FSFlyingSchool Pilot
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Last Login: Friday, May 01, 2020 1:15:34 AM
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Hi all,
Despite updating the relevant FSU's and FSR's (I have checked the files and it tells me so in the interface) to have the "FlapsDownDuringTaxi=1", the fact that I have flaps down during taxi is still be reported in final analysis ("Flaps down while taxiing - get them up.").
Is this a bug or am I misunderstanding the setting?
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Hi D:
Many thanks for your report.
I think I know what is happening here - if the flag is set to true then flaps are allowed down during taxi - but this is while taxiing out to the runway.
If they are down while taxiing in after landing then the instructor will mark this against the pilot.
However... I do not think the distinction between taxiing out and taxiing in is made clear (or even mentioned) in the manual - and this is something that we need to correct!
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FSFlyingSchool Pilot
Group: Forum Members
Last Login: Friday, May 01, 2020 1:15:34 AM
Posts: 9,
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Ah OK I will check that, I'm normally pretty good at instantly raising flaps as I exit the runway and before the taxi phase - but I will do a specific flight just to test the full scenario.