FSFlyingSchool Training Captain
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By Divine intervention (SL) I want to state the following:
Should anyone who is reading this, like to participate in this WWT, but thinks that 8 months and +62.000 Nautical miles, is way out of proportions, I suggest that you participate with a smaller amount of landings.  
It is a trip where the final results is found by an average score, so it will make no difference if the number of landings are smaller. I plan to make more than the mandatory so....
So if you would like to come along, and have less time or don´t want it to be so huge. Then think about what you feel up to, and cross some legs off your list. It´s OK by me if you go all the way down to a minimum of 25 landings in all. Just do the following:
Make your first flight leg one. the flight from Miami, same as the rest of us. Make the LAST flight leg 122, the flight TO Miami. And in between. make at least two legs from every segment we made. The rest if up to you. Fly any leg you want, and jump the ones you don´t.
That way you can still join in, and take all the time you want, or finish in a month.... The result will count as all other results...
Ole Andreasen, Denmark
FSFlyingSchool Developer
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Excellent suggestion Ole! 
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