Please add button to screen to change flying mode

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Please add button to screen to change flying... Expand / Collapse
Posted Monday, July 14, 2008 11:27:12 PM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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I just don´t get it! You being a softwaredeveloper, should mean that you must care about user friendliness, and I, being just software-USER, cannot think of a more user UN-friendliness than what you suggest about alt-tabbing back and forth, at least three times on every flight. I cannot, to the death of me, think that reasonably. Or to quote Edgar, the champagned Pinecone computer from the 1985 movie, "Electric Dreams": "That does not compute!"

And regarding the to - and now I qoute you - "the simple stuff": We talk about the combos Ctrl,shift 1, 2 and 3. Now that is not that hard to remember. I scattered around just now, to different developers homepages, to find any startpage, anywhere, showing keypress combos right there on the startup pages, for "your convenience". Must admit that I couldn't´t find one single one.

On the other hand, placing the combos in the quick-start guide, could be a solution to your problem. Then one could be reminded of the keypresses, just as one is reminded of the way to connect FSFS to Flight Simulator. Not a bad idea at all! - Again seen from my point of view, as a user of the product.

SL! Could the combos be admitted to the quick start guide?

Fly and get happy!

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #1527
Posted Tuesday, July 15, 2008 2:38:38 AM

FSFlyingSchool Developer

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Ole and Dan:

Many thanks to you both for exploring this subject in some considerable detail - this is all much appreciated as it helps everyone by tossing around ideas for FSFS.

I agree with you both - adding this information to the Quick Start information shown at the opening screen of FSFS is a good idea.

As much as we here at FSInventions ask folks to read the manual, there will always be a large number of people who want to just jump in and have a go.

This is typical of computer games, but not typical of, for example, a full motion flight simulator... 

FSFS is not a full motion flight simulator, but it is a little more complex than a lot of add-ons and using it without having read the manual can, under some circumstances, frustrate the user.

To draw a similar point, the totally excellent Capt Mike Ray, publisher if the fabulous heavy iron flying books, points out that, (more or less) it is pointless trying to program an airliner's FMC by pushing a bunch of buttons to see what happens. 

I rather like to think of such an action as similar to a seagull pecking cheerfully at the controls of the Space Shuttle. It is perhaps fun (for a seagull), but it will not get that satellite into its correct orbit.

Having said this - we want to make things as effortless as possible and, being aware that people will use FSFS either without reading the manual or without remembering all that is in the manual (which is only human), we therefore want to clarify or help wherever we can.

Jeff Preston ('Squadron Leader') - FSFlyingSchool Publisher & Lead Developer

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