FSFlyingSchool PPL
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Last Login: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 2:29:53 AM
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I think I have sussed this as a 'NO' but best to check. I take it FSFlyingSchool does not take weather/atmospheric conditions into account? It has really turned my flying upside down inparticular landing but I have noticed that if I am flying in atrocious conditions as we had in England this week and I am being thrown around the sky with 10-25 knt gusts and trying my best to stay in control I am getting "Whoa-I want gentle turns" ect. and being marked accordingly. In fine conditions Im begining to get the hang of it and really enjoying the controlled & regulated flying techniques FS is installing in me. (C'est a dire-The instructor is beginning to nag nicely)
Spec. Win.7Pro.64bit--Asus Crosshair V Formula.series.--AMD Bulldozer Black Edit. FX-8150 x8 core.3.6(4.2max) 223W Asus nVidia GeForce GTX570 1280mb GDDR5--Corsair Vengance16Gb DDR3 1600--1T WD HDD--Saitek X52--TrakIR 5.
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FSFS does indeed take weather into consideration - Visibility and Wind that is.
Your landing score can be hugely affected by both visibility and wind. If you have, correct me on this one SL, but I think its at least 8 knots of wind, at an angle of at least 20 degrees from dead headwind, your landingscore will start to climb as you are descending.
And if you have a very poor visibility, Smith or one of the other instructors will start to add to your score also
All only - IF you can handle the aircraft in the bad conditions that is.
Ole Andreasen, Denmark
FSFlyingSchool PPL
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Last Login: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 2:29:53 AM
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Thanks but are you flying in FSX or X-Plane? The latter is quite renown for its instability in turbulence (In FSX I've rarely even experienced turbulence or wind influence). I have just been flying the Cessna 172 around Southern England and am creeping down into northern France with the weather set to Real updating every 5 min. Its pretty rough with wind speed gusting 12--25knts and turbulence, thunder and intermittent squalls. Finding it difficult to stay balanced in manual but doing it with a bit of ribbing from the instructor--However with the Autopilot on the planes still tossing around and the instructor is giving me some stick which leads me to believe FSFS may recognize standard wind but is oblivious of strong intermittent gusting and heavy turbulence??
Spec. Win.7Pro.64bit--Asus Crosshair V Formula.series.--AMD Bulldozer Black Edit. FX-8150 x8 core.3.6(4.2max) 223W Asus nVidia GeForce GTX570 1280mb GDDR5--Corsair Vengance16Gb DDR3 1600--1T WD HDD--Saitek X52--TrakIR 5.
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Thanks for stepping in Ole - I am away from my desk until next week... Approach scoring is affected by crosswinds greater than 4 kts IIRC, and they have to be at least 20 deg beyond a head or tail wind. Visibility affects the same scoring (no other) and has to be very low - but when it is the scores can go up very quickly. If you get good at ILS approaches, you can score some high scores! At present, the instructor does not take into account the factor of rough weather when you are just flying in general and will indeed yell "Easy does it!" or similar even when you are just trying to control that beast up there while being tossed around like a salad. As a side note, in my experience you can have plenty of turbulence and rough weather in FSX if you ask for it... 
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FSFlyingSchool PPL
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Last Login: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 2:29:53 AM
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Thanks for that its what I thought-it would be somewhat difficult to program an instructors responses to real time weather for just about anywhere in the world and add to that the individual options we have of creating our own. Not to worry the last time he had a go at me I shot him and started using the Bird instead-she has the same attitude problem but comes across sweeter (Apart from the accent!) Stopped flying FSX altogether as they are Chalk & Cheese. Both good but so different to fly & I reckon the difference is 'Centre of gravity' X-Planes seems to be centered around the seat of the aircraft (Where I would expect it to be) whereas FSX seems to have its centre some distance above the cockpit and I get a 'Flying a coathanger sensation' especially on approach .
Spec. Win.7Pro.64bit--Asus Crosshair V Formula.series.--AMD Bulldozer Black Edit. FX-8150 x8 core.3.6(4.2max) 223W Asus nVidia GeForce GTX570 1280mb GDDR5--Corsair Vengance16Gb DDR3 1600--1T WD HDD--Saitek X52--TrakIR 5.