where to find

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where to find Expand / Collapse
Posted Friday, July 10, 2009 3:08:44 PM
FSFlyingSchool First Officer

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very new to this and just getting started and helping problems where do i find my com frequency to use on the radio stack
Post #4527
Posted Saturday, July 11, 2009 1:06:11 AM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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newtothis (7/10/2009)
very new to this and just getting started and helping problems where do i find my com frequency to use on the radio stack

Hi newtothis.

Its quite easy. The Manual describes it, and on Youtube there is a videotutorial of how to set up an ILS approach Click HERE to see it.

But look at these pictures. I have made to show how to find the info you need.

Click on "World" on your menuline
Click on "Map" on the drop down menu

Click on the "+" sign to zoom in on the runway

If its an ILS runway, you can see the green "pathways" to the runway. Hoover the mouse over the one you want to land on, see fig.1 and the ILS frequency (here its 110.50) and the heading (40 deg.) shows as in fig 2. The ILS frequency goes into your nav1 dial on the radio stack, as you said yourself. The heading goes into the Nav1 OBS indicator.

If its NOT an ILS approach you will only see this. but the heading you must enter in your NAV1 OBS display is to the left - see the arrow. There is also other useful information. Like the elevation of the runway. Good when coming in for landing, if the runway is in 5000 feet, you want to know..

Remember that if you are on a ILS approach you dont need to file a flightplan (but must of us always do anyway, because no real pilot would ever fly without filing a flightplan) but on a NON ILS landing you need to make a flightplan, as described in the manual. When you have made a flightplan, you can see the exact heading for the NON-ILS runway also, in the "flightplan" tab in the FSFS window.

This way you dont need to be on the arrival runway to see it - as you must if you use the metod above (for NON-ILS) for ILS you dont need to be there, just point the map to the destination airport...

Hope you can use this. If not, dont hesitate to write again, and more help is underway...

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

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