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Segment 10 - the last segment: The Caribbean, and back to Miami. 
Mandatory landings: 

Ole Andreasen, Denmark
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Wow - what an incredible amount of work has already been done!  Well done guys! I have not looked at this in detail yet - I am a bit tied up until midweek with other projects.  Let me know what you need from me in terms of landing or (airborne) area voice files (not too many!) and also in terms of nonILS runway data files.  Just a list of all the nonILS airports involved would be very handy for me. 
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G´morning SL
Thank you for the kind words. Yes a fair amount of man-hours have been put in it during the weekend. Great fun.  
I will do a list for you with all NON-ILS runways, and of places to speak, and preferrebly what to be said. 
A large part of the route-layout had already been done, when I saw your list of dangerous airports, so I couldn´t incorporate those, but as far as I can see, (there are Soo many airports in that list) some of them are in ours anyway, but thanks for the tip. It´s been a while since I was in that great site, so I haden´t thought of it. 
This weekend, I got zero minuts of flight done, due to all the above things to do, so now I just look forward to get flying. Will the encrypted logbook, you mentioned earlier, get ready?
Ole Andreasen, Denmark
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Fantastic job Ole!!!! Well done Dude!!!!
Joe MiniPresident/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. "If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"
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Well thank you Joe.
Any thoughts on guidelines? 
Ole Andreasen, Denmark
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Well a couple things to ponder: 1. I guess we have to expect people to want to fly a mixture of airplanes from smaller piston airplanes to heavy jets, so we have to I guess give people adequate times to make it to certain cities, so I'm going to say we need to limit the number of stops per week based on the standard planes in FS9 or FSX? So maybe the KingAir 300 will be the guideline to fly around the world in, and if somebody wants to fly the Cessna, more power to him?  Would somebody want to fly around the world in a Cessna 172....? I'm planning on flying the Baron a lot, a regional jet, and the B737 most likely. Maybe a mileage thing or just flat out 3 to 4 stops per week. So then I'm thinking maybe you have 6, 9, or 1 year to complete your journey from the time your 1st flight? 2. I'm sure there's people out there who have ton's of time on their hands who can probably accelerate around the world faster than me. I'm "planning on" making more stops than proposed (see how good my scenery and photo op's), but that could change quickly if once this project gets going. There's probably going to be people joining this late, so obviously there will be a lot of catching up to do. I know there's gonna be a week or two where I've got vacation, work, or whatever, so I might not get that week done or have to plan more one week to make up for it. 3. Figure out how we are going to keep everybody honest and scoring. That being said, I'm more in it to say I did it and completed a journey around the world. And hopefully post a few stop 5 scores at each mandatory stop. What if somebody crashes on impact...forgot to put the landing gear down? What do we do then? Can you refly the route to get a better score? I think we all need to "man" up to our scores the 1st time, but that's the golfer in me as well. What's everyone else think?
Joe MiniPresident/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. "If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"
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I think that the plane issue, is done by saying that everything goes, as long as it is one that complies to the FSFS hanger. With the exception of the LevelD 767, for some special reasons.
With 122 stops (mandatory) maybe it should be a matter of giving 2 months to each quarter, so:
August 1. we take off from Miami - USA
October 1. you have to be at landing 31. (London-England)
December 1. you have to be at landing 61, (Kathmandu- Nepal)
February 1. you have to be at landing 92 (Edmonton - Canada)
And finally:
April 1 (April fools day) you have to be home in Miami. 
That is 8 months, and that should cover it for most, even if you are away for a week here and there, and leave time for people joining in late, to catch up. 
Autopilot is OK. FSFS has that covered, as your score will be reduced by 33% when using AP. I know I will use it on some legs. I´m not going to fly a leg of 1200 nm by hand. 
Honesty... Well SL talks about some kind of encrypted logbook, and I hope that can help some, but I agree with you. I do this to fly the globe. If someone wants to cheat, they will find a way. If - then so be it. My reward in the end, will be to say. "I did it! - by God, I did it" 
I think that it should be one flight pr. leg. Then you submit. if you get a zero you cannot submit, but that´s just tough luck. Zeros will be part of my list too, that I can guarantee. If you get low score, tough luck, and if you get a high score - well congratulations. 
I still think we should all post some screens, and the logbook, every week (Sunday) and make comments about the legs. I will do that for sure. It will make it so much more fun for anyone popping in to see how it goes. Then maybe we will get more participants next year - as I assume that we go again August 1. 2009!
1) Use any plane, that works with FSFS, except the LevelD 767
2) Use whatever weather you like. I will fly with real world weather, updated every 15 minutes, as that is the most real.
3) Use whatever time of day you want. I will fly in real time, so a lot of my European flights will probably be in the dark, as I will fly a lot late at night.
4) Fly when you can. and feel like it. But as a minimum, make it to the airports scheduled above on the scheduled dates. Ending the whole tour no later than April 1. 2009 
5) Be honest. One flight pr. leg. Submit whatever score you got. Remember, it´s for fun...
6) Upload screens and logbook every Sunday (unless you cannot for some reason - then say so) and write how the flights went.
7) Use Autopilot as you like, but bear in mind that it will cost you points. 
These are my suggestion for guidelines.
Ole Andreasen, Denmark
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Ole, Excellent idea of having to be at a certain point by quarters! I really like that idea!  I like the idea of the logbook and sharing stories along the way. I know my sense of humor will be coming out! Do we want to have a "winner" for the best landing and flight scores for props and heavies, or some category there of?  So our official start will be August 1st....must practice up on my 3 planes of choice. Great job so far!!! Joe
Joe MiniPresident/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. "If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"
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JoeMini (7/22/2008)
I like the idea of the logbook and sharing stories along the way. I know my sense of humor will be coming out! Yes, the benefit of this is that you get to say a lot of silly things. I know I will... Do we want to have a "winner" for the best landing and flight scores for props and heavies, or some category there of?  Well joe, we are not exactly rolling in participants so far, so I suggest that we say as Christopher Lambert said in the movie ´Highlander´ "There can be only one!"  I think we should take the average flight score plus the average landing score, devided by two. Highest final score wins! What do you say? Joe Btw. I PM´d you. Did you see that?: 
Ole Andreasen, Denmark
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