Oles Scoring table for the Caribbean 100 tour

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Oles Scoring table for the Caribbean 100 tour... Expand / Collapse
Posted Saturday, May 30, 2009 1:46:46 PM

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Flight nr.T.O. AirportLand. AirportAirport nameDate/ Plane

ILS/feet off

1TNCATNCCHato intl.June 5   C172ILS80,0094,6387,32A fair start
2TNCCTNCBFlameingoJune 5   C17218' off86,0097,3089,48I actually thought it would be better
3TNCBSVMISimon Bolivar June 6   C172ILS80,2999,0989,55Getting better and better
4SVMISVHGHigueroteJune 6   C17220' off85,4997,3690,02First failures. Fuel and headingind. lost
5SVHGSVBCJose Antonio June 6   C172ILS81,2999,7690,12Splendid landing, 1 error - still only 81
6SVBCSVCUAntonio SucreJune 7   C172232' off73,9092,0188,93Dissanpointed!!!
7SVCUSVMGCaribe intlJune 7   C17247' off108,29103,9391,38Miracle flight. Zero errors viz five miles
8SVMGSVCPJose BerudezJune 8   C172303' off71,70101,7390,80Remembered landingpoint a little wrong
9SVCPTTPPPiarco intlJune 8   C172ILS100,2999,2791,80Another day at the office....
10TTPPTTCPCrown pointJune 9   C172173' off101,20104,8292,92This is going mighty great!
11TTCPTGPYPoint Salines June 9   C17235' off107,5993,9093,63Halleluja. another 100+ score
12TGPYTVSCUnion I. IntlJune 9   C17292' off37,6095,9191,39Bummer! very bad landing
13TVSUTVSCCanouanJune 10 C17214' off114,20102,5592,70Personal landing-highscore in C172
14TVSCTVS,MustiqueJune 10 C17248' off93,0085,6692,46Well, down to earth again...
15TVS,TVSBJ.F. MitchellJune 11 C17220' off108,5990,3692,92Forgot flaps down in time
16TVSBTVSVE.T. JohsuaJune 11 C17261' off107,50101,6193,65Double 100+, darn Im good
17TVSVTBPBGr. AdamsJune 11 C172ILS89,7993,0393,52Don´t know why it wasent higher
18TBPBTLPLHewanoarraJune 12 C172194' off86,70103,8993,62Landed juuuuust a little short,
19TLPLTLPCG.F. CharlesJune 12 C17285' off110,9094,0294,08I liked that flight - liked it lots!
20TLPCTFFFLe LamentinJune 12 C172 ILS96,5998,0994,25Ok ILS score, prefer visual though
21TFFFTDCFCanefieldJune 17 C172145' off88,00103,8894,33Airspeed little low, so landed short
22TDCFTDPDMelville HallJune 17 C17295' off88,00101,3394,34Same landingscore twice... Cool

Le Raizet

June 18 C172ILS86,50103,5194,37Average slowly climbing....
24TFFRTAPAV.C. BirdJune 19 C17272' off110,0091,5294,64Dang I like visual landings.
25TAPATKPNV.W. AmoryJune 21 C17292' off97,7096,4194,73Blggles! Im here. Order a drink 4 me
26TKPNTKPKBradshaw intl.June 24 C17233' off101,00101,2994,98Second quarter underway with 2x100+
27TKPKTNCEF.D. RooseveltJune 26C172109' off112,5091,9295,25Almost crashlanded - and got a 112.50???
28TNCETFFJSt. BarthelemyJune 26 C17229' off85,0088,1694,94Too lazy to make runwayfile - paid for it
29TFFJTNCMPrincess JulianaJune 26 C17232' off93,0095,9094,92Another no runwayfile - stop that man
30TNCMTQPFWallblakeJune 26 C17287' off87,9096,6694,83Last time I dont make a runwayfile
31TQPFTISXHenry RohlsenJune 26 C172ILS101,79107,6095,15Double 100+ on ILS - Rock on!
32TISXTUPJT.B. LettsomeJune 27 C17274' off104,2999,0695,36Beautyful scenery on final, awesome
33TUPJTUPGAug. GeorgeJune 27 C17227' off89,09101,8095,36Exact same average. Neat!
34TUPGTISTKingJune 27 C172ILS98,50104,7895,54Sub100 landing again... but still nice
35TISTTPXB.R. NoriegaJune 28 C172171' off81,09102,7395,5881..... sigh!
36TPXTJFAD.J. TorresJune 28 C17273' off51,6096,6994,99Motherf...!!! *
37TJFATJSJL. Munoz MJune 28 C172ILS84,9095,8294,86Why on earth cant I get more on ILS
38TJSJABOJuarbe PolJune 28 C17227' off87,0992,3394,73I really think Im getting tired. Stop Ole
39ABOTJBQR. HernandezJune 28 C172197' off63,5094,1494,32!#¤`?&¤#/(%"¤!&"#%(/()
40TJBQMDPCPunta CanaJune 29 C17212' off95,00102,8694,4312' off, thats on the f... spot.
41MDPCMDLRCasa CampoJuly 05 C172132' off89,40101,3494,46Bad weather. Lucky to get it down
42MDLRMDSDJ. Gomes July 05 C17264' off91,7996,6494,43Ils bad. I chose a visual instead
43MDSDMDBHM. MontezJuly 05 C172154' off72,5090,7194,1320+ knots wind at landing. Hard ldng
44MDBHMTPPT. LouvertureJuly 06 C172ILS59,20103,6193,84Its getting worse and worse now!!!
45MTPPMTCHHaitien intlJuly 06 C17274' off88,7988,2093,72two times sub 90 - Sigh!!!
46MTCHMUGMGuantanamo July 06 C17291' off75,7979,4293,37Average keeps descending
47MUGMMUBAG. RizoJuly 06 C172 10' off83,5089,1393,22Closest to the spot yet - 10' off
48MUBAMYIGInaguaJuly 06 C172 46' off90,0997,1693,23Fair score, for once lately
49MYIGMBGTJ. MccartneyJuly 06 C172 467' off34,10100,7092,70VSI down, No rwyfile - shite....
50MBGTMBSCS. CaicosJuly 06 C172 15' off97,17100,0392,82Ending first half decent - Thx God
51MBSCMBPVProvidencialesJuly 15 C172439' off13,60102,5192,14Totally misjudged the landingspot :-(
52MBPVMYMMMayaguanaJuly 15 C1722' off111,00100,0192,40ON THE MARK! Beat that suckers
53MYMMMYAPSpring pointJuly 15 C172219' off92,40 76,3192,24Rotten, lousy flight and landed"#&"%¤&/ 219' off
54MYAPMYCIColonel HillJuly 27 C172117' off81,3991,0092,13God I long for 3 digits
55MYCIMYLDDeadman CayJuly 28 C17269' off61,5097,4691,90Motheeeeeeeeeer!!
56MYLDMYEGGerogetownJuly 28 C17280' off81,4094,3291,8381, and I smiled - WTF?
57MYEGMYEFExuma intlJuly 28 C172112' off118,7988,2192,03Not THIS is a LOT better
58MYEFMYXEL. Stocking IJuly 28 C17258' off59,0095,8691,78Anybody got a gun?
59MYXEMYE2BlackpointJuly 28 C17239' off107,2092,3291,92Thanks Smith - I´ll live again
60MYE2MYESStaniel CayJuly 29 C17296' off70,59100,3991,81Average just keeps dropping!
61MYESMYCXCutlass BayAug 1 C172137' off101,00100,3991,95SUCCES! double 100+ again
62MYCXMYCBNew BightAug 1 C1726' off111,00100,0492,06Halleluja, double 100+ times two
63MYCBMYCAArthurs townAug 1 C17229' off93,5995,9592,10- and back to normal, but still OK!
64MYCAMYERRock SoundAug 2 C172121' off76.00102,9592,06Out of cigarettes so stressed landng
65MYERMYNNNassau Intl.Aug 2 C172ILS86,7997,7892,07In Nassau, how nice!
66MYNNMYBCChub CayAug 4 C17257' off84,20102,3292,08Fair flightscore again....
67MYBCMYBGGreat harbourAug 4 C17243' off87,0097,2192,08Average - average equals average
68MYBGMYXBCastaway CayAug 4 C17257' off97,7997,1992,16Alrighty then... Better.....
69MYXBMYATTresure CayAug 5 C17282' off109,79102,4492,37Whoopy f...... doo succes!
70MYATMYAXSpanish CayAug 5 C17299' off58,29101,5992,19Trees on edge on rwy - darn!!!
71MYAXMYGFG. Bahama IAug 5 C17237' off89,0097,2592,20Back to average. Ils bad - so visual
72MYGFMYGWWest EndAug 7 C172???50,0094,9791,93My flightplan got lost somehow...
73MYGWMYBSSouth BiminiAug 7 C17213' off61,60103,3291,80Got tired. Average as after 9 legs.
74MYBSKPBIPalm Beach IAug 8 C172ILS98,00103,4491,92Finally a decent ILS score
75KPBIKBCTBoca RatonAug 9 C17239' off101,00100,0592,03Final reststop at double 100+ Cool
76KBCTKPMPPompano B.Aug 10 C17240' off102,00101,7392,16Whoa - still going strong!
77KPMPMFLLFt. Lauderd.Aug 10 C172ILS84,00101,8792,17I thought a good ldng - Smith didnt
78MFLLKOPFOpa LockaAug 16 C172ILS50,2997,8991,94ILS - It should be a HELP.........
79KOPFKHSTHomesteadAug 16 C172ILS107,50103,46 92,11Now thats more like it. Bingo!
80KHST07FAOcean reef CAug 16 C172106' off85,00102,5892,13Not too bad, not too good.
8107FAKMTHF. K.MarathonAug 16 C172134' off97,7690,7892,16Still opping the average - by 0.03
82KMTHFD51Sumrlnd Key Aug 16 C172509' off0,0089,7091,58Behold Oles first ZERO.
83FD51KEYWKey West intl.Aug 16 C172107' off86,9296,8191,59And back to average. Key West.
84KEYWMUVRJ Gomez intlAug 16 C172 ILS97,2493,4791,63Cuba - back to the big cigars.
85MUVRMUSCA.SantamariaAug16 C172 72' off63,30104,4891,54Dissagrement on landing quality
86MUSCMUCFJ. GonzalesAug 18 C172172' off91,5087,3491,52Not my best effort...
87MUCFMUTDA DelgadoAug 18 C172102' off86,00102,3291,55Just cant seem to nail it anymore
88MUTDMUFLFloridaAug 18 C172101' off73,79104,6091,52Christ - landings are going to hell
89MUFLMUMZSierra MaestraAug 18 C17272' off78,0095,7691,47Thank God the Scenery is alright
90MUMZMKJPN.Manley intlAug 18 C172ILS79,7990,6791,40All time low average.... Bummer!
91MKJPMKJSSangster intlAug 25 C172ILS67,10105,0291,34I´ll put up the white flag - soon!
92MKJSMWCBG-Smith intlAug 25 C17288' off38,5294,3291,07Felix got to me - honestly!
93MWCBMWCRRoberts intlAug 26 C172205' off79,09102,8891,07Will this ever end?
94MWCRMUCLVilo Acona IntlAug 26 C17232' off100,98105,8791,20Finally a little encouragement
95MUCLMUNGRafael CabreraAug 26 C17226' off111,51103,7491,37And he is Back!!!
96MUNGMUHAJose Marti intlAug 26 C17241' off84,30103,5991,40- part time!
97MUHAMULMLa ColomaAug 26 C172109' off94,19102,8391,47Anything that ups the score.
98MULMMUSJSan JuilanAug 26 C172169' off54,38102,2191,34Fact: I belong in littleleauge!
99MUSJMMUNCancun intlAug 26 C172ILS79,80106,3591,36ILS - you gotta love´m.I did - once!
100MMUNMMCZCozumel intlAug 26 C17235' off93,4590,3591,36And so it ends - just like that!


Ole Andreasen, Denmark

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Post #4228
Posted Tuesday, June 09, 2009 12:12:53 AM

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Annoucement from Ole

After 10 flights the average score is: 92,92


EDIT: average score changed due to very bad done math..... now its correct.

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #4294
Posted Tuesday, June 09, 2009 6:46:03 AM

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Hi Ole

Just done the maths and my av after 10 flights is 83.7 and thats with a zero > Well done I'll have to get Henrietta to fly a few legs for me when she sobers up and gets over her sunburn.

I will have to download the twin otter manual but the reports on tha a/c are very positive - worth serious consideration I would think.


Post #4296
Posted Saturday, June 13, 2009 3:39:14 PM

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Status after 20 flights

Average score 94,25

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #4339
Posted Sunday, June 14, 2009 3:21:11 AM

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Hi Ole or should I say King Ole with those scores

I'll check with Henrietta to see if a little sabotage is allowed  Well done so far but watch out for water in your fuel 


Post #4343
Posted Sunday, June 14, 2009 6:17:56 AM

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Bruce E (6/14/2009)
Hi Ole or should I say King Ole with those scores

I'll check with Henrietta to see if a little sabotage is allowed Well done so far but watch out for water in your fuel


Already had sugar in the tank once - strongly suspect JoeMini, but still no proof
And hey thanks - I try!

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #4344
Posted Wednesday, June 17, 2009 3:52:43 PM
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Post #4366
Posted Thursday, June 18, 2009 12:03:01 AM

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JOSEPH767UK (6/17/2009)



Well the secret is to add 2% vaseline to the fuel, it makes the fuel flow much more freely, and gives you a good increase in performance - not many know this trick, and dont tell anyone please!

- And then of course Im Danish. Small country! Gotta up my selfconficence by beating you guys, so I do my prep, and focus hard on every flight - well almost. Thing is I love to fly the Cessna again - its been a long time since, but it just flies go steady and fine.

But seriously! I got this small trick a while back. When descending, USE THE PITCH TO CONTROL AIRSPEED, AND THE THROTTLE TO CONTROL THE RATE OF DESCEND. That little thing, that I never really did anything about before, makes the final descend, and touchdown much smoother - really! Its the little thing, always!

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #4368
Posted Friday, June 19, 2009 1:44:29 AM

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Go Ole - Rod Machado would completely agree with your advice!

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Post #4378
Posted Sunday, June 21, 2009 12:43:25 AM

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I made it to the first rest stop.

Now I lie besides Biggles on the sandy beach, Margerita in hand, enjoying the scenery.  - Biggles, would you let go of Henrietta please, and come snorkling with me?

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #4389
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