FSFlyingSchool PPL
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Last Login: Monday, June 19, 2017 6:31:02 PM
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At the end of a 30 minute flight using FSFS C172 with Carenado's C172II Skyhawk v3, immediately after landing Miss Aviatrix kept admonishing me to "Please retract the spoilers," even after I fully shut down the aircraft.
I made a steep approach to a grass field using full flaps, landing safely, and then fully retracted the flaps immediately upon landing. What spoilers? Is Miss Aviatrix trying to tell me something else?
FSFlyingSchool Developer
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Last Login: Wednesday, January 01, 2025 3:02:52 AM
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The A2A aircraft are fully supported by MrSmith - indeed they are supported at the detail pack level which far exceeds the level of instructor knowledge of the other packs.
I imagine that this may not be clear from the manuals, but please fly with "MrSmith" whenever flying the A2A c172, A2A c182 or A2A Cherokee.
As for the spoilers - unless we specifically write code around it - some aircraft from 3rd party publishers can sometimes give information to FSX which is not what FSFlyingSchool is expecting and as a result, the instructor is given the wrong information about the plane.
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