hawaiian tour - Target scores

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hawaiian tour - Target scores Expand / Collapse
Posted Tuesday, April 28, 2009 11:44:00 AM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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Last Login: Tuesday, December 20, 2022 2:42:12 PM
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Finally! Here it is. The Target scores on the planes we have chosen to fly.

The Beech Baron 58

chosen plane by.


Target score: 104,57

The Cessna 172 (G1000)

Chosen plane by


Target score: 101,46

The Moony Bravo

Chosen plane by


Target Score: 87,42

The Cessna 182 Skylane

Chosen plane by


Target score: 86,22

Here are the scores I used to make the target scores. I have tried to use only 60 miles visibility, but for lack of scores on some planes I have been forced to use scores with less visibility also.
The Cessna 182 Skylane had only 7 landingscores total, so I have used those and 10 flightscores.

Beech Baron 58
Flight Land
112,64 101,84
112,42 101,25
112,32 100,25
111,61 99,84
111,42 99,54
111,19 97,95
111,17 96,65
111,11 94,65
109,13 94,34
108,82 93,25

Average Average Target score
111,18 97,96 104,57

Cessna 172
Flight Land
103,49 103,70
103,39 102,90
103,34 101,00
103,28 100,00
103,20 100,00
102,80 100,00
102,41 99,00
102,00 99,00
101,89 98,20
101,63 98,00

Average Average Target score
102,74 100,18 101,46

Mooney Bravo
Flight Land
102,44 90,50
102,29 89,00
100,90 83,59
96,60 82,59
95,87 82,29
94,36 79,50
92,36 72,40
91,82 71,29
90,38 70,90
90,04 69,20

Average Average Target score
95,71 79,13 87,42

Cessna 182rg
Flight Land
107,89 101,59
103,90 99,70
94,42 77,50
93,73 76,09
92,86 71,79
85,07 65,40
91,78 57,79
91,36 Only 7 scores on
88,60 landing score list

Average Average Target score
93,90 78,55 86,22

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #3811
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