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FLIGHT PLAN ERROR Expand / Collapse
Posted Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:01:53 AM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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Fellow aviators,

This is both a heads up and a plea. First the heads up:

The Cuba legs, as published by President/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC on May 25 differ from those on the Score Template, also published by President/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. -----bad CEO

Original flight plan states MUVR / MUCF / MUTD / MUFL / MUMZ

Score template states    MUVR / MUSC / MUCF / MUTD / MUFL / MUMZ 

As you would expect, Biggles being a totally switched on aviator, does his flight planning from the flight plan, as published by................. and obviously the scoreing thingy after the flight is complete. Well today after arriving at Jamie Gonzalez [MUCF] I was told by the local competition official, one Manuel Gonzalez Rafael III, that I was disqualified as I had missed the leg from MUVR / MUSC . I explained that it was all JoeMini's fault but the jumped up little p##t wouldn't listen and said I had to appeal to the other competitors. This I now do on bended knees.

To make ammends I propose, with your approval, to fly  MUCF / MUSC / MUTD, thus bringing the leg in.

 Manuel Gonzalez Rafael III has also told me to tell you that if anyone alse makes the same mistake they will suffer a fate worse than a thousand slices with a blunt Balison/Butterfly knife.    So beware!

For the intrepid amongst you Manuel Gonzalez Rafael III's sister, Margarita Conchita Rafael III  is very accomodating 

So that's the heads up and I hope the ammended flight plan meets with your approval.

Your obedient servant


PS: Missed you all at the Hemingway Bar in Key West

Post #4750
Posted Friday, August 14, 2009 5:19:51 AM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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Bruce E (8/13/2009)
Fellow aviators,

This is both a heads up and a plea. First the heads up:

The Cuba legs, as published by President/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC on May 25 differ from those on the Score Template, also published by President/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. -----bad CEO

Original flight plan states MUVR / MUCF / MUTD / MUFL / MUMZ

Score template states    MUVR / MUSC / MUCF / MUTD / MUFL / MUMZ 

As you would expect, Biggles being a totally switched on aviator, does his flight planning from the flight plan, as published by................. and obviously the scoreing thingy after the flight is complete. Well today after arriving at Jamie Gonzalez [MUCF] I was told by the local competition official, one Manuel Gonzalez Rafael III, that I was disqualified as I had missed the leg from MUVR / MUSC . I explained that it was all JoeMini's fault but the jumped up little p##t wouldn't listen and said I had to appeal to the other competitors. This I now do on bended knees.

To make ammends I propose, with your approval, to fly  MUCF / MUSC / MUTD, thus bringing the leg in.

 Manuel Gonzalez Rafael III has also told me to tell you that if anyone alse makes the same mistake they will suffer a fate worse than a thousand slices with a blunt Balison/Butterfly knife.    So beware!

For the intrepid amongst you Manuel Gonzalez Rafael III's sister, Margarita Conchita Rafael III  is very accomodating 

So that's the heads up and I hope the ammended flight plan meets with your approval.

Your obedient servant


PS: Missed you all at the Hemingway Bar in Key West

[Scene] Havana, Cuba Municipality Courthouse

On the stand - Biggles "aka" Juan Hernandez Jiminez Santa Domingo Rodriquez Hercules Roberto Chavez Cinco De Mayo.

"We the people of Cuba, and on behalf of Joe Mini, who could not attend this courtroom proceeding would like to wish you his deepest sympathies.  If you will notice however, on May 29th, at the bottom of that posting it was edited by the accused perpotrator.  Joe Mini realized that he called it the Caribbean 100 but did not have enough stops.  I believe at one point he realized he had only 97 or 98 stops.  He managed to squeeze in the extra stops.  So far the only person who has suffered great travesty is you Mr. Biggles, so we the poor and poverty stricken country of Cuba will grant you access to your wishes.  If there happens to be another flying tour, and you attack the founding "fathers" of the FSFS World Wide Tours, retaliation will be immenant?  Do I make myself clear....errr...Biggles?

Biggles - [holding head slighty down] - "yes your honor...I clearly see my errors in judgement."

Case dismissed....you may proceed flying your routes.  And will see you in Coz for a Marg.

Joe Mini

President/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. 
"If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"  

Post #4751
Posted Friday, August 14, 2009 6:52:36 AM

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Aye karumba, I Juan Hernandez Jiminez Santa Domingo Rodriquez Hercules Roberto Chavez Cinco De Mayo am so greatful to the people of Cuba and the founding father of WWT that I, as a peace offering, am sending by special messenger, my cousin Roberto Jose Manuel, free entry pass, should you wish to accept the challenge, to the "Sydney to Singapore Sweet & Sour Rally" The details are so highly confidential that Roberto will deliver the pass to you in person on Monday night in the KFC rest room at 2200 hours. Don't be late 

I Juan Hernandez Jiminez Santa Domingo Rodriquez Hercules Roberto Chavez Cinco De Mayo was inspired to fly after spending many hours reading my favorite comic which featured the  adventures of that intrepid aviator Biggles. On being awarded my wings, I came 32nd in my class, I changed my name to James Bigglesworth II, Biggles for short.

Thank you my friend. see you in Coz. Who is this Marg is she blonde?  I like blondes 


Post #4752
Posted Friday, August 14, 2009 8:11:29 AM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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Hey Guys.

I just had my cousin Pablo madre condo piotr (Russian grandma) jesus alban (Danish granpa) filine (gay uncle) rodricez keanu (movieloving mom) pepe Chavez (not related to Hugo), write to you guys concerning the above posts. I cannot tolerate to be left out so please....

Hola chicos. Me encanta largas conversaciones acerca de nada, pero cuando me siento y el plan nuevo aire concursos Por lo tanto, estar involucrados. Por favor, envíe a Sidney Singapur gira Sweet and Sour para mí Biggles

Further actions will be taken if you dont take this serious.

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #4753
Posted Friday, August 14, 2009 10:13:07 AM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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What, you also want a free  pass to the "Sydney to Singapore Sweet and Sour Rally" ?

Your obedient servant


Post #4754
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