No Connection With FSFlyingSchool 64 bit

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No Connection With FSFlyingSchool 64 bit Expand / Collapse
Posted Sunday, April 28, 2013 7:54:21 PM
FSFlyingSchool Pilot

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I upgraded my registered FSFlyingSchool multi-plane version to 64 bit and am unable to connect with any aircraft. I'm using XP version 10.2 64 bit and have downloaded and installed XPUIPCOffsets.cfg and XPUIPC.xpl from FSFlyingSchool. The FSFlyingSchool upgrade was installed into the previous installation folder. The FSFlyingSchool C172 DEMO version WILL connect with the default C172 but the multi-plane version will not connect.

I have discovered that I can connect with all default general aviation aircraft except the C172 and StinsonL5. Also unable to connect with aircraft xp*.fsu files that I have added to the FSFlyingSchool aircraft folder as I could before 64 bit upgrade. Something is going on here not sure what the problem is. Why will some planes connect and not others? Why can I connect with the C172 using the FSFlyingSchool C172 DEMO version but not the multi-plane version?

AUTO-Disconnection due to:
Could not load FSFlyingSchool '.FSR' file nor a user created '.FSU' file
for this aircraft:
Cessna 172SP skyhawk
from the Aircraft folder of FSFlyingSchool.
Unsupported Aircraft - Please fly in one of the aircraft supported by FSFlyingSchool.

Installed in X-Plane 10\Resource\plugins\XPUIPC folder:
XPUIPC.xpl 253kb 11/27/2010
XPUIPCOffsets.cfg 24.2kb 11/14/2010
Post #10882
Posted Monday, April 29, 2013 1:38:19 AM

FSFlyingSchool Developer

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Sorry to hear you are having problems on your PC.

The new versions of our two X-Plane 10 add-on programs install everything they need themselves.

The user should NOT change or download any other XPUIPC files. This is not required and not suggested.

For correct performance you would need to remove any XPUIPC files you have added since FSFS 3.2 or 3.3 were installed.

The c172 will not work in FSFS Multiple Planes as it is not supported unless an FSU file is created for it. There are full instructions on how to do this in the FSFS Multiple Planes manual. Note that these instructions are not the same as in the previous version of this program.

Any FSU files which used to work and now do not would need to be renamed to the names described in the latest FSFS Multiple Planes manual. In brief - the FSU filename used to be based on the name of the X-Plane aircraft ACF file - but it is now based on the name of the X-Plane folder which contains the ACF file. This is due to the new way in which XPUIPC reports the name of the aircraft.

Please let me know how you get on.

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

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Post #10883
Posted Monday, April 29, 2013 5:26:54 PM
FSFlyingSchool Pilot

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I admit I only glanced at the manual on how to add aircraft and didn't catch the change in naming the xp*.fsu file with the folder name. It's now working as advertised, thank you.

I do have a question. I can connect with only the default aircraft and not any of the livery aircraft. Is there or will there be a way to connect to any of the livery aircraft?
Post #10885
Posted Tuesday, April 30, 2013 3:56:02 AM

FSFlyingSchool Developer

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Glad you are up and flying!

Another user reported that when flying in a plane that is not on our 'supported' list AND which is using a 'non-default paint job' the plane was rejected as not supported.

But... if the default paint job (livery) was used - all was fine - so long as the user has created an FSU file for the plane (as described in detail in the manual).

I first want to make sure that this is what you are reporting?

I also want to confirm that if you are flying in a 'non-default paint job' in a plane that is on our supported list, there are no problems as we have no reports of this being a problem.

Anyway... we are looking into the first case mentioned above.

You can certainly solve it by having an FSU for the paint scheme you wish to fly.
For example if the airplane's folder was "Cessna 182" and the paint job was "light blue" then FSFS would display something like "Cessna 182 light blue" when announcing its unfamiliarity with that airplane at the Log Book screen of FSFS. Whatever it says at that screen would need to be made into an FSU file for the plane, for example, "xpCessna 182 light blue.FSU".

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

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Post #10886
Posted Tuesday, April 30, 2013 3:01:08 PM
FSFlyingSchool Pilot

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I have confirmed that if you are flying an aircraft that is on the FSFlyingSchool aircraft list, you can connect with the default aircraft and all liveries.

If the aircraft is not on the list and an FSU file is created, you can connect with the default aircraft only. As you explained, an FSU file has to be created for each livery that you want to connect with if the aircraft is not on the FSFlyingSchool aircraft list.
Post #10891
Posted Wednesday, May 01, 2013 1:47:40 AM

FSFlyingSchool Developer

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Thanks for your feedback - excellent work - we really appreciate attention to technical detail as this is invaluable in our work on the solution of issues that users find.

We are looking into this issue and hope to resolve it shortly.

In the meantime, the method described works, as you have confirmed.

TIP: Of course - in almost all cases, the "red" or "green" or "blue" versions of the plane will all have the same stats and so one FSU file can be created as a 'master' version and then copied to create all the variations of the colors (or airlines).

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

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Post #10892
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