Carenado bonanza v35b

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Carenado bonanza v35b Expand / Collapse
Posted Sunday, January 07, 2007 9:03:59 AM
FSFlyingSchool Pilot

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Last Login: Monday, June 11, 2007 12:25:10 PM
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here is a fsu for the carenado bonanza v35b

as the other 35b necer recognised my aircraft

  Post Attachments 
Bonanza V35b.fsu (1 view, 625 bytes)

Post #546
Posted Monday, January 08, 2007 1:48:41 AM
FSFlyingSchool Admin

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A couple of things. Firstly, we already have a file for the Bonanza (Bonanza_V35b.fsr). Apparently your setup is not picking this up? This could because our file and your aircraft folder don't match in file/folder names exactly. In your C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Aircraft folder what is th exact name of your Bonanza folder?

The other thing is the data contained in the fsu file. Looking at your fsu file you have the following entries in the [flaps.0] section

This makes sense. The flaps are going from 15 degrees in postion 1 to 30 degrees in position 2.

In the second section [reference speeds] you have the following for speeds

These seem to be the wrong way around. I'd expect 123 to be the first flap speed and 113 to be the second speed


Post #549
Posted Monday, January 08, 2007 2:11:25 AM
FSFlyingSchool Admin

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Further to this maybe take a look at the manual and the information on pg 24 and pg 10?

Basically go into FS9 and load the Bonanza, then load FSFlyingSchool. FSFlyingSchool will then disconnect because it doesn't know the aircraft. Go into the Aircraft tab, switch to User Specified Data, and fill out all the appropriate data including Retracable gear, etc and the Save User Data.

The only reason I'm going through this again is for you to verify your data. In our existing Bonanza_V35b.fsr file, the gear is shown as retractable (RetractableGear=1).

In the file you sent us, the gear is shown as fixed (RetractableGear=0).


Post #550
Posted Monday, January 08, 2007 9:05:02 AM
FSFlyingSchool Pilot

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Last Login: Monday, June 11, 2007 12:25:10 PM
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hi steve

thanks for you answer and help with this matter. i did load fs9 then flying school as stated and tried to find the info required. sorry for the mistakes. i will try to get it correct next time.

if there is a file already done but it does not regonised my version of the aaircraft all i have to do is rename it to the same name as my iinstallation will this not be affected if my aircraft has different flap speeds/angles

and i just forgot about the landing gear.

thanks again for your help

Martin Beddow

Post #551
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