Can't register my C172 Skyhawk flying score online

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Can't register my C172 Skyhawk flying score... Expand / Collapse
Posted Wednesday, September 09, 2015 7:35:12 AM
FSFlyingSchool PPL

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I just completed my first full assisted flight using the FSFS c172 Edition and everything worked great until I tried to "Submit score to the online table", at which point the FSFlyingSchool web interface asks for my username (Aquilam) and my product code. Unfortunately, no matter what info I enter I'm alternately told that my product key is "invalid" or "Please select another display name" and/or "Please use your forum username." I'm confused.

As I bought all four FSFlyingSchool products for X-Plane, I have four individual alphanumeric registration codes, a transaction ID, and 12 numeric codes. Not sure what I'm doing wrong or which code I should use (BTW I tried them all). Can you help?

Post #12334
Posted Thursday, September 10, 2015 1:08:07 AM

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Hi Aquilam:

Great to hear you are up and flying the wonderful c172.

Let's get you set up to submit your scores....

All you need to do is pick a name to use for the scores, such as "Aquilam" or "MickeyMouse" or "AcePilot53" or whatever you prefer. You can use anything you wish so long as it has not already been used.

And... you also need the registration key from each product - this is the 4th line of data which was pasted in by you when you registered each product, so for example in the case of the c172 product it will end with "2222" and look something like this example:


As each pilot on the high score tables is related to the specific product in use, you will need to do this for each of your 3 products, and yes, that means you will need to use 3 different names. Perhaps you could use something like:




If you have any problems with your codes and get stuck please send an email with a screenshot showing the problem to

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Post #12341
Posted Thursday, September 10, 2015 7:25:09 PM
FSFlyingSchool PPL

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That makes sense. Thanks!
Post #12346
Posted Friday, September 11, 2015 2:33:43 AM

FSFlyingSchool Developer

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Glad to help!

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

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Post #12347
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