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May 05, Leg 05 PHDH to PHHI
Visibility: 9 Miles Wind: 3 Knots Departure: Rwy 26 Arrival: Rwy 24 Flight time: 27 mins. 20 secs. This morning I woke up with a headacke. To much wine yesterday I guess. After a good breakfast I wend to the airport for a new flight. This time we leave Dillingham, heading to Wheeler AFB. Weather was fair, visibility 9 miles and a nice breeze. I first passed PHHI and then heading over the mountains to the see. After 10 miles turning around to intercept the Rwy 24. Are other pilots this doing to? Leaving PHDH (Dillingham) Not much visibility Passing PHHI... flying just over the moutains Clouds just for approaching Approaching PHHI Rwy 24 I was a little unattent on the glide slope, so there I lost points (to low and to slow on final). But the target touchdown point was the best I ever had I'll hope Wheeler is a nice place to stay. Waht I've seen till now, I'll like it. Have a save flight and enjoy. Jacob.
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- and you said that you might not make it - before we started, and here you are flying away, posting, taking screens, posting those, and generally seem to have one heck of a good time. Cool pictures, and excellent stories to go with it. Way to go Jacob.
Keep it up. I´ll pop in and see what you think of next.
Ole Andreasen, Denmark
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Kebas (5/5/2009) Hi Joseph,
Use Internet Explorer and click on the image-icon in the top-bar from the edit screen in the forum editor. Then you get a popup screen where you can browse to a local drive/folder to select the image. After that, click on "AddImage" and the image will be uploaded in you forum post.
Hope this helps you out.
- and using gained knowledge to help others out. You are my man Jacob. Thanks a lot!
Ole Andreasen, Denmark
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May 06, Leg 06 PHHI to PHJR
Visibility: 93.73 Miles Wind: 6 Knots at 89 Departure: Rwy 06 Arrival: Rwy 04L Flight time: 20 mins. 20 secs. Today w'll do a fly from Wheeler AFB (PHHI) to Kalaeloa (PHJR). I was a little lazy this morning, so I started at 14.20 local time. The weather was fine, wind 6 knots at 89. I departed from Rwy 6 at PHHI turning to the right to get on course to PHJR. Leaving PHHI on course to PHJR Passing PHJR Clear to land (flaps and gear down) Drifting to Rwy 04L because of crosswind Approaching Rwy 04L Almost landing (watch the AI aircraft on top of the image) The flight was good, landing could be better. Because of the crosswind I have to drift a little to the runway. Concentrating on the target touchdown point, I forgot to concentrate on glide slope Ooh boy, so much to think about!! Problems were: Poor glideslope on visual approach - you can do better. Poor alignment with runway on visual approach - line up and stay there. Touch down not aligned with the runway - let's point down the runway. Poor steering after landing - stay on the centre line. Hope you all can do better Have a save flyiing, Jacob.
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Great job Jacob! Today is my turn to fly from PHHI to PHJR. I'll be starting at 9:30 a.m. Hawaii time. The current time in Hawaii is 8:59 a.m. Here in Windsor Ontario Canada, the time is 2:59 p.m. See you on the next flight. Keep up the great work Jacob! Happy Flying. CaptGarrick.
Best Regards, Garrick Pattenden
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FSFlyingSchool Captain
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May 11, Leg 07 PHJR to PHNL
Visibility: 31.25 Miles Wind: 8 Knots at different directions Departure: Rwy 04L Arrival: Rwy 08L ILS Flight time: 26 mins. 31 secs. This was such a nice day, I totally forgot time! I've beeing swimming, surfing (great wind) reading a little on the beach, so I did'nt think on flying at all Therefore I was a little late. On 17.00 Local time on the airport of Kalaeloa. After the necessary inspections of the Cessna 182rg, I was ready to go about 17.50. Parked at PHJR Flying in to the pattern directed from ATC ATC directed me at Rwy 04L for departure. Then Honolulu center directed me on course 270 to enter the pattern at a later time. Passing PHJR again PHNL in sight Clear for landing Rwy 08L Landing on PHNL (almost dark by now...) I followed the ATC instructions so right on time I was entering the glide slope. No comments on the flight, only on landing I was ballooning a bit Sorry mr. Smith, I tried to do my best shot! So I'm in Honolulu now. Should I leave or should I stay? (Is'nt this a song?) Maybe I call my wife that it will be a few months later before I come back Salute to all of you, good luck with what you're doing. Hit them! Jacob.
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May 13, Leg 07 PHNL to PHNG
Visibility: 123.64 Miles Wind: 5 Knots at 30 Departure: Rwy 04R Arrival: Rwy 04 Flight time: 14 mins. 58 secs. After a day sightseeing in Honolulu, today I flyed to PHNG (Kaneohe Bay). Departing from Rwy 04R flying straight out over the mountains. After that I turned right to descend to the correct height, turning back to intercept Rwy 04. Till now I've got the best landing score. Sorry, I forgot to make screenshots this time. Next time better. Happy flying and good luck! Regards, Jacob.
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FSX de Luxe SP2, Flyingschool2010, Flightsim Commander
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May 15, Leg 09 PHNG to PHMK
Visibility: 129.94 Miles Wind: 0 Knots Departure: Rwy 04 Arrival: Rwy 35 Flight time: 33 mins. 15 secs. This afternoon we're flying to Molokai. A little longer flight than most flights in this tour. Weater was fine, no trouble to be expected during this flight. At 16.05 we depart from Rwy 04 at PHNG. I thought there would always be an hot sun on Hawaii, but's that seems not the case. Most of the time there are clouds in the air... Leaving PHNG Some clouds are passing by Island Molokai in sight Passing PHMK Some nice views Landed Rwy 35 PHMK We departed from Rwy 04 and landed on Rwy 35 PHMK. There were no comments in the pilotlog, the landingpoints were downsized because of the distance from Mark. Next time we need to get a little closer. Happy and save flying you all! Regards, Jacob.
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FSX de Luxe SP2, Flyingschool2010, Flightsim Commander
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May 15, Leg 10 PHMK tp PHLU
Visibility: 61.45Miles Wind: 1 Knots at 351 Departure: Rwy 04 Arrival: Rwy 23 Flight time: 16 mins. 46 secs At the end of the day I decided to fly to PHLU (Kalaupapa). I departed at 17.40 for this short flight. The flight was good, no winds, fine weather. On route... and on final again... This is what realy pissed me off...too HIGH Landed on Rwy 23 PHLU Landing was bad, much too far from touchdown point!! Gggrrrrrrrrrrr..... The last few flights I make a flightvideo of the landings. So I can play them back to see what's wrong (or what's good). The third image is made from the flightvideo, because I'm to concentrated on landing to make screenshots at realtime. Hope it will be better next time And you can surly do better, you lucky guys outthere Good luck for the rest of the tour, Regards, Jacob.
Intel Pentium Core i5
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FSX de Luxe SP2, Flyingschool2010, Flightsim Commander
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May 16, Leg 11 PHLU to PHNY
Visibility: 36.83 Miles Wind: 4 Knots Departure: Rwy 05 Arrival: Rwy 03 ILS Flight time: 28 mins. 25 secs. Leaving PHLU on about 16.00 hrs. to PHNY. I depart from Rwy 05. The weather is fine, so it will be a good flight. Wooohhh, just over the mountains near PHLU On route Nice blue sea's Approaching Rwy 03 PHNY Almost there... ...On final
and touchdown. The flight was good, at landing I was ballooning again and the other comment was "poor glideslope on ILS approach". As I say always: I'm never to old to learn Happy and save flying! Jacob.
Intel Pentium Core i5
Memory 4 GB
NVidia G240 1Gb
Saitek X52 Pro
Windows 7 x64
FSX de Luxe SP2, Flyingschool2010, Flightsim Commander