Voice Command Pack Not Working in FSFS2011

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Voice Command Pack Not Working in FSFS2011 Expand / Collapse
Posted Thursday, April 21, 2011 6:10:15 AM
FSFlyingSchool Pilot

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Last Login: Thursday, April 21, 2011 7:12:06 AM
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I'm a previous user of fsfs2009 and having just upgraded again, am so disappointed given the price.

I had the demo of the latest version but presumed the voice control would not work until the full version was bought. Having purchased the full pack, voice command is still not working.

I have windows 7 64bit with voice recognition fully functional . I have completed 3 voice training sessions in Windows with no problems. I have input my unlock keys and the menu confirms that both voice and cessna detail packs are enabled.

When I start FSFS, the box containing the voice activation method (ie key press) is greyed out for me: This can't be right and I find no mention of it in the manuals. In fact, unless I'm missing something through my impatience to actually be able to use the program, the setup instructions provided seem very vague.

I launch FSFS and it seems to work fine except for the fact that NO voice commands are registered by the program, despite the fact they are being registered in windows, confirming that my mic is working fine.

Does anyone have any suggestions please? Any help woul be much appreciated.
Post #8768
Posted Thursday, April 21, 2011 9:11:59 AM

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You DO realize that the voice pack is an addon pack, right? It dosen´t work in the standard version of FSFS2011. You need to buy a reg. key for the voice pack, to enable it.

It WILL work however, in the demo area, described in the manual, so you can test that your settings work with FSFS.

You can find the voice pack HERE

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #8769
Posted Friday, April 22, 2011 2:01:54 AM

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Thanks for your interest in our products.

Remember that there is no need to upgrade unless you want to buy the extra features - we still support FSFS Classic which was published 5 years ago.

You have successfully registered the Voice Pack - excellent.

There may be some kind of issue going on with the system wide Windows Voice Recognition option which is no part of what FSFS uses to make the Voice Pack work.

The FSFS-VP works independent of the option to have Windows, in general, recognize your voice.

With Win 7 there is no need to turn on anything to do with Voice Recognition in Windows - you just install FSFS and use it, although you do need to have done at least a few minutes of voice training - which you have - so you should be all set.

I understand that the options are greyed out in FSFS - so could you send us a screen shot to examine?

To send us a screen shot, press the Print Scrn (print screen) button on your PC keyboard to capture the entire screen and then PASTE that information into an email to support@fsflyingschool.com
To PASTE the screen capture, simply press Ctrl V while typing in the body of an email to us. The email will need to be in HTML format (not plain text).
If you have any problems doing this - you can always just take a picture of the screen with a digital camera and send us that picture. As long as the picture is clear we can use that!

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

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Post #8770
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