WWT-Dan Where are you?

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WWT-Dan Where are you? Expand / Collapse
Posted Wednesday, October 01, 2008 3:17:34 PM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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Just a cry out for our third competitor in the WWT. Dan!

You were in, and flew some legs, and then you kind of drifted off course. If you like, then please say hi, and tell if you still fly, or would like to come back to the WWT.



Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2480
Posted Tuesday, October 07, 2008 4:40:31 PM
FSFlyingSchool PPL

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I'm here. I got busy with some other stuff so I was unable to fly. I'll be back in the cockpit this weekend trying to catch up.
Post #2548
Posted Tuesday, October 07, 2008 11:02:30 PM

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GREAT to hear that you´re still with us. Take your time - but get into it in a hurry....

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2554
Posted Friday, October 10, 2008 8:00:11 PM
FSFlyingSchool PPL

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I'm in Toronto Canada at the moment. There was stormy weather between ohare and toronto - infact Ohare didn't want to let me take off without IFR.

I'm still yet to get more than 0 for a landing score - I really think Mr Smith is too harsh here - plenty of landings have not been perfect but if you don't crash it must be worth more than 0. My landings are definitely getting better but my landing scores don't reflect this. I'll check the forums and maybe open a new topic about it.

Here's the log:

Dan piloting Boeing 737-800 Paint2 ended Saturday, 11 October 2008 at 13:45
FSFlyingSchool Version 1.9.2 (11th June 2008)
Using: FSX
Visibility: 9.94 Miles Wind: 15 Knots

Aircraft: BOEING ID: N737X Airline: World Travel Flight:
Flight plan: NAV1: ITX
Failure(s): None at landing
Failure Event(s) (Zulu Time): None

Landing Score:0.00
Autopilot used.

Landing was successful in the following areas:

* Good alignment with runway on ILS approach.
* Gentle touchdown.
* Wings were level.
* Glideslope held until flare.
* Good pitch control after touchdown.
* Good pitch at landing.
* With flaps - good job.
* With spoilers armed.
* Throttle(s) idle.
* Good controlled final descent to touchdown.

Landing included the following problems:

* Poor glideslope on ILS approach - you can do better.
* Too fast - you had to force the plane to stay down.
* Touch down not aligned with the runway - let's point down the runway.
* Poor steering after landing - stay on the centre line.

Definite room for improvement...

Flight Score:87.26
Autopilot used.

Flight commended in the following areas:

* Smooth turns.
* Nice banking.
* Gear deployment at safe speed.
* Comfortable G forces.
* Smooth pitch control.
* Flown within aircraft's maximum speed limit.
* Gentle taxi turns.
* Good take off steering.
* Rotation was not late.
* Appropriate position of flaps during taxi.
* Safe taxi speed.
* Smooth braking during taxi.
* Wings level near ground.
* Well coordinated turns.
* No stalls.
* No flying dangerously close to stall speed.
* Pitch not too high.
* Pitch not too low.
* Flaps down on time.
* Approach speed not too fast.
* Low altitude speeds not too fast.
* Good clearance of obstacles.

Flight included the following problems:

* Exceeding flap speeds - your flaps may be damaged: have them checked.
* Loss of altitude during takeoff - climb smoothly.
* Rapid descent - dangerous and uncomfortable.

Definite room for improvement...
Post #2578
Posted Friday, October 10, 2008 8:09:41 PM
FSFlyingSchool PPL

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Looks like a few people have had issues with landing scores. There's been a few suggestions about it, and about using AP for long flights/above FL20 - I can't wait for the next release. If only we knew what would be in it and when it would be released....
Post #2579
Posted Saturday, October 11, 2008 1:04:36 AM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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wwt_dan (10/10/2008)
I'm in Toronto Canada at the moment. There was stormy weather between ohare and toronto - infact Ohare didn't want to let me take off without IFR.

First of all, it´s great to see that your are with us, and making way up towards the switch to Greenland and Europe. Keep it up.

I'm still yet to get more than 0 for a landing score - I really think Mr Smith is too harsh here - plenty of landings have not been perfect but if you don't crash it must be worth more than 0. My landings are definitely getting better but my landing scores don't reflect this. I'll check the forums and maybe open a new topic about it.

Landings are the toughest part, to get right. It´s all about the little things. I had many problems to begin with, when it came to landings, but slowly I made progress, and so will you.

Here's the log:

Dan piloting Boeing 737-800 Paint2 ended Saturday, 11 October 2008 at 13:45
FSFlyingSchool Version 1.9.2 (11th June 2008)
Using: FSX
Visibility: 9.94 Miles Wind: 15 Knots

You are putting a very hard strain on yourself, by using so hard weather. It makes landings so much more difficult. Cou could consider just having clear weather, until you nail those landing right. It´s all within the rules of the WWT to use any weather you like.

Aircraft: BOEING ID: N737X Airline: World Travel Flight:
Flight plan: NAV1: ITX
Failure(s): None at landing
Failure Event(s) (Zulu Time): None

Landing Score:0.00
Autopilot used.

Landing was successful in the following areas:

* Good alignment with runway on ILS approach.
* Gentle touchdown.
* Wings were level.
* Glideslope held until flare.
* Good pitch control after touchdown.
* Good pitch at landing.
* With flaps - good job.
* With spoilers armed.
* Throttle(s) idle.
* Good controlled final descent to touchdown.

Landing included the following problems:

* Poor glideslope on ILS approach - you can do better.
* Too fast - you had to force the plane to stay down.
* Touch down not aligned with the runway - let's point down the runway.
* Poor steering after landing - stay on the centre line.

Try to follow the needle in your plane on the descent, so you can have a smooth descent through the glideslope. It costs many points to have poor glideslope, but we all get it - often, *sigh*
Check the suggested landingspeed for your plane and try to have the speed down when landing. Mr.Smith really hates to land like a projectile.
The touchdown not aligned, is probably because of the wind you had. and the steering most likely caused by the non-alignment on touchdown.
It can seem to be little things, compared to all the things that went well during landing, but Mr.Smith dosem´t think like that, and he is an unforgiving fellow. You cannot have many "little things" before you hit rock bottom on the landingscore. But when you get it right, he not only gives great scores, but also free icecream in the arrival lounge!

If the landings gets you a little jumpy when entering, then when you are about to go into landingmode, press P and pause the simulator just a while, and just sit there and breath slowly and mentally go through the steps. And during the landingprocess, if things get a little out of hand, do the same. Pause and get the pulsrate down. It´s a simulator, and this is one of the advantages of being in a simulator.
And when you are down on the ground, press P, and do what you have to do with submitting scores to FSFS if you are to do that, and then go to options in FS, and instant replay, set it to - like 300 seconds, and watch your landing, and try spot what you could have done differently. It really is the little things.

Definite room for improvement...

Flight Score:87.26
Autopilot used.

And the landingscore, using autopilot, equals 130,89 without the 33% loss of points, so that is no so bad, mate!

Flight commended in the following areas:

* Smooth turns.
* Nice banking.
* Gear deployment at safe speed.
* Comfortable G forces.
* Smooth pitch control.
* Flown within aircraft's maximum speed limit.
* Gentle taxi turns.
* Good take off steering.
* Rotation was not late.
* Appropriate position of flaps during taxi.
* Safe taxi speed.
* Smooth braking during taxi.
* Wings level near ground.
* Well coordinated turns.
* No stalls.
* No flying dangerously close to stall speed.
* Pitch not too high.
* Pitch not too low.
* Flaps down on time.
* Approach speed not too fast.
* Low altitude speeds not too fast.
* Good clearance of obstacles.

Flight included the following problems:

* Exceeding flap speeds - your flaps may be damaged: have them checked.
* Loss of altitude during takeoff - climb smoothly.
* Rapid descent - dangerous and uncomfortable.

Definite room for improvement...

See you in the skies!

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #2580
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