Trouble recognizing supported aircraft... Please help..

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Trouble recognizing supported aircraft...... Expand / Collapse
Posted Sunday, April 24, 2016 1:17:17 PM
FSFlyingSchool Pilot

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Last Login: Sunday, May 01, 2016 5:02:32 PM
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Greetings to all,
I posted a thread on instant help with no results or replies from anyone... I figured I may get other x-plane users to see it here.

I would really appreciate your help on the following:

Using x-plane 10
What do I need to name my aircraft folder or sub-folder for FSFlight School to recognize an already (SUPPORTED AIRCRAFT) as per their list of supported:
787 Dreamliner by VMAX ??
I can't get it to work. Do I need to change anything else or am I missing something?
I chose new pilot "HeavyIron" -- I registered the software successfully so I never even used or tried the demo version...
I went to a runway (LAX) and opened my aircraft (787)

The 787 Dreamliner by Vmax is set with the default name when you drag and drop the folder into "X-plane\Aircraft" as it should, but FSFlight School will not recognize it as a supported aircraft. >
However, this one is supposed to be automatically supported. So, as a general question, how do you get FSFlghtSchl to recognize a supported aircraft if it gives any of the errors listed below.. whats the problem?

As soon as you connect, the instructor's voice says: -"FSFlight School disconnected: NAV 1 India Golf Papa Echo"

It displays the following message:

AUTO-Disconnection due to:
This aircraft is not automatically supported by FSFlyingSchool and
FSFlyingSchool could not load an FSFlyingSchool '.FSR' file nor a user created '.FSU' file
for this aircraft:
Boeing_787_Pushback BRITISH_AIRWAYS
from the Aircraft folder of FSFlyingSchool.

Unsupported Aircraft - Please fly in one of the aircraft supported by FSFlyingSchool or
create an '.FSU' file for it as explained in the FSFlyingSchool manual.


Melvin Dwayne
X-Plane 10
Core i7 3770K
16GB DD3
500 GB Samsung SSD
GeForce GTX 980Ti 6GB DDR5 VRAM

Post #12609
Posted Thursday, April 28, 2016 7:00:36 AM

FSFlyingSchool Developer

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Hi Melvin:

The product supports 787s which are in folders called:

Boeing_787 Dreamliner_Passenger
Boeing_787 Dreamliner_VIP Cabin

as these were the types present when we tested the VMAX planes.

In your case you just need to create an .FSU file as described in the manual.

In the FSFlyingSchool aircraft folder simply copy the file

xpBoeing_787 Dreamliner_Passenger.fsr

and then rename the copy you made to...

"xpBoeing_787_Pushback BRITISH_AIRWAYS.fsu"

Make sure you copy and paste the above name between the quotes as it must be EXACTLY correct or it will not work.

Please let me know how you get on!

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

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