WWT - Oles African flights [Concluded]

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WWT - Oles African flights [Concluded] Expand / Collapse
Posted Wednesday, October 22, 2008 1:37:35 PM

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Welcome to the African flights. As everywhere else, there are so many places I will not get to, but I will get around here and there, so enjoy. For my European flights Click here

Leg 4: LPPT (Lisboa - Portugal) to GMME (Rabat - Morocco)

It was a cold, bleak Christmas night... No no that´s another story.           But a cold morning in Portugal. Be good to get to warm Africa                          Hey lots of traffic in Lisboa. We wait patiantly.

Wauu very scenic picture there. Good work Smith.                                  We are on our way out of Europe.                              What is that bridge Smith? Could you look it up in the dictonary?

Never saw Portugal in that light, on the way in. Beautyful man.                     Maybe the hangover really was too much for flying - Naaaa!                    back in over Spain to get to Morocco.

Adios Europe.                                                         Just think Smith. So close together  - and a world apart!             If I had a lasso I would pull Africa up north to Spain.

Gotta get every look of the "new" continent.                       I got so excited that suddenly I discovered that I was 6 miles from the runway, and at 18.000 feet.         Major go-around and got lined up again. and enough fuel. Great.

Get lined up with the runway - Yessiree!                                              Flaps down in time. Looking good.                                                    Rabat is my kind of town.

Rabat actually means discount in Danish, so I thougt that I would get a discount on the Airport fee, but the attendant not as much as curled a lip when I proposed it. What an uptight man! I thought I was hilarious.

And Smith - Your´e next.

Landing Score:85,39 (Spendid? - my bald spot!  )

A splendid landing!

Flight Score:112,46 (No comments needed on this one at all!)

Flight included the following problems:

  • Airspeed too low - you are risking stalls.
  • Nose held too high - spilt drinks and worried expressions.
  • Nose held too low - we're not in combat.

Definite room for improvement...

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2650
Posted Wednesday, October 22, 2008 2:09:44 PM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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Leg 5: GMME (Rabat Morocco) to DAAG (Hourai - Algiers)

We missed the Dakar rally. Not the season, and last year it was cancelled, but hopefully it will be there again in January 2009, Maybe we could do a detuor back here Smith - from India or somewhere. Don´t remember where we are supposed to be in January.

Seems like Rabat is deserted.                                                         got some chairs in the departure lounge, and saved a buck on hotelrooms.                          Either a blizzard just hit Morocco or it clouded over.

Hey a runway. Get the camera Smith.                                                                          Bad turbolence ahead. Hold on tight Smith.                               OK we are in the clear. Cloudy though.

Denmark is flat - less than 500 feet at highest.                                    So mountains are hypnotic to me.                                               As are runways to you, right Smith? another one.

So we follow the coastline to Algiers. Got that? Okay!                              Not so far out at sea. Fuel is getting low, and we should be prepared for an emergency landing.                    No no not yet. I still think we are going to make it.

Getting close - 4% fuel. We are going to fly on fumes but we will make it.           Remember the ILS is not good here, so we do this visually.                                          YEEEEES! 2% fuel, and the wheels are alomost on the ground.   
Thank you.... someone, anyone, Thank you.                                A little more fuel next time Smith, okay? Hey look a helicopter.                       And an Algierien airliner. Well take a shower and a break Smith. See you tomorrow.

But not until you rate me.

Landing Score:89,09 (on a visual - thank you, I guess... gotta practise more on those)

Landing was successful in the following areas:

  • Good glideslope on visual approach.
  • Good alignment with runway on visual approach.
  • Good landing speed - not too fast.
  • Wings were level.
  • Distance from runway numbers (visual approach): 252 feet
  • Glideslope held until flare.
  • Good pitch control after touchdown.
  • Good pitch at landing.
  • With flaps - good job.
  • With spoilers armed.
  • Heading aligned with runway.
  • Throttle(s) idle.
  • Good controlled final descent to touchdown.
  • Good steering after landing.

Landing included the following problems:

  • Too hard - may have damaged your landing gear.

Definite room for improvement...

Flight Score:111,99 (and nothing new here. steady as a rock from Kilimanjaro)

Flight included the following problems:

  • Exceeding flap speeds - your flaps may be damaged: have them checked.
  • Poor steering during takeoff - stay in the centre of the runway.
  • Wings not level near ground - danger of clipping a wing.

Definite room for improvement...

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2652
Posted Thursday, October 23, 2008 2:18:35 AM

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MrSmith tells me that he is enjoying the route - needs cooler clothing - and will have your license revoked if you land with 2% fuel again.

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Post #2664
Posted Monday, November 03, 2008 8:07:45 AM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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Well well hi there. Good to see you back. It´s been awhile. It´s not that Smith and I haven´t flown all this time, but we have experienced a lot of trouble in Africa. Runways that were not aligned as they should be according to the ILS systems, but once you got the hang of it, it was just to switch to visual landings instead of the ILS landings, and that was good practice.

But it has become quite some legs flown here, and having gotten through them with all this trouble, I cannot remember some of them from one another, so I will take these flights in one single post, with just a few pics to go with them. I shall be back in my usual form for the next flights - I hope

So here it is:

Leg 6: DAAG (Hourai - Algiers) to HLLT (Tripoli - Libya)


Landing Score:48,00

Landing included the following problems:

  • Too hard - may have damaged your landing gear.

Flight Score:126,66

A smooth flight!



Leg 7: HLLT (Tripoli - Libya) to DRRN (Niamey - Niger)




Landing Score:83,39

A splendid landing!


Flight Score:123,04

Flight included the following problems:

  • Airspeed too low - you are risking stalls.
  • Rapid descent - dangerous and uncomfortable.


Leg 8: DRRN (Niamey - Niger) to GABS (Bameko - Mali)




Landing Score:102,09


Landing included the following problems:

  • Too hard - may have damaged your landing gear.

Flight Score:118,34

Flight included the following problems:

  • Exceeding flap speeds - your flaps may be damaged: have them checked.
  • Nose held too high - spilt drinks and worried expressions. 


Leg 9: GABS (Bamako - Mali) to GOOY (Dakar - Senegal)




Landing Score:112,59

A splendid landing!


Flight Score:113,77

Flight included the following problems:

  • Exceeding flap speeds - your flaps may be damaged: have them checked.
  • Airspeed too low - you are risking stalls.
  • Rapid descent - dangerous and uncomfortable.


Leg 10: GOOY (Dakar - Senegal) to GLRB (Monrovia - Liberia)



Landing Score:0,00 (Tried to land ILS - on a runway not placed as the ILS system thought - result: Zero)

Landing included the following problems:

  • Poor glideslope on ILS approach - you can do better.
  • Touch down not aligned with the runway - let's point down the runway.
  • Poor steering after landing - stay on the centre line 

Flight Score:117,34

Flight included the following problems:

  • Airspeed too low - you are risking stalls.
  • Narrowly missed obstacles - plan your safety altitudes.


Leg 11: GLRB (Monrovia - Liberia) to DNAA (Abuja - Nigeria)




Landing Score:117,09 

A splendid landing!


Flight Score:117,06

Flight included the following problems:

  • Airspeed too low - you are risking stalls.
  • Rapid descent - dangerous and uncomfortable.
  • Nose held too low - we're not in combat.


Leg 12: DNAA (Abuja - Nigeria) to FZAA (Kinshasa - Dem. Rep. Kongo)




Landing Score:106,69

A splendid landing!


Flight Score:112,97

Flight included the following problems:

  • Harsh braking - taxi gently and brake smoothly.
  • Nose held too high - spilt drinks and worried expressions.


Leg 13: FZAA (Kinshasa - Dem. Rep. Kongo) to FYWH (WindHoek  - Namibia)




Landing Score:107,89

Landing included the following problems:

  • Ballooning during landing - needs practice.

Flight Score:122,65

Flight included the following problems:

  • Airspeed too low - you are risking stalls.


And so this was the 8 fligts in a row. I know it´s boring without the stories, (or maybe it´s a relief! ) but it has been a frustrating row of flights. I am getting used to the ´African way´ now, so fun will be back.


Thank you for your time.




Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2680
Posted Sunday, November 09, 2008 12:25:26 PM

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Leg 14A:

FYWH (Windhoek - Namibia) to FACT (Cape Town - South Africa)

An unsheduled flight - a flight not in the mandatory list, but I figured, you cannot go to the southern Africa and not visit Cape Town.




Landing Score:100,59

Landing included the following problems:

  • Ballooning during landing - needs practice.

Flight Score:121,91

Flight included the following problems:

  • Nose held too low - we're not in combat.

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2712
Posted Sunday, November 09, 2008 12:30:27 PM

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Leg 14B:

FACT (Cape town) to FAWB (Pretoria - South Africa)




Landing Score:37,00

Landing included the following problems:

  • Too hard - may have damaged your landing gear.
  • Nose down too low - you need to land on your main gear.
  • Throttle(s) forward - should be idle.

Flight Score:111,81

Flight included the following problems:

  • Poor elevator control during taxi in wind - danger of flipping.
  • Poor aileron control during taxi in wind - danger of flipping.
  • Airspeed too low - you are risking stalls.
  • Rapid descent - dangerous and uncomfortable.
  • Nose held too high - spilt drinks and worried expressions.

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2713
Posted Sunday, November 09, 2008 12:34:39 PM

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Leg 15:

FAWB (Pretoria - South Africa) to FQMA (Maputo - Mosambique)




Landing Score:92,39

A splendid landing!

Flight Score:115,64

Flight included the following problems:

  • Airspeed too low - you are risking stalls.

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2714
Posted Sunday, November 09, 2008 12:38:42 PM

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Leg 16:

FQMA (Maputo - Mosambique) to FMMI (Antananarivo - Madagascar)




Landing Score:94,59

Landing included the following problems:

  • Throttle(s) forward - should be idle.
  • Ballooning during landing - needs practice.

Flight Score:121,32

Flight included the following problems:

  • Airspeed too low - you are risking stalls.

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2715
Posted Sunday, November 09, 2008 12:48:17 PM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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Leg 17:

FMMI (Antananarivo - Madagascar) to HTDA (Dar Es Salaam - Tanzania)




Landing Score:81,20

Landing included the following problems:

  • Throttle(s) forward - should be idle.

Flight Score:117,49

Flight included the following problems:

  • Poor elevator control during taxi in wind - danger of flipping.
  • Poor aileron control during taxi in wind - danger of flipping.
  • Airspeed too low - you are risking stalls.

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2716
Posted Sunday, November 09, 2008 12:53:03 PM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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Leg 18:

HTDA (Dar Es Salaam - Tanzania) to HKJK (Nairobi - Kenya)




Landing Score:59,00

Landing included the following problems:

  • Poor glideslope on ILS approach - you can do better.
  • Throttle(s) forward - should be idle

Flight Score:111,56

Flight included the following problems:

  • Airspeed too low - you are risking stalls.
  • Rapid descent - dangerous and uncomfortable.
  • Nose held too high - spilt drinks and worried expressions.
  • Nose held too low - we're not in combat.

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2717
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