For people not used to X-Plane - but want to give it a go

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For people not used to X-Plane - but want to... Expand / Collapse
Posted Saturday, March 05, 2011 2:27:06 AM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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X-Plane is not FS9/FSX. A lot of things are different, and somethings are missing. Airport buildings for instance. Thats weird, from a MSFS standpoint. But X-Plane people seem to be confident with it. they download airports they need, or even develop some themselves X-Plane comes with plane- and a scenery-builder addons, with the packages.

I havent tried the do-it-yourself-kits yet, but who knows.... someday when I get a lot of sparetime... LOL.

Until then, I have a few links that might come in handy for people. If you know cool links to X-Plane stuff. Please add to the list by posting a reply.


the obvious one: Not always easy to navigate around in, but has a LOT of stuff. Downloads can be found HERE

If you are lazy (like me) and want to have a huge package of airports with at least some buildings on it, instead of none, then NYEXPRO7 might be the thing for you. Its for earlier versions of X-Plane, and is not the greatest looking set of buildings, but its better than none, and if you fly nights, it actually looks pretty decent. Find the pack HERE

Freeware planes and scenery done by Frenchmen. high quality stuff for free, Find it HERE

Many people have complained about the foggy visibility in X-Plane, A plugin to get rid of it has been made - called Clear-Skies - You can find it HERE

If you want to look at scenery in X-Plane and want to fly in chase mode (like Spot mode in FSX) you can have a set of the primary gauges shown on your screen, by downloading a plugin called "Scenic Flyer" Link HERE

I will add to the list myself, as I find stuff.

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #8657
Posted Saturday, March 05, 2011 6:34:07 AM

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Wow! Good list Ole.
Post #8661
Posted Monday, June 20, 2011 9:10:51 AM
FSFlyingSchool PPL

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Dont think the lack of buildings is a major issue and the water and scenery is far better than FSX-more realistic not Glitzy eyecandy & I always had problems flying over water in FSX as it has the same perspective at 10ft as 1000ft. The British isles scenery  XP addon is A1 and hopefully it will be developed worldwide.

The planes being turned out at the moment really are the business and often much cheaper than FSX and if one looks around some of the freebies are quality--the French Guys mentioned turn out a host of good stuff. Also try Chase View Delux-payware but worth it.

Most importantly Flight Sims are about flying an aircraft as realistically as possible in every respect-it's difficult to beat X-Plane in that catagory.

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Post #8859
Posted Tuesday, June 21, 2011 3:14:09 AM

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Who makes the "British isles scenery  XP addon is A1"? We're interested...!

Also - what do you do for airports...?

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

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Post #8861
Posted Tuesday, June 21, 2011 5:07:51 AM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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SquadronLeader (6/21/2011)

Who makes the "British isles scenery XP addon is A1"? We're interested...!

Also - what do you do for airports...?

You can see the UK scenery for X-Plane HERE

It´s surely on my wish list, as it looks GREAT, but awfully pricy.... I WILL get it eventually though. (Christmas is coming back in December I guess... LOL)

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #8862
Posted Tuesday, June 21, 2011 5:14:33 AM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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swantee (6/20/2011)
Dont think the lack of buildings is a major issue and the water and scenery is far better than FSX-more realistic not Glitzy eyecandy & I always had problems flying over water in FSX as it hasthe same perspectiveat 10ft as 1000ft. The British isles scenery XP addon is A1 and hopefully it will be developed worldwide.

Theplanes being turned out at the moment really are the business and often much cheaper than FSXand if one looks around some of the freebies are quality--the French Guys mentioned turn out a host of good stuff. Also try Chase View Delux-payware but worth it.

Most importantly Flight Sims are about flying an aircraft as realistically as possible in every respect-it's difficult to beat X-Plane in that catagory.

I agree on the water. The default scenery..... that I do not agree is better than FSX, and when you say that Flight Sims are about flying an aircraft as realistically as possible in every aspect - then I find it hard to swallow that the lack of airport buildings is not an issue.... Hardly realistic to land at an airport with ONLY the layout. So I really hope that Version 10 will improve on this point.

And prices... well actually I find the prices for (GOOD) X-Plane slightly on the expensive side, but not more than I can bear.... :-)

I love that Carenado are now developing for X-Plane. Great aircraft, and not expensive, if you see what you get.

As for the UK scenery.... see my post above.

But I like X-Plane, more and more these days, and FSFS entering X-Plane pulls me a lot more in that direction.

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #8863
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