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Posted Wednesday, September 17, 2008 12:09:30 AM

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Leg 11: CYLU (Kangiqsualujjuaq) to CYVM (Qikiqtarjuaq)

Well the trees does not grow into the sky! (Danish expression) and my three splendid landings did no become a foursome,

But airports like these really makes you appriciate populated areas with nice ILS systems. How good it is to have PAPI lights and all to look for when going down towards the runway... Who picked those airports anyway? erm.. guess it was me!

Checklists                                                                                                                                   OK - ready to go!

Up and away. Northbound                                                                                                                     Still looks like a swim would be great!

But hey - It´s getting colder down there..... Where is my muff?                                                                     Great - ice for my whiskey-compass!

Getting ready for turning onto final                                                                                                     Now where are those PAPI´s? Looks like a Caribbean beach? well it aint! 

Ladies and Gentlem.... Arh sorry Mr.Smith. Please don´t get mad. How would you rate that nice landing? - want a drink Mr.Smith?

Ole Andreasen piloting Learjet 45 ended 17. september 2008 at 00:26

FSFlyingSchool Using: FSX
Visibility: 62,14 Miles     Wind: 0 Knots
Aircraft: BOMBARDIER ID: JA-068X Airline: Flight:
Flight plan: CYLU TO CYVM NAV1:
Failure(s): None at landing
Failure Event(s) (Zulu Time): None

Landing Score:0,00 (It wasen´t you I called a lady, Mr. Smith - I promise!)

Landing was successful in the following areas:

  • Good alignment with runway on visual approach.
  • Gentle touchdown.
  • Good landing speed - not too fast.
  • Wings were level.
  • Distance from runway numbers (visual approach): 686 feet
  • Glideslope held until flare.
  • Good pitch control after touchdown.
  • Good pitch at landing.
  • With flaps - good job.
  • With spoilers armed.
  • Heading aligned with runway.
  • Good controlled final descent to touchdown.
  • Good steering after landing.

Landing included the following problems:

  • Poor glideslope on visual approach - you can do better.
  • Throttle(s) forward - should be idle.

Definite room for improvement...

Flight Score:120,66

Flight commended in the following areas:

  • Smooth turns.
  • Nice banking.
  • Correct matching of flaps to speeds.
  • Gear deployment at safe speed.
  • Comfortable G forces.
  • Smooth pitch control.
  • Flown within aircraft's maximum speed limit.
  • Gentle taxi turns.
  • Good take off steering.
  • Rotation was not late.
  • Appropriate position of flaps during taxi.
  • Safe taxi speed.
  • Smooth braking during taxi.
  • Smooth climb during takeoff.
  • Wings level near ground.
  • Well coordinated turns.
  • No stalls.
  • No flying dangerously close to stall speed.
  • Pitch not too high.
  • Pitch not too low.
  • Flaps down on time.
  • Approach speed not too fast.
  • Low altitude speeds not too fast.
  • Good clearance of obstacles.

Flight included the following problems:

  • Rapid descent - dangerous and uncomfortable.

Definite room for improvement...


Well this concludes my North American segment. Now it´s goodbye America and as the B-52´s sing "Girl from Ipanima goes to Greenland"

This tale will continue in "WWT - Oles European flights!" Click HERE

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2252
Posted Wednesday, September 17, 2008 12:21:00 AM

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I see what you mean - very confusing up North!

This runway has headings of 33 true and 213 true and this is the basis of the naming of the runways.

The name of the runway in the NonILS file is for human reference only. You could theoretically call it runway 99 and it would work so long as you knew which one it was.

The heading has to be magnetic.

I have to say that before I undertook an important or a long flight to a nonILS runway I was not sure about, I would set myself up in mid-air and do a landing there (would take about 3 minutes) just to make sure that the nonILS file has been made correctly. 

OK - that might take away from the thrill of seeing it for the first time as you land there after a long flight, but it would avoid any possible disappointment from having made the nonILS file incorrectly.

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

FSFlyingSchool 2023 for Microsoft Flight Simulator
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Post #2253
Posted Wednesday, September 17, 2008 12:39:12 AM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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Thank you SL. I will not blame the runwayfile then, but myself - once again!

It´s true that it would be wise to have a peek at the landing before going 2 hours and messing it up, but that´s also some of the fun, having these zeros and blaming - always blaming - Mr.Smith for being unfair We know better!

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2255
Posted Wednesday, September 17, 2008 5:23:09 AM

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oleandreasen (9/17/2008)
Thank you SL. I will not blame the runwayfile then, but myself - once again!

It´s true that it would be wise to have a peek at the landing before going 2 hours and messing it up, but that´s also some of the fun, having these zeros and blaming - always blaming - Mr.Smith for being unfair We know better!

That's exactly what I've been trying to preach ever since I found this product!  Why is it taking everyone so long to figure this out?  Like I've said all along, it is so much easier to blame everyone else than yourself!   Why take it out on yourself when I can easily blame Ole, SL, or Mr. Smith!   It's obvious isn't it? 

Do you seem to recall me saying, and trust me I'm kidding when I say this....who picked these spots.  There is nothing up here...I had the same thoughts too....where's some PAPI lights to help out...sheez...can you imagine you're in trouble, tired, mentally fatigued and you had to land at one of the places for real?

Hey, I don't wanna brag or nothing, you know it's not in my nature to do so....errr....

Check out your recent pictures of default scenery, and mine on page 6 of my log.  Check out all the extra and supposedly mapped correctly mountains, valleys, beaches, etc.  I'm really pleased now seeing mine over default which I'm kinda looking at yours for comparisions now.

Glad you are on the war path and catching up...


Joe Mini

President/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. 
"If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"  

Post #2261
Posted Wednesday, September 17, 2008 5:35:41 AM

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Year. Lets hit it on Smitty!

If you look at (and read) my last flight log, You will see me asking that exact question - who the *beep* chose those airstrips? and anwsering it myself....

When comparing pictures, just remember that because of my current state of computer, I fly on pretty low settings, except for water, I love the reflective water, so no compromises there.

I will catch up with you in London as I said.

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2262
Posted Wednesday, September 17, 2008 5:49:24 AM

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Poor old Smitty... Nobody likes him...

So - you guys are meeting in London?

Hey - let's meet in a pub!

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

FSFlyingSchool 2023 for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FSFlyingSchool 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11
FS Instant Approach 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11 (Windows)
FSFlyingSchool PRO 2020 Prepar3D v 5
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FSFlyingSchool USA for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FS Instant Approach 2019 for X-Plane 11 (Mac)
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Post #2263
Posted Wednesday, September 17, 2008 5:51:25 AM

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oleandreasen (9/17/2008)
Year. Lets hit it on Smitty!

If you look at (and read) my last flight log, You will see me asking that exact question - who the *beep* chose those airstrips? and anwsering it myself....
I know, I was just cracking up now that you are flying those routes...it brought a chuckle out of me at work reading it.

When comparing pictures, just remember that because of my current state of computer, I fly on pretty low settings, except for water, I love the reflective water, so no compromises there.

I will catch up with you in London as I said.
I know you will...I'm looking at my flight plan and it's gonna be close for me to make it...and to think we have another 3 sessions to go!

Joe Mini

President/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. 
"If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"  

Post #2264
Posted Wednesday, September 17, 2008 6:03:00 AM

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SquadronLeader (9/17/2008)
Poor old Smitty... Nobody likes him...

So - you guys are meeting in London?

Hey - let's meet in a pub!


Name the pub, and I´ll pop up!


Say Joe: You are not rich beond my wildest dreams are you? Then we could meet in London, like next summer. Jeff lives just around the corner, and I woulden´t mind a weekend in London, and then Jeff could buy the pint he ows me!

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2266
Posted Wednesday, September 17, 2008 6:09:20 AM

FSFlyingSchool Developer

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The Clachan - one of my favourites...

Right next to Oxford Circus tube station.

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

FSFlyingSchool 2023 for Microsoft Flight Simulator
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FS Instant Approach 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11 (Windows)
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FSFlyingSchool USA for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FS Instant Approach 2019 for X-Plane 11 (Mac)
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Post #2267
Posted Wednesday, September 17, 2008 7:47:08 AM

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I would love to come over to London someday.  You never know, there may be a business trip in my future or a vacation.  I would love to meet you all some day.

Joe Mini

President/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. 
"If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"  

Post #2270
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