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Ole: Boy - you do stay up late...!  When you are ready - let me know when you are 'officially' ready to request a set of landing and location voice files from MrSmith and I will have a word with the guy and get him back into the lavish sound studio we have here at our Sinister Lab... 
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
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Joe: Listen up! 
One important thing. When you make your own NON-ILS files. you must use the lat/long coordinates in FlightSimulator. Do NOT use real world lat/long coordinates. They differ from the ones in FlightSimulator, and you cannot get coordinates that are accurate enough for the NON-ILS files in FSFlyingSchool, so If you use real world info, Mr.Smith will think you are landing like Stevie Wonder, and rate you accordingly.
You use Slew mode, place the plane exactly where you want to land (on the numbers) facing exact runway heading, and read the lat/long coordinates written in red text in the top-left corner of your screen (You know this of course, but there might be others who don´t so I just want to be precise) 
Slew to the other end of the runway, and make one for that runway heading too, (ai Runway 06 and 24) that way you are ready for every encounter.
On page 23 in the FSFlyingSchool manual, it is clearly written how to (very easy) make the NON-ILS file. 
Ole Andreasen, Denmark
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oleandreasen (7/26/2008)
Joe: Listen up! One important thing. When you make your own NON-ILS files. you must use the lat/long coordinates in FlightSimulator. Do NOT use real world lat/long coordinates. They differ from the ones in FlightSimulator, and you cannot get coordinates that are accurate enough for the NON-ILS files in FSFlyingSchool, so If you use real world info, Mr.Smith will think you are landing like Stevie Wonder, and rate you accordingly. You use Slew mode, place the plane exactly where you want to land (on the numbers) facing exact runway heading, and read the lat/long coordinates written in red text in the top-left corner of your screen (You know this of course, but there might be others who don´t so I just want to be precise) 
Slew to the other end of the runway, and make one for that runway heading too, (ai Runway 06 and 24) that way you are ready for every encounter.
On page 23 in the FSFlyingSchool manual, it is clearly written how to (very easy) make the NON-ILS file. 
My ears are perked and ready for knowledge...  I was also going to suggest you can also do a Shift-Z, and it will put your coordinates up in the corner just like slewing plus a bunch of other helpful readings. Then if you press Shift-Z again, you'll get your frame rates and a couple other things. I use this all the time when I fly. I was going to mention this to SL that this might be another option for figuring out your lat's and long's to add to "THE MANUAL". 
Joe MiniPresident/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. "If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"
FSFlyingSchool Training Captain
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I was also going to suggest you can also do a Shift-Z, and it will put your coordinates up in the corner just like slewing plus a bunch of other helpful readings. Then if you press Shift-Z again, you'll get your frame rates and a couple other things. I use this all the time when I fly. I was going to mention this to SL that this might be another option for figuring out your lat's and long's to add to "THE MANUAL".
Yes, but you get it automatically when you slew (Press Y)
I fly with shift-z (three times) all the time also, just too bad that the text sometimes blend with the FSFS text. Cannot be altered though, because of the FSUIPC, that controls the text. 
But I live with it.
Ole Andreasen, Denmark