FSFlyingSchool Pilot
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Hello, first and foremost, i am having a lot of fun with all the official planes and wanted to jump into the TBM-900 from HotStart,
However i am experiancing some issues:
1. The plane is detected as Unknown and the values are filled in the fsu file
[reference speeds]
[misc settings]
I have tried to edit the file via the GUI or manually but even then when i reconnect, the plane is being switched to Unknown and the values are changed, when i disconnect, swithc to "user Data" and then save the aircfraft - same thing again
Correctlyit should be something like this:
[reference speeds]
[misc settings]
2. the Spoilers=0 is staying always on which causes the Instructor to give a bad rating due to not using Spoilers (the TBM doesnt have spoilers)
3. Another thing which is causing bad rating is "You havent set the throttle to 0" but i believe this is a bit harder to do, as the TBM will never have Throttle 0 in flight-Idle, the Range for the Throttle goes from 0.15 to 0.35 for Taxi range, 0.35 to 1.0 for Flight range (flight idle is at 0.35) and below 0.15 is for reversers so actually setting 0 throttle would activate full reverse (i actually use 4 Levers on my noneyvomb quadrant to model all the ranges and modes of the Throttle)
The minimum i could set the throttle would be "Taxi Idle" at 0.15 while in the air, aything below that is activating Reverse Thrust
Hope this sheds some light on my case
FSFlyingSchool Pilot
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Just for reference this is my Landing Score in the TBM900, the only "Bad rating" is for the Centerline, Spoilers and Throttle position:
Landing Score:18.34
Autopilot used.
Landing was successful in the following areas:
Good glideslope on ILS approach. [100%]
Good alignment with runway on ILS approach. [90%]
Gentle touchdown. [518 FPM]
Good landing speed - not too fast. [71 KIAS]
Wings were level.
Landed on runway surface.
Glideslope held until flare.
Good pitch control after touchdown.
Good pitch at landing.
With flaps - good job.
Heading aligned with runway.
Good controlled final descent to touchdown.
Good steering after landing.
Landing included the following problems:
Not near the centre line - you can do better.
Without spoilers armed - arm them before landing.
Throttle(s) forward - should be idle.
Definite room for improvement...
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Hi Jasseji:
Thanks for flying with us in X-Plane.
1. Can I ask you to confirm that you are pressing the "Save User Data" button at the aircraft screen of FSFlyingSchool in order to save the data you have entered into the screen
that when you press this the "Use Specified Data" option is showing as "ON"? (This will cause the FSU file to be saved AND to have the right file name).
2. Are you changing liveries? Sometimes the liveries are such that a specific FSU file is needed for each livery. This is not usually the case, but can be with some publishers.
3. FSFlyingSchool should not expect the throttle to be in reverse in order to qualify as idle - this is considered in its logic. Some aircraft will produce results which are not what we expect from X-Plane however. I imagine you are not getting this issue with other aircraft?
4. The spoiler issue suggests an indication of spoilers exists in the aircraft data somewhere, but this should get solved once we solve the FSU file issue.
Please let me know.
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
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FSFlyingSchool Pilot
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Ok, troubleshooting Step by step:
1. Xplane Launched and Aircraft at Gate (HotStart TBM900)
2. Launching FSFS
3. Press Connect, Aircraft is identified as Unknown - Estimating Profile
4. Data in FSFS Window:
Data Sourse Unknown (greyed out)
Clean Stall 85
LS Stall 65
Max Gear 280
Retractable Gear and Spoilers checked (greyed out)
1 Pos 10 - 999
2 Pos 34 - 512
5. Press Disconnect
6. go to Aircraft page in FSFS change "Unknown" to "User Specified"
7. Change Values:
Clean Stall 85
LS Stall 65
Max Gear 178
Uncheck Spoilers
1 Pos 10 - 178
2 Pos 34 - 122
8. Click "Save User Data" (User Specified Data is marked)
9. New File Appeared xpTBM-900.fsu in e:\X-Plane 11\FSFlyingSchool\Aircraft\
10. Press Connect, Identifying Aircraft: Unknown
11. go to Aircraft Page and the Unknown is marked and the incorrect values again
FSFlyingSchool Developer
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Hi Jasseji - thanks for the details.
What is the the full path and name of the folder in which the plane is installed in X-Plane?
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
FSFlyingSchool 2023 for Microsoft Flight Simulator
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FSFlyingSchool Pilot
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i did go through that route as well - the path is
e:\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\X-Aviation\TBM-900\
but i did Move the folder to e:\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\ (so without the X-Aviation) but same story, it doesnt load the fsu file
In the meantime i have experimented with the .acf file
I changed under Standard-Viewpoint-Airspeed in Vfe-1 and Vle from 999 to 178 and it's at least now populating the flap1 and Gear Extend Speed correctly, the flap2 setting is now at 129 in FSFS - appears that FSFS is calculating it somehow but no idea from what
I dont know yet what impact it will have on the aircraft and why the developer put it in there like this
I still cant get the spoilers and the throttle thing under control
What dataref is FSFS using to read the Throttle value ?
FSFlyingSchool Pilot
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HA, i solved it (partially)
I noticed that in the FSFS Settings window the name of the aircraft says "Purple Wave" (name of the Livery)
I renamed the FSU file to xpPurple Wave.fsu and it now takes the Spoilers and Speeds Data from the FSU file
Still the issue remains with the throttle, the TBM has a Custom throttle which is divided in ranges:
So the Datares which are connected to throttle are like this in these ranges:
0.35-1.0 Flight Range
0.15-0.34 Taxi Range
0.0-0.14 Reverse Range
i.e. the Datarefs will never be 0 (if you had assigned a single lever to throttle in XPlane then your Flight Idle Position would be somewhere in the 35% spot, when your Throttle Lever is a t 0% then it's actually Full Reverse, obviously cant set that in flight)
Any way to work around this in FSFS ?
FSFlyingSchool Developer
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Hi Jasseji - thanks for the update - excellent work. 
The throttle needs to be close to zero but certainly not zero, so if it were in the region of
0.15-0.34 Taxi Range
that should certainly have a chance of satisfying the instructor that it is more or less idle.
If, when the throttle is moved to that position, you still get the penalty for not being idle, can you reduce the throttle just a little bit with the keyboard perhaps, but without going into reverse?
Finally - please note that although it would be nice not to have it, the affect on the landing score is very small.
Not all planes from add-on publishers are the same and some give information to XP, which is then given to FSFlyingSchool, which FSFlyingSchool finds hard to process.
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
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FSFlyingSchool Pilot
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Thanks for the update, i will test it out if it is possible to go into taxi range in flight
cant get lower than "Taxi Idle" at 0.15 or it goes into reverse (and will propably damage somethng on the Aircraft)
I do understand the Limitation with 3rd Party aircraft, not complaining here 
FSFlyingSchool Developer
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Hi Jasseji:
>> Thanks for the update, i will test it out if it is possible to go into taxi range in flight
On reflection - although that might be possible, I certainly don't want to suggest any operation of the aircraft which is unsafe or unrealistic. We might just have to accept that Mr Smith and his friends are asking for something that, this time, they will not get. 
>> I do understand the Limitation with 3rd Party aircraft, not complaining here
Thanks - they are all different and once in a while something shows up that there is no way around unless specific changes are made to the core logic of the application.
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
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