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Posted Thursday, July 09, 2009 8:29:53 AM

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Biggles Carribean Tour 100 Scores
Pilot: James “Biggles” Bigglesworth     
Instructor: Miss Henrietta Aviatrix
     Dep.Arr.Date.ScoreScoreAv ScoreSpotRemarks/Excuses
1.  TNCA TNCC01 June 200992.7088.3090.50108Scout
2.  TNCC  TNCB01 June 2009107.0093.58100.2980Scout
3.  TNCB SVMI01 June 200936.3995.0565.72211SF260
4.  SVMI SVHG01 June 200994.7095.9695.33116Scout
5.  SVHG SVBC01 June 20090.0091.9445.97803Scout  landed long
6.  SVBC SVCU05 June 200996.70101.4399.0764Scout
7.  SVCU SVMG05 June 200965.1463.7764.4622Scout AUTOPILOT <1000agl
8.  SVMG SVCP05 June 2009109.0095.60102.3047Scout
9.  SVCP  TTPP05 June 200951.2096.6373.9247SF260  Messy approach
10. TTPP TTCP06 June 2009102.7096.9299.81135Scout
11. TTCP TGPY06 June 200991.2994.3292.8157SF260
12. TGPY  TVSU07 June 200947.2995.5771.43166Scout
13. TVSU  TVSC07 June 200985.0995.7790.4382Scout  Watch out for x winds
14. TVSC  TVSM09 June 200952.0993.2772.6812Scout The spot beat me
15. TVSM  TVSB09 June 200956.4091.5873.9969Scout  and again
16. TVSB  TVSV11 June 200998.79100.5299.6653 Scout Better
17. TVSV  TBPB11 June 200966.7991.8879.34263SF260 Poor approach
18. TBPB  TLPL12 June 200936.8962.2849.59158SF260  What a land ing
19. TLPL  TLPC12 June 200967.29101.0784.1866Scout Real Wx sucks Always a x wind
20. TLPC TFFF12 June 200931.0096.3663.6883Scout  That b####dy wind
21. TFFF  TDCF12 June 200986.7094.0990.4045Scout  That’s better
22. TDCF TDPD13 June 200997.7089.7293.7157Scout   At last it's calm
23. TDPD TFFR13 June 200994.00101.8597.9387Scout
24. TFFR  TAPA15 June 200997.0097.0297.0179Scout  Thunder & lightning but still made it
25. TAPA TKPN15 June 200994.70101.8798.2944Scout        REST STOP
26. TKPN  TKPK24 June 200999.2994.8797.08160Time to move
27. TKPK  TNCE24 June 2009109.00100.94104.9745What more can I say
28. TNCE TFFJ24 June 2009100.7095.2497.97158
29. TFFJ  TNCM24 June 200917.0095.0856.04350Landed at dusk in a rain squal
30.TNCM    TQPF25 June 2009107.7092.63100.1737
31. TQPF TISX25 June 2009107.0094.82100.9163Biggles is on a roll
32. TISX  TUPJ26 June 200989.00101.7195.36121Ohhh yeessss
33. TUPJ TUPG26 June 200999.40101.09100.2535Wheres the field???
34.TUPG     TIST27 June 200992.4093.6893.0499
35. TIST CPX27 June 20090.0092.8046.401975Gobblins
36. CPX  TJFA28 June 200977.70100.9489.32253No more mirages
37. TJFA  TJSJ29 June 200936.9662.7449.85Engaged autopilot before cruise
38. TJSJ ABO29 June 20090.0096.5648.282722More Gobblins
39. ABO TJBQ29 June 2009109.0092.29100.6552buy buy Gobblins
40. TJBQ  MDPC05 July 200983.00102.6492.82134Thunder & lightning
41. MDPC MDLR05 July 200971.0096.3783.69223getting worse
42. MDLR MDSD05 July 200984.7093.7589.2333How long was that r/w
43. MDSD    MDBH06 July 200998.0096.8997.4555Wx calm
44. MDBH    MTPP06 July 200987.4096.5791.9928Followed valleys Arrived safely
45. MTPP MTCH06 July 200987.0094.5690.78
46. MTCH MUGM07 July 20090.00103.8551.93824Henrietta is cross
47. MUGM   MUBA07 July 2009104.7093.8399.2760Henrietta has forgiven me
48. MUBA  MYIG08 July 2009106.70102.13104.4256Scout
49. MYIG MBGT08 July 200997.0099.8798.4480Scout
50. MBGTMBSC08 July 20090.0094.8347.42522Half Way REST STOP
51. MBSCMBPV15 July 200966.79101.7684.28219Wx great Pilot rusty
52. MBPV MYMM15 July 200987.0097.1292.06185Pilot bit less rusty
53. MYMM MYAP15 July 200986.2995.9291.1187Henri syas I'm a fighter pilot
54. MYAP MYCI16 July 200985.4095.0090.2052Slowly going down
55. MYCI MYLD16 July 200995.40102.198.7587$50 OK then Henri? 
56. MYLD MYEG16 July 200995.09101.5198.4341Happy with that
57. MYEG MYEF19 July 200996.0095.4295.7196Nice sunset
58. MYEF MYXE19 July 200909.7092.7651.23497 Those trees Should have gone arround
59. MYXE MYE220 July 200988.0092.0390.0260Lot better. No tress to contend with
60. MYE2 MYES21 July 2009104.0095.3999.70118On the money
61. MYES MYCX21 July 200998.29102.36100.3352On the money II
62. MYCXMYCB22 July 200979.4094.5486.97151A bit long
63. MYCB MYCA22 July 200985.0095.9390.47195better score
64. MYCAMYER22 July 200989.70101.4395.57Even better
65. MYER MYNN22 July 2009109.0097.53103.1825"A splendid flight. What?"
66. MYNN MYBC23 July 200979.00101.1690.0823Thunderstorms
67.MYBC     MYBG23 July 200997.0081.0889.0430"Sickening changes in G" "Feeling a bit icky H?"
68.MYBG     MYXB24 July 200970.70101.1185.91179Nice Wx
69. MYXB MYAT24 July 20090.0096.4948.253612Beware Goblins at play
70. MYAT MYAX24 July 200982.492.6687.53204Thats better
71. MYAX MYGF24 July 2009103.0097.42100.21112Much better
72. MYGF MYGW24 July 200989.00100.6894.84110Going well
73. MYGW MYBS25 July 200974.794.1884.44263"Could do better" Yes Henri
74. MYBS KPBI25 July 200999.0097.9898.4916Oh to be in America
75. KPBI KBCT25 July 200988.493.7591.08149happy
76. KBCT KPMP25 July 200998.794.4996.6013getting better
77. KPMP KFLL26 July 200977.795.1286.61175It's busy here
78. KFLL KOPF27 July 200990.40100.6595.53108aok
79. KOPF KHST27 July 200995.70100.9798.34103aok
80. KHST  07FA27 July 200933.29100.7367.01264X wnd & moaning Henri. didn't help
81. 07FA KMTH30 July 200997.70102.1899.9465Commence Op Delta[Get Ole] 
82. KMTH FD5130 July 200987.2993.0490.1765Cloud base 700' Tiny strip
83. FD51KEYW13 Aug 200956.0094.9675.48121A but rusty
84. KEYW MUVR13 Aug 200999.0092.5295.7618Much better & with a x wind
85. MUVR MUCF13 Aug 2009117.00102.82109.9142Wow That's a record
86. MUCF MUSC15 Aug200998.7095.3397.0222Nice lightning
87. MUSCMUTD15 Aug 200977.0093.9885.4919Poor approach
88. MUTDMUFL15 Aug200998.2998.6598.4720A field in the wild
89. MUFLMUMZ19 Aug200998.0098.3798.1970Consistant something
90. MUMZMKJP20 Aug 200996.2999.8898.0990I'm after you
91. MKJP MKJS21 Aug 200995.7097.8496.7796Going well
92. MKJS MWCB21 Aug 200965.6047.6056.60130H. is in a very bad mood
93. MWCBMWCR22 Aug 200998.7096.9397.8218Back in H's good books
94. MWCRMUCL22 Aug 200996.70104.61100.6683 What more can I say
95. MUCL MUNG23 Aug 2009103.0097.76100.3891A sprint to the line
96. MUNGMUHA23 Aug 200994.70102.4898.5981Calm down H. Just play it cool
97. MUHA MULM24 Aug 2009105.00102.69103.85117"and it's getting better"
98. MULM MUSJ24 Aug 200957.8866.7762.33168Aarhh  Bl###y auto pilot
99. MUSJMMUN25 Aug 200991.70105.3298.5176That'll do H. Time for some Fish & Chips
100.MMUN MMCZ27 Aug 200995.0093.1994.10106Arrived safely! Now for the beach

Tour Av 87.60


Post #4513
Posted Thursday, July 09, 2009 8:45:40 AM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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Hi Biggles here

Caribbean Tour -  First Half Revue

                  Av. Landing    Av. Flt   Overall Av.

1st 25          71.68            91.35    81.51

1st 50           74.46           94.34    84.40

Report: Biggles has shown steady improvement from the start.

He still complains that it is unfare he has to fly blindfolded and with one arm tied behind his back  and is considering appealing against this decision of the C Tour 100  Rules Committee.

Actually Biggles is exceedingly pleased with how well he is doing - even Henri has promised to buy him a donut

Now where has Ole got to? I can see some empty champagne bottles in the swimming pool but no sign of Ole.


Ah, whose that spreadeagled beneath a palm tree, snooring loudly. Biggles gently shakes Ole - no result. Biggles then drags Ole to the side of the pool and with one final heave launches him into the deep end. Gosh I hope you can swim.

"Ole!"   "Stop buggering about and come to the surface!"

"Ole!!"  "Ole !!!!!!" .  "Oh bugger" .  Biggles quickly takes off his suede leather mocassins and places them neatly beneath an umbrella along with his sunglasses and dives in after Ole.

Post #4514
Posted Thursday, July 09, 2009 9:59:57 AM

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Biggles you moron. Why on earth did you pull me up? Yes I might have drowned, but didnt you see the little bubbles in the pool. I spent my entire live savings filling the pool with champagne. Is there a better way to go?

Feel free to jump in!

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #4515
Posted Thursday, July 09, 2009 10:02:04 AM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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Biggles! Your scoretable (why do you keep on making a new post? you can just edit, then delete the content and bring new content in it...)

I see that you have a "spot" marking on nearly every landing. Don´t you use ILS landing very often? Even when the airport have ILS? Just corious!

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #4516
Posted Thursday, July 09, 2009 2:55:38 PM

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[quote]oleandreasen (7/9/2009)
Biggles! Your scoretable (why do you keep on making a new post? you can just edit, then delete the content and bring new content in it...)

Yip - see what you mean

As to ILS landings. Never done one, will practice after this tour.

Don't you need one of those dials with the crosshairs showing direction and glideslope though??  Neither the Scout nor the SF260 has such an instrument. I need to look into it further


Post #4517
Posted Thursday, July 09, 2009 3:09:02 PM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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Bruce E (7/9/2009)
[quote]oleandreasen (7/9/2009)
Biggles! Your scoretable (why do you keep on making a new post? you can just edit, then delete the content and bring new content in it...)

Yip - see what you mean

As to ILS landings. Never done one, will practice after this tour.

Don't you need one of those dials with the crosshairs showing direction and glideslope though??  Neither the Scout nor the SF260 has such an instrument. I need to look into it further



Never done an ILS landing????? WTF? come on man, it must be your upbringing....

dont know about the ILS instrumention on the specific planes you use - I dont have either of them, but you should really give ILS a shot. its cool, although I prefer visual these days myself.


Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #4518
Posted Friday, July 10, 2009 2:51:01 AM

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oleandreasen (7/9/2009)
Bruce E (7/9/2009)
[quote]oleandreasen (7/9/2009)
Biggles! Your scoretable (why do you keep on making a new post? you can just edit, then delete the content and bring new content in it...)

Yip - see what you mean

As to ILS landings. Never done one, will practice after this tour.

Don't you need one of those dials with the crosshairs showing direction and glideslope though??  Neither the Scout nor the SF260 has such an instrument. I need to look into it further



Never done an ILS landing????? WTF? come on man, it must be your upbringing....

dont know about the ILS instrumention on the specific planes you use - I dont have either of them, but you should really give ILS a shot. its cool, although I prefer visual these days myself.


Yes I'm afraid i'm just a sticks and bubblegum aviator, none of this new fangled ils stuff----thats for girls

I must admit that I could have used it when landing at TNCM in the rain squal with poor viz.

Also, just for you Ole, Ive tried the ils lesson package within fsx & I must admit it will add to my skill level, if only I had the instrumentation in the SF260 & the Scout.

Bottom line is, like you , I prefer visual approaches, but yes there is a place for both

At heart I am just a barnstormer


Post #4521
Posted Saturday, July 11, 2009 1:17:52 PM

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Hi, Biggles here,

Heres a snap of me having just arrived at MBSC, courtesy of my Publicity Manager .( No reproduction without Biggles prior permission)

Post #4535
Posted Saturday, July 11, 2009 2:42:37 PM

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Nice shot Biggles.

I have this one from the Hawaiian tour. Just before take off in the Mooney

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

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Post #4536
Posted Wednesday, July 15, 2009 10:25:29 AM

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Hi, Biggles here

"Well there I was at 25,000ft, out of gas and nothing but the oggin below when you'll never guess but......"

"Biggles, what have I told you about boreing the staff. Have you done the pre flight checks yet?"

"Just about to H."   "Where was I ....Oh yes, well there I........."

"Biggles, you old @?##&%@*, move it - now!"

"Oh, H. I nearly forgot, there a man at reception who says he has a very important parcel for you, shall I get it for you?"

"NO I'll do it, you go to the aircraft NOW!"

Biggles walks quickly from the hotel.

"Heh heh heh Now for plan B"


Post #4551
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