23, 2008 3:22:08 PM
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Any idea why the instructor keeps saying "too low for the glideslope" even when I'm approaching a non-ils runway ?
Post #1194
Posted Sunday, February 24, 2008 3:22:40 AM

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Welcome to the forum!

In FSFS there are two types of approach which can be flown and analyzed by the instructor:
1) ILS
2) Non-ILS

The first type requires that the pilot correctly tunes NAV1 to the frequency of the ILS at the destination runway.

The second requires that the pilot load a flight plan into FSFS to a runway which appears in the NonILS folder of FSFS and makes sure to have no ILS signal on NAV1.

(See manual for further details)

On an ILS approach the instructor is watching the aircraft instruments to see that the pilot adheres, as far as is appropriate, to the localizer and glideslope of the ILS.

On a non-ILS approach, the instructor does the same, but without looking at the instruments! Basically, the instructor looks at the aircraft's position relative to the runway to require that the pilot line up with it and also looks at the position relative to the published glideslope for the runway to require the pilot to come in neither too high nor too low in his or her approach.

Most non-ils runways will have a published glideslope of 3 degrees, but others, such as KAJO (Corona Municipal) do not. An especially interesting case is EGLC (London City) with a glideslope of 5.5 degrees and some pretty nice scenery too!

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

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Post #1195
Posted Sunday, February 24, 2008 5:34:29 AM
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So what is the implication for approaching non-ils runways ?

Does it mean I still have to approach at a 3degree incline ? - what if I just wish to VFR around and land how I like...this guy is bending my ear about a non-existent glideslope when I'm buzzing the tower at egck !


Post #1196
Posted Monday, February 25, 2008 3:03:22 AM

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>> So what is the implication for approaching non-ils runways ?
Does it mean I still have to approach at a 3degree incline ? - what if I just wish to VFR around and land how I like...this guy is bending my ear about a non-existent glideslope when I'm buzzing the tower at egck !

In order to achieve the best scores in FSFS, the pilot should stick to the published glideslope at any runway. VASI / PAPI lights can help of course as can other visual clues.

The glideslope is easier to visualise at ILS runways as the pilot can just follow the cockpit instruments.

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

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Post #1197
Posted Monday, February 25, 2008 3:50:47 AM
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Sorry, you'll have to go a little easy as I am rather a noob to all this.

So a non-ILS runway has a glideslope ?  How would this be at a small airfield ?

Thnx again for your time.

Post #1198
Posted Monday, February 25, 2008 7:25:55 AM

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>> Sorry, you'll have to go a little easy as I am rather a noob to all this.
So a non-ILS runway has a glideslope ?  How would this be at a small airfield ?
Thnx again for your time.

It's always a pleasure to get feedback!

FSFS looks at the glideslope specified in the file name of the Non-ILS runway in the NonILS folder of FSFS.

If you are landing at a runway, without using ILS, you MUST land at a runway in the NonILS folder if you want the landing properly evaluated. The manual has complete detail on how to add new NonILS runway data to your PC.

If the airfield has no known glideslope then FSFS will assume 3 degrees, but the runway must still be in the NonILS folder (even though the GS component of the file name can be omitted).

The idea of all this is that even when there is no ILS, the instructor will still be looking for the pilot to perform a sensible GS for the runway, and at those where the GS is markedly different, such as EGLC (London City), the instructor will expect the published glideslope to be correctly recognised and followed by the pilot.


Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

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Post #1199
Posted Monday, February 25, 2008 1:15:22 PM
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OK, I think I understand.

So even if I'm flying into a non-ils airport I should stillapproach as if it were a ils landing - ie. take an approach of around 3 degrees from an altitude of around 3000ft ?

Also, here's one to show that I'm learning some cool stuff - I notice that you are "told off" if your wings are not level near the ground. So what happens if I am doing a crosswind landing and am leaning on my aileron into the wind almost until touchdown. ? Or is it a case of better a rollicking than crashing !
Post #1200
Posted Tuesday, February 26, 2008 1:08:46 AM

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>> OK, I think I understand.
So even if I'm flying into a non-ils airport I should stillapproach as if it were a ils landing - ie. take an approach of around 3 degrees from an altitude of around 3000ft ?

Yes - although the glideslope is based on the runway data which is in the NonILS folder. So 4 degrees for KAJO and 5.5 degrees for EGLC.

>> Also, here's one to show that I'm learning some cool stuff - I notice that you are "told off" if your wings are not level near the ground. So what happens if I am doing a crosswind landing and am leaning on my aileron into the wind almost until touchdown. ? Or is it a case of better a rollicking than crashing ! 

Well spotted! We are fine tuning this for a future version. Right now you will get this warning if the bank is pretty stiff and near the ground. We are working on further intergration into crosswind conditions, just as we already have for other aspects of airmanship under analysis.

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

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Post #1201
Posted Sunday, March 02, 2008 5:09:24 PM

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Boy, those instructors sure do nag.

I created the non-ILS files for 16 and 34, loaded it into FSFS and had it show up and give me a box to select 16 or 34...GREAT.  But, on approach with runway 16 selected, the instructor always tells me to use 34.  Not that he cares even if I use another runway all together.

I can land right on the line and the instructor always tells me that I'm not lined up with the runway or center line.  I find that using the skew method of locating the longitude and latitude gives me slightly different values than the A/FD.  Any way to fix this.

Also, I'm flying the FSX Air Creation Trike, so the nose wheel is always up.  I created a profile for it in FSFS but the instructor always tells me that I landed on the nose wheel.  Is there a better profile for this aircraft?  (I didn't find one in the hanger).

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Post #1207
Posted Monday, March 03, 2008 6:15:28 AM

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>> Boy, those instructors sure do nag.

They sure do love to chat...

>> I created the non-ILS files for 16 and 34, loaded it into FSFS and had it show up and give me a box to select 16 or 34...GREAT.  But, on approach with runway 16 selected, the instructor always tells me to use 34.  Not that he cares even if I use another runway all together.

Please send us the files via email or this forum and we'll look at them.

>> I can land right on the line and the instructor always tells me that I'm not lined up with the runway or center line.  I find that using the skew method of locating the longitude and latitude gives me slightly different values than the A/FD.  Any way to fix this.

The slew method to line up on the centre line of a desired non-ILS runway produces the exact coordinates which Flight Simulator is using. This is exactly what we need as FSFlyingSchool is watching the data in the world of Flight Simulator of course, and so if this differs from the real world, that's in the hands of Microsoft...

>> Also, I'm flying the FSX Air Creation Trike, so the nose wheel is always up.  I created a profile for it in FSFS but the instructor always tells me that I landed on the nose wheel.  Is there a better profile for this aircraft?  (I didn't find one in the hanger).

This is interesting - there really is no data in the profile which affects the evaluation of pitch at landing or landing on the nose wheel. Can you send us the profile you created so we can have a look at it and ultimately share it with others? 

Please also send us the    .dat    file from the C:\Program Files\FSFlyingSchool\PilotRoster  folder which belongs to the pilot you are using with the FSX Air Creation Trike.

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

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Post #1210
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