Picked this up on sale yesterday. Great addition!

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Picked this up on sale yesterday. Great... Expand / Collapse
Posted Sunday, November 11, 2018 11:27:43 AM
FSFlyingSchool Pilot

FSFlyingSchool Pilot FSFlyingSchool Pilot FSFlyingSchool Pilot FSFlyingSchool Pilot FSFlyingSchool Pilot FSFlyingSchool Pilot FSFlyingSchool Pilot FSFlyingSchool Pilot

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Last Login: Sunday, December 23, 2018 7:54:38 AM
Posts: 3, Visits: 13
It definitely has helped give me a better understanding of landings. I do have a question on the voice command pack. Several of my spoken questions are not recognized. A few of them get responses. Sky condition is one that comes to mind that I am unable to get a response. Is that something that I can train? I have voice attack and plan on using it to control several things on the plane as well. It does a pretty good job of recognizing my voice.

Does it automatically use the included packs that are listed like navigator, weather, pro etc....? I installed the registration codes that came with the purchase and they are all listed. Just wasn't sure if I had to install the packs or are they included with the install?
Post #13636
Posted Monday, November 12, 2018 3:01:52 AM

FSFlyingSchool Developer

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Hi El Prez:

Thanks for your interest in FSFlyingSchool - glad to help!

>> It definitely has helped give me a better understanding of landings. I do have a question on the voice command pack. Several of my spoken questions are not recognized. A few of them get responses. Sky condition is one that comes to mind that I am unable to get a response. Is that something that I can train?

Yes you can!

Windows needs to understand you perfectly first, before FSFlyingSchool can help you. This is all part of Windows speech recognition and can be trained extensively completely outside of FSFlyingSchool. See the Voice Command manual installed on your PC when you installed FSFlyingSchool for comprehensive details on this.

>> I have voice attack and plan on using it to control several things on the plane as well. It does a pretty good job of recognizing my voice.

Make sure that no other speech recognition software is running at the same time as FSFlyingSchool if you plan to use the Voice Command Pack in FSFlyingSchool.

>> Does it automatically use the included packs that are listed like navigator, weather, pro etc....? I installed the registration codes that came with the purchase and they are all listed. Just wasn't sure if I had to install the packs or are they included with the install?

There is nothing extra to install - all you need to do is paste in the codes that come with the product. The packs are all described in comprehensive detail in the manuals installed on your PC when you installed FSFlyingSchool. The manuals are all PDF files which means that you can instantly search for anything you would like to see.

Have a great week of flights!

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

FSFlyingSchool 2023 for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FSFlyingSchool 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11
FS Instant Approach 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11 (Windows)
FSFlyingSchool PRO 2020 Prepar3D v 5
FSFlyingSchool PRO 2019 FSX, FSX-SE, FS2004
FSFlyingSchool USA for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FS Instant Approach 2019 for X-Plane 11 (Mac)
FS Instant Approach for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FS Instant Help for FSX, FS2004

Winner of 5 consecutive PC Pilot Magazine 'Classic Product' Awards

Fly like the Pros with X-Plane, Flight Simulator and Prepar3D!

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Post #13637
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