Answer Flight Instructors's Questions

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Answer Flight Instructors's Questions Expand / Collapse
Posted Monday, June 29, 2009 4:01:00 PM
FSFlyingSchool Pilot

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I have just purchased, registered and uploaded FSFS 2009 2.2

Making my first flight in a T34C from NAS Whiting Field North.  I love the ability of FSFS to input the aircraft automatically.  I had to abort the flight halfway through, though because I didn't know how to answer Mr. Smith asking me how much fuel we had left or what was the altitude of the destination airport etc. 

I had printed out the manual but not read it.  I just read it from cover to cover and only found out how to announce the transitions from TAXI to TAKEOFF to CRUISE etc. with the Advance keystroke combo but no info on how to answer the f/i's questions. 

Please advise.  I know we are not connected by voice.  That might be really cool in the future like VOXATC.  I tried MULTICREW and did not like it at all and uninstalled it to save Megs but I am working toward using VATSIM to fly.  I currently fly B737-800's for Northeastern Virtual and the above aircraft is for simming US Naval Aviation which I was a part of for 12 years (aircrewman on a P3)

Anyway, please let me know if Mr. Smith expects answers and how do I do this on the keyboard.

Post #4454
Posted Monday, June 29, 2009 11:57:39 PM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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tgycgijoes (6/29/2009)
I have just purchased, registered and uploaded FSFS 2009 2.2

Making my first flight in a T34C from NAS Whiting Field North. I love the ability of FSFS to input the aircraft automatically. I had to abort the flight halfway through, though because I didn't know how to answer Mr. Smith asking me how much fuel we had left or what was the altitude of the destination airport etc.

I had printed out the manual but not read it. I just read it from cover to cover and only found out how to announce the transitions from TAXI to TAKEOFF to CRUISE etc. with the Advance keystroke combo but no info on how to answer the f/i's questions.

Please advise. I know we are not connected by voice. That might be really cool in the future like VOXATC. I tried MULTICREW and did not like it at all and uninstalled it to save Megs but I am working toward using VATSIM to fly. I currently fly B737-800's for Northeastern Virtual and the above aircraft is for simming US Naval Aviation which I was a part of for 12 years (aircrewman on a P3)

Anyway, please let me know if Mr. Smith expects answers and how do I do this on the keyboard.

Hi tgycgijoes

The questions from Mr. Smith and his friends dosent need an anwser. Consider it chat. You just concentrate on flying, and do what Mr. Smith tells you to do - "your bank is too steep - bring it back!" but he dosent expect to be answered.

Happy flying


Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #4455
Posted Tuesday, June 30, 2009 1:00:48 AM

FSFlyingSchool Developer

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Hi -

MrSmith is really just trying to ask about things "you should know" as it were, but Ole is right - there is no way to answer him and that is not our intention.

Perhaps in the future we might incorporate such things...

For now - let's just think of it like this: If you don't know the answer, you probably should, and MrSmith is going to be frowning...

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Post #4457
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