Why is my landing score always 0!!!

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Why is my landing score always 0!!! Expand / Collapse
Posted Sunday, November 15, 2009 3:57:15 AM

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Simple way round the spinning like a top prob is before slewing disable joystick (In FS2004 -  Options, Controls, Disable Joystick) and then use the numeric keypad for slewing. I found this approach to be much more accurate.


Remember to re-enable joystick before your flight.

Big Moose

Post #5809
Posted Sunday, November 15, 2009 4:54:32 AM

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Thanks Fenric and Biggles
Post #5810
Posted Sunday, November 15, 2009 10:04:02 AM

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Don't have pedals myself. Good that you can get round the problem in slew mode as it does help when positioning the a/c to set up your nonilsrw files.

JoeMini, also on the tour, uses pedals & doesn't have the same problem you describe. Might it be something to do with the setup???

Your scores are getting uncomfortably close to picking up a non existant award on this tour. Nice one.

I think we'll have to feed you some Roo Curry to slow you down a bit!


Post #5813
Posted Sunday, November 15, 2009 5:04:07 PM
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I'm a slave to habit - over the past 24 hours I've laid out a pattern that works... for me... for now.

  1. Launch MSFS.
  2. Load [or set] current weather.  For the S&S Tour, I like flying with real-time static snapshots as each leg is a fairly short hop.
  3. Ye Olde Pothole Digger preloads, so I go to the active runway of my next tour leg. 
  4. Shift-Z to pull up the lat/long readout.
  5. Taxi up to the touchdown zone or aiming point.
  6. Open fsfsrwys.txt in my main fsx folder, and copy the entry for the runway I'm on.
  7. Create a new text file in the FSFS nonILS folder.
  8. Rename that file, pasting in the fsfsrwys.text entry from step 6.
  9. Edit the lat/long figures from FSX screen, edit the "airport name" parameter - I use the format NAME_[3RDPARTY_]CUSTOMLOCATION.  (For instance today I added TOWNSVILLE_ORBX_AIMINGPOINT.YBTL)
  10. Then it's just a matter of going to Flight Planner, making a flight plan from my current leg to the next leg (the one that I just made the file for), and moving me to my starting box.
  11. Then load up FSFS, say hello to Smitty, and start my pre-flight.

I've had my pedals for 7-8 years now, and the slew tornado has plagued me ever since.  So when I was setting up my key assignements a few months ago after installing FSX, I unmapped the Y key as in the past I've occassionally hit Y in mid-flight by accident.  Not pretty....

FS2 v3.0 w/172 Detail - FSX SP2 - CH yoke & pedals - GoFlight / Saitek / MPanel - TrackIR 3 w/VE
i7-920 airclocked to 166, Vista 64 Prem, GTX 260, 9GB 1300 DRAM, 1TB OS / 200GB s/s FSX drive


Post #5821
Posted Monday, November 16, 2009 6:40:45 AM

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Fenric, Big Moose  & Ronan

Spinning problem

This answer from Ole was posted elesewhere. Check it out


Posted Today @ 11:16:02 AM

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I had the same problem when I first got my yoke/pedal set. It turned out to be NOT the pedals, but the levers on the yoke, (or in my case - beside the yoke) (on the CH yoke the three levers are ON the yoke - on my Saitek the throttle quardrant is beside it)

It was one of the levers that caused the problem. I cannot remember which one (not the throttle lever of course) but if I placed one of the others in CENTER position instead of bottom position, then the spinning stopped. I could actually control the heading of the plane - in slew mode - with the lever.

But it was never a problem with the pedals.....

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #5833
Posted Tuesday, November 17, 2009 10:18:44 PM
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I just tried in my 172.  Left brake pedal and / or throttle lever control spin.  Right brake pedal controls fore/aft.  Feather and mixture levers - nada.

Still tho', ta!

FS2 v3.0 w/172 Detail - FSX SP2 - CH yoke & pedals - GoFlight / Saitek / MPanel - TrackIR 3 w/VE
i7-920 airclocked to 166, Vista 64 Prem, GTX 260, 9GB 1300 DRAM, 1TB OS / 200GB s/s FSX drive


Post #5852
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