FSFlying School Networked

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FSFlying School Networked Expand / Collapse
Posted Saturday, October 31, 2015 5:39:06 PM
FSFlyingSchool PPL

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Group: Forum Members
Last Login: Tuesday, July 19, 2016 8:53:02 PM
Posts: 10, Visits: 85
I have been running FSFlying school on a networked machine for a number of years now but have always been frustrated with the "Generate runway data for P3D" not working. There are two reasons for this, these being that whenever you load or update FSFlying School you have to make sure that you download the latest make runways from the FSCUIP Pete Dawson forum and reolace the one in P3D and FSFlying School. This has been documented a number of times on this site but is easy to miss for someone that is new.
At this stage you will still not be able to use the runway generation from a networked machine. To be able to do this you need to change two lines in the batch file FSFSRwy found in FSFlying school route directory. Being on a networked machine protocol will not recognize the "cd" command so you need to use the push command "pushd" instead. This will cause your computer to open a
virtual directory and be able to run make runways fully from the network machine.
I have been using the program this way for a couple of months now just to watch for any problems but so far have not seen any. Below is pasted the original FSFSRwy and the altered FSFSRwy .

Original FSFSRwy

copy /y MakeRwys.exe %1
copy /y FSFSRwys.exe %1
copy /y FSFSRwys.fsf %1
copy /y P3D.rwy %1
set str=%1
set str=%str:~1,2%
cd %1

Altered FSFSRwy

copy /y MakeRwys.exe %1
copy /y FSFSRwys.exe %1
copy /y FSFSRwys.fsf %1
copy /y P3D.rwy %1
set str=%1
set str=%str:~1,2%
REM %str%
pushd %1

The only other thing that needs to be done is on the "Settings" page change your "P3D Folder:" to show your networked path. Here is an example of that "\\\p\Prepar3D v2\"
this can also be written as "\\computer address\hdrive Number\P3D installation directory". Just to note my networked machine is wWindows 10 and my main machine is Windows 8.1

I hope it is ok to show the changes to your batch file here but if it is not please feel free to delete that information. I hope this will help others to run FSFlying School fully on a networked machine.

Post #12441
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