installation problems

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installation problems Expand / Collapse
Posted Monday, June 05, 2017 3:04:43 AM
FSFlyingSchool Pilot

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Last Login: Monday, June 05, 2017 3:18:11 AM
Posts: 2, Visits: 4

I have XPlane 11 and I just bought, installed and tested FSFlyingSchool for XPlane with the voice package. I use the default Cessna 172.

There are 6 problems/questions (Is there something wrong with my installation?)

(1) I cannot manage to have the logbook work. Even though I can save and display all my Flight Maps analyses, nothing gets in the logbook.

My setting is "End Flight when Stopped and Brake set & Eng(s) off". After a flight, I shutdown my plane (stop engine set brake), I get no message/feedback from FSFlyingSchool.
I do get a message "Please turn on your avionics master switch" when I turn it off (right before turning off the master switch).

(2) I noticed that the flight plan tab contains some default data: Transition Alt: 15000, V1=0, Vr=0 and V2=0. Is that normal? What should I enter?
I am confused about this "flight plan" panel: shouldn't I enter at least the departure and arrival airports? where?

(3) I noticed that in FSFLyingSchool "Aircraft" directory, there is no Cessna 172. I thought VRInsight had a "detailed" treatment for the default C172. where is it?

(4) even though I did register the voice pack, nothing happens when I click the "View Windows Speech Settings" and the "status" is empty. How do I make it work?

(5) how can I set the special key strokes ctrl-shift-z ctrl-shift-x to a joystick button in XPlane 11 Settings?

(6) I understand that I cannot practice patterns before I get a 70% approach/landing score. But I am flying on an untowered airport (L88) with no ILS, and although I land pretty decently (I always hit near the numbers, no hard landing, etc.) I get systematic very low 20% approach/landing scores. Is there any way to enable the "practice patterns" mode?

Post #13000
Posted Thursday, June 08, 2017 7:58:45 AM

FSFlyingSchool Developer

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Last Login: Wednesday, January 01, 2025 3:02:52 AM
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Hi Max:

Glad to help!

>> I have XPlane 11 and I just bought, installed and tested FSFlyingSchool for XPlane with the voice package. I use the default Cessna 172.
There are 6 problems/questions (Is there something wrong with my installation?)

>> (1) I cannot manage to have the logbook work. Even though I can save and display all my Flight Maps analyses, nothing gets in the logbook.
My setting is "End Flight when Stopped and Brake set & Eng(s) off". After a flight, I shutdown my plane (stop engine set brake), I get no message/feedback from FSFlyingSchool.
I do get a message "Please turn on your avionics master switch" when I turn it off (right before turning off the master switch).

This will be the cause of the lack of entries in the log book. The flight is not ending. The fuel needs to be cut off. By default in FSFS the flight ends when you stop after landing. When the flight ends you will hear "OK - We're starting a new flight."

>> (2) I noticed that the flight plan tab contains some default data: Transition Alt: 15000, V1=0, Vr=0 and V2=0. Is that normal? What should I enter?
I am confused about this "flight plan" panel: shouldn't I enter at least the departure and arrival airports? where?

You do not need to enter any data. You can if you wish - all the values you mentioned are aviation terms - they are much more important to jet flights.

>> (3) I noticed that in FSFLyingSchool "Aircraft" directory, there is no Cessna 172. I thought VRInsight had a "detailed" treatment for the default C172. where is it?

We are not connected with VRInsight in any way - perhaps I do not understand what you are referring to.

When you are flying the c172 you will get detailed treatment from FSFlyingSchool. This is explained in detail in the FSFlyingSchool c172 manual on your PC.

>> (4) even though I did register the voice pack, nothing happens when I click the "View Windows Speech Settings" and the "status" is empty. How do I make it work?

It's easy to use, but there are specific steps which must be followed correctly. This is explained in detail in the Voice Command Pack manual on your PC.

>> (5) how can I set the special key strokes ctrl-shift-z ctrl-shift-x to a joystick button in XPlane 11 Settings?

It is entirely possible that your joystick will support such a setting - this must be independent of X-Plane. It is data that your joystick is sending to FSFlyingSchool.

>> (6) I understand that I cannot practice patterns before I get a 70% approach/landing score. But I am flying on an untowered airport (L88) with no ILS, and although I land pretty decently (I always hit near the numbers, no hard landing, etc.) I get systematic very low 20% approach/landing scores. Is there any way to enable the "practice patterns" mode?

You must obtain the minimum required score first - given your experience so far at the airfield you've mentioned, I'd suggest you land instead at a runway with ILS in order to first get the minimum score and then you can go back and fly circuits at whatever airport you wish.

Have a great weekend of flights!

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

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Post #13007
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