FSFlyingSchool Captain
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Last Login: Friday, September 16, 2022 2:41:38 AM
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This is a complement of my previous topic : yesterday after having launched FSFS 2020 through the official way (properties and run as administator) I tried to refresh the runways data. A viral alert stopped the process and the FSFS 2020 exe file was destroyed.
This morning I launched the FSFS 2019 by using the direct "run as administrator" (the way I use since many years now) and evering thing was working well. Then I launched again FSFS 2019 via the official way and another viral alert after trying to refresh the runways data. All my XP FSFS are now out.
That is not a big problem even if I have to reconstruct again my pilot data but I would like to understand why and I guess you too. What can I do and what can you do to avoid such unpleasant situation ?
Best regards
PS I just had the same problem with FSInstantApproach 2020
FSFlyingSchool Developer
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Hi again:
FSInventions software is entirely safe to use and has been in use for 14 years.
Of course it is possible that security software can act against it.
It is possible that software which leaves our site clean can be modified by outside, malicious processes.
Our software is used by 1000s of both real and simulator pilots all over the world.
We are looking at your reported events now.
We are not in touch with you by email as we need to discuss your private data.
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
FSFlyingSchool 2023 for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FSFlyingSchool 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11
FS Instant Approach 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11 (Windows)
FSFlyingSchool PRO 2020 Prepar3D v 5
FSFlyingSchool PRO 2019 FSX, FSX-SE, FS2004
FSFlyingSchool USA for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FS Instant Approach 2019 for X-Plane 11 (Mac)
FS Instant Approach for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FS Instant Help for FSX, FS2004
Winner of 5 consecutive PC Pilot Magazine 'Classic Product' Awards
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