Some Questions about FS Flying School

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Some Questions about FS Flying School Expand / Collapse
Posted Sunday, December 17, 2006 8:11:34 PM
FSFlyingSchool Pilot

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Last Login: Friday, January 05, 2007 6:59:54 AM
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I'm new to the Microsoft Flight Sim series, FSX was my first purchase.  However I'm not new to flight sims, primarily flying combat sims like Falcon, LOMAC, an F-18.  Hopefully FS Flying School can assist me in understanding and effectively utilizing the instrumentation in a detailed civilian flight sim.  Since I have FSX, I'm awaiting the availability of your updated product, hopefully in the immediate future.  My questions are:

1.  You have a demo available for FS2004, will one be made available for FSX?

2.  When viewing your video, I noticed the voice commentary from the copilot(instructor); is the commentary also supplemented by concurrent graphic illustrations highlighting the gauges/instruments that need attention/adjustment?

3.  Presently I'm having some difficulty  understanding and effectively using some of the instruments in the cockpit, like the VOR, the related OBS (when to turn it, to what course), the ILS.

4.  I'm trying to determine how to use the DME, ADF, NDB, etc.  Will FS Flying School provide some assistance.

Thank You for any response. 

Kick the Tires, Light the Tires

Post #476
Posted Monday, December 18, 2006 4:15:46 AM

FSFlyingSchool Developer

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TonyP (12/17/2006)
I'm new to the Microsoft Flight Sim series, FSX was my first purchase.  However I'm not new to flight sims, primarily flying combat sims like Falcon, LOMAC, an F-18.  Hopefully FS Flying School can assist me in understanding and effectively utilizing the instrumentation in a detailed civilian flight sim.  Since I have FSX, I'm awaiting the availability of your updated product, hopefully in the immediate future.  My questions are:

1.  You have a demo available for FS2004, will one be made available for FSX?

2.  When viewing your video, I noticed the voice commentary from the copilot(instructor); is the commentary also supplemented by concurrent graphic illustrations highlighting the gauges/instruments that need attention/adjustment?

3.  Presently I'm having some difficulty  understanding and effectively using some of the instruments in the cockpit, like the VOR, the related OBS (when to turn it, to what course), the ILS.

4.  I'm trying to determine how to use the DME, ADF, NDB, etc.  Will FS Flying School provide some assistance.

Thank You for any response. 


Thanks for your interest in FSFlyingSchool!

>> 1.  You have a demo available for FS2004, will one be made available for FSX?

The full FSX version of the product goes on sale today!

>> 2.  When viewing your video, I noticed the voice commentary from the copilot(instructor); is the commentary also supplemented by concurrent graphic illustrations highlighting the gauges/instruments that need attention/adjustment?

FSFS is chiefly based on voice feedback from your instructor, plus the log book updated at the end of each flight contains very detailed information on what the pilot needs to pay attention to. FSFS does not place graphics on the screen.

>> 3.  Presently I'm having some difficulty  understanding and effectively using some of the instruments in the cockpit, like the VOR, the related OBS (when to turn it, to what course), the ILS.

FSFS does not give instruction on how to set this equipment, although this is discussed in the manual to an extent. FSFS does perform the harder function of monitoring your airmanship based on how these instruments are set, in particular, using the ILS at an airport.

>> 4.  I'm trying to determine how to use the DME, ADF, NDB, etc.  Will FS Flying School provide some assistance.

At present, FSFlyingSchool contains features based on filing a flight plan, ILS approaches and a whole lot more.

The team are looking at several of the areas you mention and are very excited about candidates for enhancements, because essentially, if the aircraft has the instrument, FSFlyingSchool can be told to read it. This means that flight plans, SIDs, STARs, DME arcs, NDB, VOR, IFR navigation, etc are all potential components of the 'world' being shared between FSFlyingSchool and Flight Simulator.

The intention is to expand on the core already present, adding more complex systems to the simulation and also introducing even greater interaction on basic systems, such as the correct use of lights and the management of fuel, loading, etc.

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

FSFlyingSchool 2023 for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FSFlyingSchool 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11
FS Instant Approach 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11 (Windows)
FSFlyingSchool PRO 2020 Prepar3D v 5
FSFlyingSchool PRO 2019 FSX, FSX-SE, FS2004
FSFlyingSchool USA for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FS Instant Approach 2019 for X-Plane 11 (Mac)
FS Instant Approach for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FS Instant Help for FSX, FS2004

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