Run as Windows Administrator

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Run as Windows Administrator Expand / Collapse
Posted Saturday, June 09, 2012 1:41:33 PM
FSFlyingSchool Pilot

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Last Login: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 10:41:42 AM
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I still see messages instructing users to "Run as Administrator."

This puts every system at risk. In which version is this major design and security flaw corrected?

I wish it were not needed, but it is.
Post #9879
Posted Saturday, June 09, 2012 1:57:29 PM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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I believe that the "run as administrator" advice is used by about 7 Zillion programs and games... It´s more the rule than the exception, so I can´t see this as a "major design and security flaw" - sorry

And anyway, if you really need this to be corrected, then I guess Microsoft is the company to address, as they made Windows, and thus the need to install as administrator...

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #9880
Posted Sunday, June 10, 2012 7:21:59 AM
FSFlyingSchool PPL

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Well ... many people have only one log-on (the admin one) ... and turn off User Account Control as well. This saves having to "run as administrator" but, as you say, may have an element of risk.

How great that risk actually is, I don't know. My saying that in all the years of running as admin with UAC off I've had zero problems may be just pure luck.
Post #9883
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2012 10:11:16 AM
FSFlyingSchool Pilot

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"Run as administrator" is like taking off without checking the fuel level.

"Run as administrator" is like giving a 13-year old a Windows XP machine with no patches, no antivirus program, and an open Internet connection.

I realize that it is a hassle. I wish it were not required. It is required.

I am sorry that it is needed, but FSInventions must program for Microsoft Windows. Responsible programming for Microsoft Windows includes the security model.
Post #9890
Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2012 11:08:06 AM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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Liturgist (6/12/2012)
Responsible programming for Microsoft Windows includes the security model.

I reckon that you are posting this message all over the internet - to every developer of software everywhere, because as I said above, this is standard procedure for all software development for Windows 7, that I know of. I have a LOT of flight simming software, plus of course a ton of non-flightsim software, and strangely enough NONE of those developers do "responsible programming for Windows" according to your standard.

Have any of the ones you have addressed changed their way of developing programs, to suit your need for security? If so - then I have heard none of it, and I think I would have, as if this was really a problem and if some developers had programmed their way out of it - then I believe that they would brag a little about it - don´t you?

And with all my programs installed and used via the "Run as Administrator" I have never "run out of fuel" to stay in your metaphors , and I have heard of noone of the numerous people I talk to on flightsim forums all over, having miscalculated their fuellevel either.

So I conclude that this "problem" is a much bigger problem for you, than for everyone else, which of course is fine. I simply advice you to NOT use any software that does not "program responsible". I think it will leave you very few choices of games/programs, and so good luck playing MS Solitare!

Have a nice day!

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #9891
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