Landing Scores and Runway heading in FSFS

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Landing Scores and Runway heading in FSFS Expand / Collapse
Posted Monday, June 23, 2008 8:04:25 PM
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While landing the instructor keeps saying line up with runway even when I am close to CL. Today my runway for Fredericton (CYFC) NB was 27 and I heard the instructor say 28. How can I tell what FS thinks the runway numbers are, to be sure he has the same number as I do?

Post #1359
Posted Tuesday, June 24, 2008 2:19:09 AM

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Hello there!

>> While landing the instructor keeps saying line up with runway even when I am close to CL.

The one sounds pretty clear to me. I imagine the NAV1 OBS is not set to the runway heading. The instructor mentions this when a landing starts and it is described in detail in the manual. I'm pretty sure that this is the only explanation.

Also - if an ILS approach - was NAV1 set and receiving the ILS?

>> Today my runway for Fredericton (CYFC) NB was 27 and I heard the instructor say 28. How can I tell what FS thinks the runway numbers are, to be sure he has the same number as I do?

Was this ILS or visual?

Let me know and we'll get it sorted out.

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

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Post #1363
Posted Friday, June 27, 2008 6:25:26 PM
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I went back and reread the manual. I have set the runway bearing in Nav 1 and have created NonILS files for each runway. The instructor now has the right bearing. I also used Goggle earth to get the Lat and Lon for the runway numbers and this looked like it worked fine. I checked one runway against the method you use of setting the plane over the numbers. They agreed quite well considering the accuracy of placement. Have you had a problem using Goggle earth?

I started to fly landings to see if everything was working and I have been getting a jittering of the Elevator. To say the least the instructor likes this as the plane jumps around. I have not isolated the problem. I have checked the Cougar Hotas and the position numbers in Foxy and CCP are steady. I have rebooted and tonight I thought it was better but the jitter returned. I plan to fly without FSFS to see if there is any problem there. Have you seen this problem before?


Post #1419
Posted Saturday, June 28, 2008 12:42:57 AM

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Fryman (6/27/2008)
I went back and reread the manual. I have set the runway bearing in Nav 1 and have created NonILS files for each runway. The instructor now has the right bearing. I also used Goggle earth to get the Lat and Lon for the runway numbers and this looked like it worked fine. I checked one runway against the method you use of setting the plane over the numbers. They agreed quite well considering the accuracy of placement. Have you had a problem using Goggle earth?

Sounds like you're making great progress! I can't comment with any detail of Google Earth, and of course there are many excellent sources on the web for airfield data, but in the end it would undoubtedly be 'safer' using the data in FSX or FS2004 (whichever is in use) as that's were the sim plane is actually flying. I am sure the team at MS did an excellent job placing runways, but it can, sometimes, lead to problems with add-on scenery especially, whereby the runways move when the scenery is added. This can lead to an ILS which calmly brings you down onto the grass next to the runway, which has slipped sideways a bit due to new scenery.

Having said that, if you are getting good results with your method - go for it! That's what counts!

I started to fly landings to see if everything was working and I have been getting a jittering of the Elevator. To say the least the instructor likes this as the plane jumps around.

Those instructors thrive on this sort of thing - they don't get out much...

I have not isolated the problem. I have checked the Cougar Hotas and the position numbers in Foxy and CCP are steady. I have rebooted and tonight I thought it was better but the jitter returned. I plan to fly without FSFS to see if there is any problem there. Have you seen this problem before?

I will check with FSUIPC about this. FSFS is using a rather simple line of communications, via FSUIPC with FS, but FSUIPC can remap inputs and all kinds of exotic things so I will see if this has been reported.

Just a thought - this sort of thing can sometimes be adjusted with a NULL zone in the controller software. I understand that there's nothing wrong with the stick and the numbers are steady, but thought it might be worth playing with.

Were you using FSUIPC before FSFS? If so - successfully? Free or registered version?


Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

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Post #1426
Posted Monday, June 30, 2008 8:20:51 AM
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I did some testing last night without FSFS running and all went well the airplane controls were steady and the plane was easy to fly. The program I downloaded for my cougars has three settings for control response based on the scenario; fighting, normal flight or landing. All these responses changed as expected and were steady. I was not using FSUIPC before installing FSFS. I down loaded version 4 and all of these files are in the FSX modules folder as they are supposed to be. I noted that your program has a FSUIPC.dll file in the root directory of your FSFS program folder. This file is dated 2008 02 24. Is this file supposed to be here when I have a newer version in FSX? I have read more of the manual on FSUIPC and they are accessing nearly every function possible. They also are talking about calibrating the control axis and my Cougar programming says do not do this as the Cougar does this in it's own program and does not use the windows joy stick files. The program is rather expensive but is used by other voice programs etc and the full version would be better. Peter's documentation says to work through you for a solution. Can you help. Should I get a key to be sure everything is okay?

Post #1440
Posted Monday, June 30, 2008 8:36:45 AM

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Fryman (6/30/2008)
I did some testing last night without FSFS running and all went well the airplane controls were steady and the plane was easy to fly. The program I downloaded for my cougars has three settings for control response based on the scenario; fighting, normal flight or landing. All these responses changed as expected and were steady.

Can you confirm that this was with FSX and with FSUIPC installed for FSX at the time you did this testing?

I was not using FSUIPC before installing FSFS. I down loaded version 4 and all of these files are in the FSX modules folder as they are supposed to be. I noted that your program has a FSUIPC.dll file in the root directory of your FSFS program folder. This file is dated 2008 02 24. Is this file supposed to be here when I have a newer version in FSX?

It is used in the event that the user has FS2004 also in the Windows Registry. (It will place it into the correct location within FS2004). In a case where there is no FS2004, it does nothing - no harm.

I have read more of the manual on FSUIPC and they are accessing nearly every function possible. They also are talking about calibrating the control axis and my Cougar programming says do not do this as the Cougar does this in it's own program and does not use the windows joy stick files.

Yes - the Cougar is not standard and this has led to questions before.

The program is rather expensive but is used by other voice programs etc and the full version would be better. Peter's documentation says to work through you for a solution. Can you help. Should I get a key to be sure everything is okay?

I must let you decide if you want the full version of FSUIPC - it is an excellent addition to any Flight Simulator set up and to be clear, we get nothing from any sale of FSUIPC.
The full version gives you control of a huge number of things, but I cannot say with any certainty if it would solve this problem.

If this cannot be solved it would represent the only installation I have come across that simply would not work. I am sure that, with some investigation, we can figure a solution with the aid of the FSUIPC experts. I am working on that.

Thanks for sticking with this - I will be back with more information as soon as possible.

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

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Post #1441
Posted Monday, June 30, 2008 9:58:20 AM
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I did not Have FS before I upgraded my computer about 3 months ago. I purchased FSX deluxe and acceleration at the same time. The version of FSUIPC4 is 4.28 for FSX.

Post #1442
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