Forum user permissions queston and more

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Forum user permissions queston and more Expand / Collapse
Posted Sunday, November 15, 2009 9:06:32 AM
FSFlyingSchool Pilot

FSFlyingSchool Pilot FSFlyingSchool Pilot FSFlyingSchool Pilot FSFlyingSchool Pilot FSFlyingSchool Pilot FSFlyingSchool Pilot FSFlyingSchool Pilot FSFlyingSchool Pilot

Group: Forum Members
Last Login: Tuesday, November 17, 2009 9:17:30 PM
Posts: 4, Visits: 55
Some questions I'm sure others may have as well. I've searched FAQ forum, the website, the FAQ's and the manual, but can't find answers to many questions.

What is the rank system about, as example Squadron Leader, PPL, Flight Instructor, etc? I'm guessing the ranks are tied to the shared flight scores or log book submission to the administrator. It this correct? 

Why are there no archives for these forums going back to the beginning of FSFS? The history only goes back to early 2008.

I know don't frequently post in the boards, but why don't I have user permission to access my Profile, the Calendar, or Who's on, etc.? I've owned the Classic version since early 2007 and now have FS2009. You might say I'm a pioneer of sorts.  

I believe a pinned introduction explaining the forums, and a section in the manual explaining your mission would be a good addition. I have a feeling that most of these answers were in the forums prior to 2008, but newcomers are left in the dark trying to figure out what all this means.

Post #5811
Posted Monday, November 16, 2009 6:02:37 AM

FSFlyingSchool Developer

FSFlyingSchool DeveloperFSFlyingSchool DeveloperFSFlyingSchool DeveloperFSFlyingSchool DeveloperFSFlyingSchool DeveloperFSFlyingSchool DeveloperFSFlyingSchool DeveloperFSFlyingSchool Developer

Group: Administrators
Last Login: Wednesday, January 01, 2025 3:02:52 AM
Posts: 5,065, Visits: 9,201
Some questions I'm sure others may have as well. I've searched FAQ forum, the website, the FAQ's and the manual, but can't find answers to many questions.

Thanks for your input.

What is the rank system about, as example Squadron Leader, PPL, Flight Instructor, etc? I'm guessing the ranks are tied to the shared flight scores or log book submission to the administrator. It this correct? 

It's just a bit of fun - it is related purely to the number of posts that user has made on the forum. We like folks to contribute and this is a very small way (very... small... way...) of saying thanks.

I am the Squadron Leader because I am the lead developer and publisher of the program and I figure that's fair... 

Why are there no archives for these forums going back to the beginning of FSFS? The history only goes back to early 2008.

If I go to FSFlyingSchool Talk and go to the 'last page' of the posts I am looking at posts dating from Nov 2006. Is your experience different?

I know don't frequently post in the boards, but why don't I have user permission to access my Profile, the Calendar, or Who's on, etc.? I've owned the Classic version since early 2007 and now have FS2009. You might say I'm a pioneer of sorts.  

The forum works pretty well for us in most areas, but in some, there are little details that could be better. We did not write the forum software and so we get what we got. Everyone on the forum has the same rights, except for its administrators.

I believe a pinned introduction explaining the forums, and a section in the manual explaining your mission would be a good addition. I have a feeling that most of these answers were in the forums prior to 2008, but newcomers are left in the dark trying to figure out what all this means.

We like the sound of the forums overview!

When you say "your mission" do you mean the "mission" of FSInventions as a business or the simulator pilot's "mission" in using FSFS?

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Post #5832
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