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This add-on pack works with any registered version of FSFlyingSchool 2018 for X-Plane 11 and 10.
Works with both the X-Plane Baron or Carenado Baron!
- The detail pack adds an extra level of instruction when flying the Baron 58 in X-Plane
- You'll learn about correct use of magnetos, yaw damper, pitot heat, stall speeds, ceiling, flap speeds, run-up procedure and much more
- Instructor watches, comments on and helps with dozens of aspects of flying the Baron 58 correctly
- Instructor reads checklists on your command
- You'll soon be flying this exciting twin-engine aircraft like an expert!

Get ready to fly the classic X-Plane Baron or Carenado Baron like the PROs!
Buy it today for just $9.95!
(Exchange rates are approximate and change)
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FSFlyingSchool 2018 for X-Plane 11 and 10 + Baron Pack + Voice Command Pack
Instant download - go flying today!
Get it now for just $44.95
Save $15.90!
(Exchange rates are approximate and change)
If you already own any previous version of FSFlyingSchool you can upgrade to
FSFlyingSchool 2018 for X-Plane 11 and 10 + Baron Pack + Voice Command Pack
Instant download - go flying today!
Get it today for just $29.95
Save $30.90!
(Exchange rates are approximate and change)
With the addition of the FSFlyingSchool Baron 58 Detail Pack, your instructor will be looking at your aircraft and your performance in it in a lot more detail.
The following is a list of different stages of flight in which events will cause your instructor to talk to you, with specific reference to the Baron 58 you are flying...
Starting and Takeoff
[Shortly after flight starts on ground with master battery on]
Estimate of current fuel as a percentage of full.
[Engine start attempted and throttle not correctly set]
Advice that throttle should be open about 1/2 inch when starting.
[Engine start attempted and parking brake not set]
Warning that parking brake must be set when starting an engine.
[Engine start attempted with master battery switch off]
Advice that the master battery switch must be on when starting an engine.
[Engine start attempted with its alternator off]
Advice that the engine's alternator should be on before stating an engine.
[Shortly after moving in taxi mode]
Advice on which instruments and systems should be checked during taxiing.
[In takeoff mode with flaps lowered]
Warning that you have flaps down and that you must raise them to be correctly configured for take off.
[In takeoff mode and on ground with autopilot on]
Warning that autopilot must be off during takeoff.
[Shortly after beginning takeoff]
Advice to move throttles smoothly up to full.
[Shortly after beginning takeoff]
Advice that the nose wheel can be lifted at 90 KIAS.
[Shortly after takeoff]
Reminder that this aircraft's 'vX' (Best Angle of Climb Speed) is 92 KIAS at sea level. Use this speed to clear runway obstacles or to lift off from a soft field quickly.
[Shortly after takeoff]
Reminder that this aircraft's 'vY' (Best Rate of Climb Speed) is 105 KIAS at sea level. Use this speed to climb after takeoff in normal operations.
[Shortly after takeoff]
Reminder that in this aircraft you should normally turn with a 20 degree bank and when doing so you will want to rollout about 20 degrees before your desired heading.
[Shortly after takeoff]
Advice that if you encounter heavy turbulence you need to be at or below manoeuvring speed ('vA') and to remember that this will decrease as you burn fuel.
[Shortly after takeoff]
Advice to use right rudder to correct for any unwanted yawing to the left caused by P factor and torque.
[Shortly after takeoff]
Advice in cruise climb to set 25 inches manifold pressure and 2500 RPM.
[Entering cruise mode]
Advice on manifold pressure and RPM settings.
Descent and Landing
[Descending and below maximum flap speed while landing]
Advice that once below 152 KIAS the pilot may use 15 degrees of flaps.
Advice that once below 122 KIAS the pilot may use more than 15 degrees (15 or 30 degrees) of flaps.
[Descending and decelerating to maximum flap speed while landing]
Advice that once below 152 KIAS the pilot may use 15 degrees of flaps.
[Descent to around 1000 feet AGL while landing with autopilot on]
Warning to disengage the autopilot below 1000 feet during an approach in this aircraft.
[Descent to around 600 feet AGL while landing]
Advice to use pitch to control airspeed and power to control rate of descent during approach and landing.
[Descent to around 500 feet AGL while landing]
Advice that you typically want to land with full flaps and 85 knots IAS.
[Descent to around 400 feet AGL while landing]
Reminder to flare at about 10 to 15 feet above the runway and to lift the nose to land on your main gear first, lower the nose wheel gently and use minimum braking required.
[Descent to around 300 feet AGL while landing]
Reminder that at about 10 to 15 feet above the runway you should reduce power to idle and flare.
Shut Down
[Flaps not fully retracted]
Reminder to get flaps up.
[Mixture controls not cutoff]
Reminder to cut off the mixture controls.
[Avionics master on]
Advice to turn OFF avionics master.
[Magneto switches not off]
Reminder to turn counterclockwise to OFF.
[Alternators not off]
Advice to turn alternators OFF.
[Master battery on]
Advice to turn OFF master battery.
General Warnings and Advice
[Avionics master switch off and engine running or airborne]
Advice that normal operation requires the avionics master switch on.
[Alternator off and engine running and master battery on]
Advice that normal operation requires the alternator on.
[Loss of engine while airborne]
Advice that the best glide speed in this aircraft is 115 KIAS.
[Loss of engine while taking off]
Reminder that this aircraft's 'vXSE' (Best Angle of Climb Speed - Single Engine) is 100 KIAS at sea level. Use this speed to clear runway obstacles or to lift off from a soft field quickly.
[Loss of engine while taking off]
Reminder that this aircraft's 'vYSE' (Best Rate of Climb Speed - Single Engine) is 101 KIAS at sea level. Use this speed to climb after takeoff from a normal field without obstacles.
[Shortly after an engine has started]
Reminder to check the oil pressure.
[Speed approaching vNO]
Reminder that you need smooth air to fly into the yellow arc on your ASI, above 195 KIAS which is 'vNO' (Maximum Structural Cruising Speed) for this aircraft. Note: our research found that 195 KIAS is the correct speed regardless of what is shown on the ASI of some simulated aircraft.
[Speed approaching vNE]
Warning that you are close to exceeding 223 KIAS which is 'vNE' (Never Exceed Speed) for this aircraft.
[Decreasing speed approaching vSO]
Warning that stall speed with full flaps is 75 KIAS which is 'vSO' (Stalling Speed in Landing Configuration) for this aircraft.
[Decreasing speed approaching vS]
Warning that stall speed with flaps up is 84 KIAS which is 'vS' (Stalling Speed with Flaps Up) for this aircraft.
[Left or right fuel level is low]
Warning that one or both fuel tanks are getting low and you may wish to consider your refueling options.
[Flaps down and flying too fast for any flaps]
Advice that once below 152 KIAS the pilot may use 15 degrees of flaps.
[Flaps down and flying too fast for that particular flaps setting]
Advice that once below 122 KIAS the pilot may use more than 15 degrees (30 degrees) of flaps.
[Master battery switched on]
Estimate of current fuel as a percentage of full.
[Master battery on and fuel level getting low]
Estimate of current fuel as a percentage of full as fuel falls below 50%, 25%, 10%, 5% and 3%.
[Pitot heat off and not taxiing and OAT below 4 degrees C]
Reminder to use pitot heat when OAT (outside air temperature) is below 4 degrees C.
[Pitot heat on and taxiing or OAT not below 4 degrees C]
Reminder to turn off pitot heat when taxiing or when OAT (outside air temperature) is at or above 4 degrees C.
[Yaw damper not engaged in flight and neither taking off nor landing]
Reminder to turn on yaw damper
[Yaw damper engaged on ground or during take off or landing]
Reminder to turn off yaw damper
[Flight above ceiling of 20,688 feet]
Advice to descend below ceiling
In addition your instructor will read out checklists on your command!
- Cold and Dark
- Run Up
- Take off
- Descent
- Landing
- Shut Down
Try out the Beechcraft Baron 58 Detail Pack by flying FSFlyingSchool within the free demo area between KGRB Green Bay and KORD Chicago!
Registered owners of FSFlyingSchool 2018 for X-Plane 11 and 10 can update to version 6.1.2 for free.
Simply download and install into the same folder as your existing, registered FSFlyingSchool 2018 for X-Plane 11 and 10.
If you don't own FSFlyingSchool 2018 for X-Plane 11 and 10 you can try this new version for free by downloading and installing the demo into a new folder.
In either case - the download is the same -
Just download the latest DEMO (version 6.1.2)
Get the Beechcraft Baron 58 Detail Pack and fly like the PROs!
Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer
FSFlyingSchool 2023 for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FSFlyingSchool 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11
FS Instant Approach 2023 for X-Plane 12 & 11 (Windows)
FSFlyingSchool PRO 2020 Prepar3D v 5
FSFlyingSchool PRO 2019 FSX, FSX-SE, FS2004
FSFlyingSchool USA for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FS Instant Approach 2019 for X-Plane 11 (Mac)
FS Instant Approach for Microsoft Flight Simulator
FS Instant Help for FSX, FS2004
Winner of 5 consecutive PC Pilot Magazine 'Classic Product' Awards
Fly like the Pros with X-Plane, Flight Simulator and Prepar3D!
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