Registration does not work

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Registration does not work Expand / Collapse
Posted Thursday, September 11, 2014 4:15:42 PM
FSFlyingSchool Pilot

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Last Login: Thursday, September 11, 2014 4:00:55 PM
Posts: 1, Visits: 1

I just tried to register my version 2014, but I only have a registration key (FS PilotShop) which is in format (00000000)(00000000)(00000000)(X00X-X00X-X000-X000-7001).
I watch the video and tried to use my email for all the other fields. But still not working. I mean the video never mentioned my registration format.

Very confusing. I don´t understand why you guys use such a user unfriendly way to register a product. Here are a lot of users with registration problems, and I have never had to ask in a forum how to get a registration done, because it was easy and logical.

But anyway. I just need to know how I can now register my paid product.


Post #11748
Posted Friday, September 12, 2014 2:13:40 AM

FSFlyingSchool Developer

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Thanks for your interest in FSFS!

The codes sent by our vendors can be in a variety of formats which are up to the individual vendor.

The key point is that you will have been sent data that contains 4 sets of numbers.

The data you were sent could look like this:

(This is an example - you must use the data you were sent)


or like this


and you can see how the codes are separated.

The codes you need, in this example are:


Just download and install FSFlyingSchool and then launch it and copy and paste the individual pieces into the Credits Screen of FSFlyingSchool and then press the Register Program button.

We do NOT recommend that you type the codes as the slightest mistake will mean it does not work.

If you have carefully followed these instructions but have received an "Invalid Registration Key" message, the most common reason is that the codes are not being pasted into the correct program. We publish many different products and they all have different codes. Please make sure that you have downloaded, installed and launched the correct program.

If you still have problems, the fastest way to solve this is if you could send us a screen shot of the screen with the problem message on the screen.

This helps enormously as we can "see what you can see" and this will often tell us what the problem is without the need for any further investigation.

To send us a screen shot, press the Print Scrn (print screen) button on your PC keyboard to capture the entire screen and then PASTE that information into an email to

To PASTE the screen capture, simply press Ctrl V while typing in the body of an email to us. The email will need to be in HTML format (not plain text).

If you have any problems doing this - you can always just take a picture of the screen with a digital camera and send us that picture. As long as the picture is clear we can use that!

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

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Post #11749
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