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Ok everyone, Thought I'd start a new post with "our" proposed stops for North, Central, South America's, the Carribean, and Australia. My new buddy Ole will be picking up the rest of the world. My thinking is there can be plenty of additional site seeing stops that can be made between the "mandatory" cities. It's up to the pilots. Based on what was proposed there are 20'ish stops for North America, and 20'ish stops for Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Carribean.  The one's with *(asterick's) by them could be some for our famous Squadron Leader to whip up some good messages.... Actually any of them would do as far as I'm concerned.  North America Part One: (Starting in Florida) and flying order: Miami, New Orleans*, Atlanta, Wash DC*, Chicago, Toronto, Boston*, Montreal*, Halifax, St. John's (Pickup the Europe, Africa, Middle East, Some Asia) (Ole's part) Australia: Darwin*, Alice Springs, Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, Hobart (Tasmania), Wellington N.Z.*, Sydney*, Brisbane, Cairns, and Port Moresby (Papa New Guinea) (Pickup the far East Asia Stop up to Russia) (Ole's part) North America Stops Part 2: Nome, Anchorage*, Whitehorse, Edmonton, Vancouver*, Portland, Salt Lake City, San Franscisco*, Las Vegas*, and Los Angeles. Central America Stops: Chihuahua, Mazatlan, Mexico City*, Belize City, Mangua (Nicaragua), San Jose (Costa Rica), Panama City*, Bogata (Columbia), Lima (Peru), Santiago (Chile), Buenos Aires* (Argentina), Sao Paolo (Brazil), and Caracas (Venzuela) Carribean Stops* (ahh my favorite): This one might take me awhile as I'm sucking huge Margarita's and Rum Daquiri's with my sore butt planted in a beach chair, working on my suntan, and watching waves and bikini girls (not necessarily in that order)  Trinidad & Tobago, St. Maarteen, Puerto Rico, Montego Bay, Havana, and Nassau. Whew! The journey will be over when we fly back into Miami.  And then I'm thinking once all the destinations are decided upon, we can start another thread of the "guidelines" and "possible prizes" of our world wide tour.
Joe MiniPresident/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. "If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"
FSFlyingSchool Training Captain
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Last Login: Friday, January 25, 2013 5:31:09 AM
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Here I go again.... I found this site that might be helpful Ole: http://www.indo.com/cgi-bin/dist It's a distance program that shows mile and nautical miles
Joe MiniPresident/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. "If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"
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I´m on it. Expect delivery later tonight. The art of excluding is a very difficult one.
Ole Andreasen, Denmark
FSFlyingSchool Training Captain
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The same thing was going through my mind while I was trying to get the most bang for the buck. We'll probably miss a lot of good stops, but not to say you can't make them stops on your personal voyage around the world.  Couple of points are a long way after setting it up. May have to make 3 Amazon Jungle stops just to relieve myself 
Joe MiniPresident/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. "If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"
FSFlyingSchool Training Captain
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I just hope I don´t offend anybody by not setting down in their country! But then again, anybody can join in, and have their favorit airport in there.
I see that you left out Isla Margherita in the buttom of the Caribbean. Please make a stop there. OK Europe ready. 
Mandatory stops will be: 
Next: Africa! 
Ole Andreasen, Denmark
FSFlyingSchool Training Captain
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OK Africa Ready! 
Mandatory stops will be: 
Next: Middle east (cont.) and Asia. 
Ole Andreasen, Denmark
FSFlyingSchool Training Captain
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Oh - two small addons, until tomorrow.
1) I forgot that between Canada and Iceland there is a stop in Greenland. That stop is:
Country: City: Airport: ICAO:
Greenland Nuuk Nuuk BGGH
2) I realize that some of the legs in Africa and the middle East are fairly long. It is up to the pilot to measure the distance, and check the range of their airplane, and find additional airports for refueling !

Ole Andreasen, Denmark
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Brave Aviators: Keep in mind that if you are going to land at any "NonILS" runways, you are going to need: 1) A NonILS file for that runway  2) A flight plan made in FS and filed with FSFlyingSchool which leads to that airport  OK - here I go again - I will make the NonILS files for any non-ILS runways, but, erm, that would mean they would have to be a standard set - the same for all pilots.  Unless you have other ideas???  Remember you can always land at any ILS runway and get full analysis from FSFS, so long as you do an ILS landing. Your plane will need, erm, a NAV1... 
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Amazing stuff I just remembered!  You guys have got to get some of these approches and airfields into your trip. Our good friends at http://www.simtours.net have a page here http://www.simtours.net/ddda.php with Doherty's Difficult and Dangerous Approaches!  And lots of other interesting approaches too!  So this means that you'll have all the fun of flying around the world - with the added element of FEAR! 
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
FSFlyingSchool 2023 for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FSFlyingSchool 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11
FS Instant Approach 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11 (Windows)
FSFlyingSchool PRO 2020 Prepar3D v 5
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FSFlyingSchool USA for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FS Instant Approach 2019 for X-Plane 11 (Mac)
FS Instant Approach for Microsoft Flight Simulator
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FSFlyingSchool Training Captain
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SL, SquadronLeader (7/18/2008)
Brave Aviators: Keep in mind that if you are going to land at any "NonILS" runways, you are going to need: 1) A NonILS file for that runway  I'm still learning here, but if an airport doesn't have ILS approaches, then should we have to make sure all possible runways are covered? I think we've chosen most of our airports to be international airports, but I'm sure if ATC could make us land on a visual one? 2) A flight plan made in FS and filed with FSFlyingSchool which leads to that airport  OK - here I go again - I will make the NonILS files for any non-ILS runways, but, erm, that would mean they would have to be a standard set - the same for all pilots.  Unless you have other ideas???  Remember you can always land at any ILS runway and get full analysis from FSFS, so long as you do an ILS landing. Your plane will need, erm, a NAV1... 
Joe MiniPresident/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. "If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"