FSFlyingSchool PPL
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Last Login: Friday, May 31, 2019 9:21:09 AM
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I just attempted to install FSFlight School in X-Plane 9. A message appeared along the top edge of the installation screen that said the install was successful and to reboot. The first sign of a problem was that there was no button on the bottom that said exit, or anything similar. The only button available was cancel. I clicked it then rebooted.
The problem now is that absolutely no program on my computer will execute -- even the browser.
What can I do now? Is it possible to salvage this installation?
FSFlyingSchool Developer
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Hi Sorry to hear about this - we have never heard of such a problem - this is most unusual. What happens when your PC has finished starting? What happens when you press the Start Menu? What happens if you try to run a simple program such as NotePad in the Accessories folder?
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
FSFlyingSchool 2023 for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FSFlyingSchool 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11
FS Instant Approach 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11 (Windows)
FSFlyingSchool PRO 2020 Prepar3D v 5
FSFlyingSchool PRO 2019 FSX, FSX-SE, FS2004
FSFlyingSchool USA for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FS Instant Approach 2019 for X-Plane 11 (Mac)
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FSFlyingSchool PPL
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Last Login: Friday, May 31, 2019 9:21:09 AM
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The start-up is perfectly normal.
The start button opens the list of programs as if nothing is wrong.
The windows Explorer opens fine and I can negotiate the program tree without any problem.
Click on any program or browser and the busy icon next to the mouse pointer continues to rotate endlessly but nothing happens. No program will load.
By the way, thank you for your quick response. Hope you can come up with a solution.
FSFlyingSchool PPL
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I failed to answer the last question.
Yes, the Note pad and Word pad programs work and I am able to print from both of them.
FSFlyingSchool Developer
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We cannot imagine what part of installing FSFS could have caused this - I believe we have received no such reports in over 5 years. But in order to resolve the issue on your PC, the most likely solution is to perform a Windows System Restore, which is accessed as follows: Start Menu... Control Panel... then type "restore" into the Search text box at the upper right (in Windows 7). Usually, you would pick the most recent restore point as shown by Windows and restore that, but it all depends on what you have done to and installed on your PC since that date. I cannot advise you on this as you need to use your own judgement. I do not believe that the installation of FSFS caused the issue, but there is clearly a problem and this (above advice) may help. Please let me know how you get on.
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
FSFlyingSchool 2023 for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FSFlyingSchool 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11
FS Instant Approach 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11 (Windows)
FSFlyingSchool PRO 2020 Prepar3D v 5
FSFlyingSchool PRO 2019 FSX, FSX-SE, FS2004
FSFlyingSchool USA for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FS Instant Approach 2019 for X-Plane 11 (Mac)
FS Instant Approach for Microsoft Flight Simulator
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FSFlyingSchool PPL
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Last Login: Friday, May 31, 2019 9:21:09 AM
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Oh, Thank you so much. Very easy to accomplish and worked perfectly. I'm flying again.
FSFlyingSchool PPL
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just a small query, but was this by any chance on a computer running Vista? If so, there are known issues where vista can and does automatically download updates from Microsoft, and installs them in the background, however the updates aren't completed until a restart occurs. I have experienced on a number of occasions where if you then install software before the machine is rebooted to complete the windows update, the file system, or operating system files can become locked, causing all sorts of abnormalities in windows that only a restore can resolve it. Microsoft are aware of the issue and they fixed it for Win7.
I would recommend that you change windows update to only download and not automatically install updates. This way you can install them when you wish (and the task bar will tell you when they are available), that way you can install other applications to enjoy such as FSFS without these problems occurring again.