FSFlyingSchool Pilot
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Last Login: Monday, January 03, 2011 2:27:55 PM
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I've been testing the X-Plane version of the program taking off from LEVS and landing at LEMD (spanish airports) and everything is ok with a notable exception, FSFlying keeps repeating the message in the subject although the fuel pump switch is OFF by default!!! And it doesn't matter is you switch it on then off, Mr Smith is getting on my nerves!!
So far everything else seems to be running smoothly and FSFlying interacts with X-Plane without further problems.
Thanks for a great program!
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I've been testing the X-Plane version of the program taking off from LEVS and landing at LEMD (spanish airports) and everything is ok with a notable exception, FSFlying keeps repeating the message in the subject although the fuel pump switch is OFF by default!!! And it doesn't matter is you switch it on then off, Mr Smith is getting on my nerves!!
Do you know if you already had XPUIPC installed?
Can you take a look in the X-Plane 9\Resources\plugins folder, and list the dates/file sizes of all of the files that contain XPUIPC?
So far everything else seems to be running smoothly and FSFlying interacts with X-Plane without further problems.
Thanks for a great program!
Thanks for the kind words! Can we quote you?
FSFlyingSchool Pilot
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Last Login: Monday, January 03, 2011 2:27:55 PM
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No problem:
1. XPUIPC.xpl 250KB 09/13/2010
2. XPUIPCOffsets.cfg 25KB 05/09/2010
In fact both files were updated and installed before running FSFlying and correspond to version 1.9.0.
I just started X-Plane and turned the fuel pump switch first to ON then to OFF but it made no difference. Also I tried starting X-Plane with engines off and again no difference, Mr. Smith hates my fuel pump!
Obviously yo can quote my words! FSFlying is an interesting program nicely implemented.
FSFlyingSchool Developer
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If you already have XPUIPC installed then FSFlyingSchool for X-Plane doesn't overwrite it.
It looks like you've got an older version. Can you please install this version and let us know if it fixes the problem?
FSFlyingSchool Pilot
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Last Login: Monday, January 03, 2011 2:27:55 PM
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New version seems to fix the fuel pump message. However I flew a complete flight with lights off, all of them, and nothing happened. I understand FSFlying should monitor engine and lights if requested to do so in the Aircraft page...
Anyways, I'll keep testing.
FSFlyingSchool Developer
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Did you install both XPUIPC files? You need to overwrite or delete any old XPUIPC files as X-Plane sometimes uses old files that are renamed and left in the plugin folder.
The lights work perfectly on our test systems!
So I assume you've got all checkboxes ticked for light monitoring?
FSFlyingSchool PPL
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Your suggestion to change the name of the Fuel Pump file worked and I was so excited that I sat right down and wrote you that it was working Okay. What do you know, it only worked until I rebooted my computer. The file is recreated each time the program is started ---Or did I somehow manage to change the wrong file? Or the right file in the wrong location?
I use the program every day and enjoy it very much. I have never used the portion of the program where I talk to Mr. Smith though and have just now set it up. I am beginning to think that Mr. Smith just has it in for me because he absolutely will not recognize that I am there. I have gone over everything time and again with regard to the installation but nothing I do has any affect. He responds to every error I make but just doesn't respond to me.
What have I managed to do wrong?
PS: I tried to install the new program you suggested to a previous user concerning the fuel pump but all I get is 'Error 404 File not found" Got another file location, I'd like to try it.
FSFlyingSchool Developer
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I don't know how the file name would be changed back! The only way would be that you reinstalled FSFlyingSchool for X-Plane?
Can you try searching your PC for all copies of FuelPumpOff.wav
If you find more than one, then ensure you just rename the files in the FSFlyingSchool X-Plane folder(s)! 
Let me know what you find!
FSFlyingSchool PPL
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You are right. The file is not being restored. But it was, four times, as I renamed the file each time by preceding the file with three XXX, then yyy, and so on. Each time the file floated to the bottom of the folder and was replaced with a new file. I don't know how and I don't know why but it happened. It is not doing it now thank goodness.
Now to the real problem. Mr Smith refuses to listen to me. Got anything on this?
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Hi -
I don't know the background so...
Have you had MrSmith listening before - that is - did it used to work and now does not?
... if you have installed the Voice Pack but never had it working yet, have you completed all the steps in the manual, including voice training?
Is the Windows Speech Recognition program closed (it needs to be)?
Do you have a quiet environment?
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
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FSFlyingSchool 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11
FS Instant Approach 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11 (Windows)
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FSFlyingSchool USA for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FS Instant Approach 2019 for X-Plane 11 (Mac)
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